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Posts posted by DTConcepts

  1. 1 minute ago, CreamSoda said:

    Just use the Avalanche history for their RR.  Not some random prior team that used to play in an arena that is torn down now. 


    $20 says that if the Avs did another Nordiques RR, you'd still be whining about how it isn't *really* an Avalanche throwback.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Ridleylash said:

    The only other way I could see the Avs having gone is doing a fauxback to like, the Denver Spurs or Colorado Gold Kings.


    Gold Kings you say?

    Stop i can only get so erect gif » GIF Images Download


    I would love to see more teams play around with old minor league imagery. Imagine if the Avs decided to make jerseys based on the Rocky Mountain Rage, Denver Cutthroats, or Denver Grizzlies. THAT would be something.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, CreamSoda said:

    Its not like they don't have 26 years of uniform history to pull from in their time being the Avs.  Why not swap the blue and burgundy?  Why not reverse the original burgundy wordmark?   Use the foot logo for something.     Just don't pull from a crappy team that barely made an impact in Denver. 


    The Avs really don't have all too many jerseys to work with from their past. If they did a RR based on their original jerseys, people would be b*tching and moaning about how they're not using that template as their current primary jerseys. If they did a RR based on the wordmark jerseys, people would be complaining about them playing "Rangers dress-up" (Remember that O6 dress-up debate?) just like they were when the jerseys were unveiled. If they did a RR based on their Reebok Edge jerseys, this forum would lose it's mind for obvious reasons. A Rockies throwback is really the only thing they could feasibly do that wouldn't piss off 75% of their fanbase and 90% of jersey nerds.


    And like @Ridleylash said, the foot just doesn't make sense anymore. Howler isn't the mascot, plain and simple. Unless you're trying to appeal to the Dan Schneiders of the world, there's no point in dredging that logo back up.

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  4. Just now, CreamSoda said:

    The Avalanche is not the Colorado Rockies.  Why would they be pulling from them?   Especially when NJ is pulling from the team before the Colorado Rockies on their RR designs.....  makes no sense. 


    I was typing a pre-emptive "Before @CreamSoda says anything, I'm excited for the Avs to lean into the Rockies' identity" response right as I got the "New post from @CreamSoda" notification.


    The Avs can have the Rockies' identity because it's so heavily intertwined with the market they play in. Just like how the Jets 2.0 can use the Jets 1.0's logos and jerseys despite not being from the same technical franchise. The Devils are using the Scouts' identity because aside from the logo, nothing about the jerseys or color palette screams "Kansas City." It's just an old-school hockey template. The RR program is less about direct lineation and more about connection to the city/market a team is playing in.


    I'm shocked it's taken this long for one of Colorado's sports teams to embrace the state flag. I'm a native Coloradan, and while it can be tiring seeing the 'C' icon and red/blue/yellow color scheme everywhere, it is admittedly really well-designed. The NHL Rockies' logo is up there with the Whalers in terms of the league's best-ever logos, imo. It'd be a shame for the Avs not to use it.

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  5. The Adidas red jerseys are the best the Hurricanes have ever looked imo. Switching to black jerseys full-time was a mistake, switching to black pants/gloves full-time would’ve been the right move.




    If they just would’ve kept the home helmets red, those uniforms would’ve been perfect.

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  6. 28 minutes ago, WSU151 said:

    The sleeve stripes are fairly traditional. The hemstripe is traditional.  There isn't any weird apron piping or vertical stripes, etc


    Phantom yoke, gimmicky “stealth” shoulder patches, and an unnecessary lack of white.


    Those alternates have always felt like Reebok Cross Check fashion jerseys.


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  7. Up next is another one of the teams that helped inspire this series, the Cleveland Lumberjacks.



    The old IHL Lumberjacks look had it all: An oddly buff cartoon beaver, a teal and yellow filled color scheme, out-of-the-box angular striping, and a branding emphasis on the "JACKS" nickname instead of the team's actual moniker. As much as I love the '90s aesthetic the team had, it didn't age all that well, and these jerseys remedy that. Teal and yellow are removed from the color scheme, and the logo is reworked to no longer emphasize a dumb nickname. The angular, circular-saw inspired striping remains, though, and is implemented all over the jersey. The alternate jersey takes after the team's Pittsburgh Penguins-style inaugural jerseys, while also adding new flavor to the throwback look.


    The Lumberjacks were one of my favorite teams to work on thus far. What do you think?

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  8. The Wheeling Nailers need to implode their brand and start over. The logo looks like it was designed in 15 minutes, the jersey designs are as boring as you can get, and the overall set is now so inconsistent each jersey feels like it's from a different team. There are very few brands I hold much disdain for, but the Wheeling Nailers are towards the top of the list.

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  9. Up next is the other big leak from that video, the Tampa Bay Lightning. Despite being a fisherman-loving Islanders fan, the return of the storm alternate is the Reverse Retro I'm most excited for. I grew up loving these jerseys, and they've always been a white whale in my jersey collection. I'm hoping the leaks are true and the jerseys look like what I've mocked up, because I will be first in line to snag one.


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  10. Truth be told, I'd kind of forgotten about this thread until you posted, @Discrim! Here's the latest update with the next team, the Milwaukee Admirals.



    The Admirals were a difficult team to work with, mainly because they've sported so many different looks over the years. I sourced most of my inspiration from the past, which was very kindly catalogued by a fan-run Admirals Archive, which is linked here. The light and dark jerseys take inspiration from the look the Admirals wore for the better part of 30 years, with anchors on the waist and classically-styled striping. I took off the front numbers and matched the arm striping to the waist, to build a more cohesive look. The logo is taken from the team's 1997 rebrand, but the colors are tweaked to match the Brewers' identity. The hat patch on the shoulders is taken from the team's recently unveiled fauxback logo, too! The alternate is a sort of Reverse Retro from the team's 1997 look, albeit with some minor template modifications.


    Lots of thought went into these sweaters, and I hope you like 'em as much as I do!

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  11. A couple days ago, Chris from Icethetics posted a video on his YouTube channel discussing the upcoming Reverse Retro 2.0 program, showcasing leaked concepts, and sharing leaked design details from insider sources. The video is linked here, but I've skipped ahead to the segment featuring the team I'm kicking this series off with: The New York Islanders.


    According to Chris' sources, the Isles will be using the Fisherman design from 1995 in a more modern colorway -- namely excluding teal from the color palette. With limited information and a little artistic inspiration, I took a stab at what the Isles' RR might look like when it's unveiled in a few months:




    I'll be posting more concepts based on the rumors in that video, along with what I'd ideally like to see worn this upcoming season. What do you think of this Isles concept to start, though?

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    Fisherman without teal, fully sublimated Lightning storm, and the California Golden Seals, potentially even with white skates. I've been a naysayer of the RR 2.0 program, but those three jerseys are enough to get me excited.


    Also I got a concept shoutout from Chris at about 6:45 into the video, which is pretty neat!

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  13. Can’t wait until we coin the term “Y2K Dress-up” in 10 years if/when the Wild decide to return to their original jerseys.



    Even though “O6 dress-up” is a dumb concept on the whole, the Wild are by definition not an O6-looking team. Last I checked, none of the Original 6 have green prominently in their identity.

  14. Up next is one of the IHL's few traditional brands, the Kalamazoo Wings!



    With the K-Wings, I tried keeping the primary jerseys cool and classic. The only notable change is the addition of wings to the shoulders, which adds just a bit of flare to the identity. The alternate was designed while I was playing around with the idea of a chest stripe for the team, when I realized that the wing motif worked wonderfully as a stripe in and of itself. All in all, there's not a ton to be said here, but that's intentional.


    What do you think?

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  15. I’ll never understand why people are so against “Original Six dress up.” There’s a reason teams are turning to classical-styled jerseys: They just look good. Modernized jersey design sucks. If teams didn’t play “O6 dress up” and introduce classical-styles designs, then we would still have envelope-pushing jerseys like this in the league:






    I can concede that the Tampa Bay Maple Leafs identity sucks, but it’s better than that mess. As long as the brand looks better on the whole, I’m fine with teams adopting traditional identities. If modern teams had kept pushing the envelope and refused to play “O6 dress up” then 75% of the league would still be in their Reebok Edge jerseys.

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  16. On 7/19/2022 at 5:19 PM, NicDB said:

    I miss the IHL. Hopefully my Milwaukee Admirals make an appearance in this thread. They had awesome sweaters in those days.


    All good things in all good time! They'll be up before too long. In the meantime, here's the next team, the Indianapolis Ice:



    This team is such an oddity brand-wise. While the name is about as generic as it can get, their logo is anything but. It's really complex, full of linework, and a terrifying perspective of a polar bear. I love it. These jerseys are sharpened up versions of their '90s jerseys, with light blue and purple integrated more heavily into the color scheme. The alternate is more directly referential to the team's real-world jerseys, with a rounder striping pattern and a more muted color scheme.

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  17. I appreciate the kind words! This next team was fun to play with, especially considering their IHL identity endured the better part of 20 years after the team's founding, and is still somewhat in use today. Up next is the Cincinatti Cyclones!



    The Cyclones have such a fun identity. Their logo is cartoonish but charming, their color scheme is nothing but '90s, and their IHL jerseys featured a subtly fun angular striping pattern that added just enough flair to make it interesting. I essentially ran with their IHL look and maximized it, moving the striping closet to the center of the waist and tweaking it to match the angle of the logo's triangle. I also put some more color into the jerseys to keep it interesting, and used a fun, comic-book-esque font for the team.

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