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Everything posted by DCarp1231

  1. These are great, but not a fan of the front number. Especially considering how close in proximity it is to the sleeve numbers
  2. Most, if not all, NFL teams look better with solid socks* instead of striped socks *- when not paired with same color pants
  3. Love the generic dudes for Washington, New Orleans, Giants, Kansas City, and others
  4. Only 4 QBs picked in the first 3 rounds is ridiculous considering previous years of 4 QBs drafted in the 1st Round alone
  5. It was sort of intentional to swap the stripes. While I know it’s mixed up, I figured it’s better to showcase the middle stripe as white as it’s meant to resemble the Washington Monument. Then again, the monument itself isn’t totally white so I might play around with that.
  6. Thanks for the feedback! Solid roundel didn’t really look right. Here’s some more options-
  7. Here’s the next team- A team that very recently and very unfortunately, crapped the bed with their rebrand. Washington Commanders Not sure how I feel about the roundel portion. I thought about making it solid white or gold, but wanted to replicate the striping of the logo. C&C appreciated as always
  8. CFL has some rules updates for the upcoming season- Biggest Changes: • Two QBs on the field at same time • Hashmarks will now be 9 yards apart as opposed to 17 yards The rest: https://www.cfl.ca/2022/04/27/rule-changes-build-on-strengths-of-the-cfl-game/
  9. Carolina would look a lot better removing the sleeve logos and moving the numbers onto the sleeves
  10. Imagine if they said “we listened to the fans…” and brought this beauty back
  11. Great job on the Bears! What would the set look like with the 1936 helmets they’ve used the past few seasons?
  12. Remember that time the league decided to put the Super Bowl outside at MetLife? I think the NFL learned that unless the stadium is in Florida or California, there’s zero chance an outdoor Super Bowl happens.
  13. The white uniform is better than the black uniform. Not by much though.
  14. This is the best option. It eliminates the possibility of all white/all burgundy/all black below the jersey and does a better job at making the set tolerable.
  15. I’d imagine if Seattle is bringing back the throwback, they’ll shift the shade of the helmet so it can be worn with the wolf grey alternate as well
  16. The team is becoming self aware to every choice they’ve made during this rebrand objectively sucking. Including the #TakeCommand hashtag
  17. An update to the New York Jets- Anything I was trying just wasn’t working. So, I went the simpler route and tried my best to give the current eclipse/football logo an update while still trying to feel classic to the Jets franchise- C&C appreciated as always!
  18. Yeah, I definitely struggled a bit coming up with something that worked. I wanted to try something that felt different yet stayed true to a NY team. I’ll work on it over the weekend to try to find some good ground. As always, thank you for your input! It’s always appreciated
  19. If there’s no other comments on SF, I’ll move onto the next team- Back east with this one… New York Jets I wanted to incorporate a different approach to the “NY” monograms that have been made so popular by present and past New York teams as well as featuring pilot wings instead of more commonly use jet imagery. C&C welcome as always!
  20. Lose the headspoon and pinstripes on the white (or the white altogether) and Milwaukee has a Top 3 set
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