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Carolingian Steamroller

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Everything posted by Carolingian Steamroller

  1. 1. That's an argument in favor of a brighter color, which the Texans happen to deploy. 2. That's the Jets.
  2. First of all, thanks to @Htown1141 for the breakdown of internal Houston fandom. Any big city is going to be weird in its own way so its good to get the insider perspective. Secondly, a lot of teams have a shift from helmet finish to jersey. Take a look at the Eagles. It's just something that we've seen for a while so it's no quite so jarring, though I know I'm about to get a half dozen Philly fans pining for the old satin topped jerseys.
  3. I'd be very interested to see the Texans pair their red helmets with their blue jerseys. As much as I like the current Bills look, the red helmet filled a particular niche in the NFL uniform environment that hasn't been filled.
  4. Generally consider the Pacific Northwest to be the historical territories of the indigenous peoples with common cultural features of totem poles, plank houses, and salmon fishing which is roughly the rang from Tlingit to Chinook.
  5. I think the Ravens and Texans have aged into being modern classics. I'd consider using the red lids in Houston but that's about it. The Jags are getting there. They'd get there a lot quicker if they added gold outlining to the numbers and changed the stripes on the white jersey to teal.
  6. Decided I never want the Ravens to change or limit their combinations apart from just dropping the color rush. Maybe add purple-white-purple stripes to the black pants but that's it. Roll with all 9 possible combinations with the basic jerseys/pants. I think doing it that way would mean wearing each black jersey combo once with each purple and white jersey combinations getting 2 appearances, plus two times when you pick it out of hat. Like 2021:
  7. One thing I really like about the introduction of silver into the Cardinals design is that they used a really reflective version. A true silver, not grey. What it means, is that with the right lighting, the silver can disappear against a white background, as it does on the white pants. See how the silver fades near the hip in the below: Which makes that pair of pants look an awful lot like the early aughts style white pants: Good use of color and material choice to evoke two eras of Cardinals football at the same time.
  8. Just an FYI, the Broncos have been wearing their 1997 uniforms (26 seasons) for nearly as long as the classic Elway uniforms (30 seasons, including different sock and pant cominations).
  9. The Rams did the same thing. The bone jerseys were only supposed to worn with the bone pants but that lasted less than a season. I guarantee the Cardinals will mix and match.
  10. Interesting through line. All of the recently released large team name jersey letters (Bengals, Jets, Commanders, Falcons, and now Cardinals) have had single layer lettering. No outlining at all. Might be a restraint on size or weight. Unsure.
  11. Mildly relevant: Washington Commanders uniform combinations 2022: Mono White/Burgundy (including socks): 3 Mono White/Burgundy (contrasting socks): 1 Contrasting Jersey/Pants: 10
  12. A couple of simple tweaks and this would be really nice. Drop the word mark on the red jersey and put the bird head on the sleeves. Add TV numbers to the white and black jerseys. Wear contrasting combinations. Done. So this is fine.
  13. So yeah. That about sums it up. In seriousness there's a lot to like here. I think they did a very good job of incorporating silver into the palette. They've used in two spots in particular that I find especially useful: 1. Using it on the numbers on the red jersey numbers gives the impression of plain white numbers while avoiding the plain red jersey design they've traditionally had. 2. Using it on the white jersey/pants means you have Northwestern stripes, which the Cardinals used from 1965-1995, that from a distance look like double stripes that the Cardinals used from 1996-204 and from 1948-1964. Using the black outlining on the white jersey was a great choice. I'm not crazy about big front marks generally but I at least get that its nice to have something on an otherwise plain jersey (I might have gone with the bird head logo on the sleeves beneath the TV numbers). Helmet looks very nice, solid upgrade there without doing much. I'm hoping we get some more classic combinations: white over red with white socks, red over white with red socks, white over white with red socks. But then that's a risk with every set nowadays. Solid job. Should look nice on the field.
  14. “Didn’t know you were called Dennis!” ”oh well you didn’t bother to ask now did you?”
  15. So many questions that keep coming up like bubbles in a case of club soda. Is Arizona leaving any clues in their teases? Will anything leak before the unveiling? Are they really going with orange and silver or is that red herring? Who is TruColor’s source? And did he lie him? Or is TruColor lying to us? And where the hell am I?
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