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Everything posted by WestCoastBias

  1. The A's aren't that irrelevant. They had back to back 97 win seasons not that long ago in 2018 & 2019. They won the AL West back to back in 2013 & 2014. Six postseason appearances since 2010. Certainly better than what the Angels or Padres (or anyone out west besides the Giants and Dodgers) have done in the same time frame. I've never felt that the A's were viewed here as the same as the Clippers for instance, or the Chargers once they moved to LA. Or the Sac Kings. If the A's got a stadium in the late 90's/early 00's like much of baseball, they'd be just fine. Certainly would be a better situation than Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Baltimore, KC, Miami are right now.
  2. I’d like to see UC Davis make the jump up to FBS if the Mountain West looks to the FCS to expand. They’d be a candidate for the Pac-12 too in the distant future, granted if they had some success and if the Pac-12 survives that long.
  3. Well I don't think the Pac-12 would even want a R-2 school unless they had to add them, San Diego State being the exception possibly as they expect to be R-1 by 2025. But the opposite would be religious universities I guess (like Gonzaga and much of the WCC for instance). Many of the smaller schools in the California State University system aren't even R-2 as well due to focusing more on teaching than research.
  4. Public schools with large enrollments and are research oriented (particularly R-1 status). SDSU isn't R-1 but they are close tho I guess. So examples out west this would include: Nevada UNLV New Mexico Colorado State Utah State University of California system
  5. Here's my latest thought process on the Pac-12. #1 The B1G has no commissioner, their TV deal is already done, and there's reports that some presidents aren't in favor of more expansion. I don't see them adding Oregon, Washington, Stanford, or Cal. At least right now. #2 Add San Diego State and that's it. You need to keep a presence in Southern California and the Aztecs fit in great culturally, are getting there academically, and they have an athletics department that's as close as you can get to a P5 level for a G5 out west. There's no other obvious adds so don't force it. #3 Get a TV deal that's at least comparative to the Big-12. No one's going to leave for the Big-12 if the money is basically the same, why throw away a geographically and academically like minded conference that will give you easier access to the expanded playoff for the same amount of money but now you're playing schools across the country that your fans don't care about and that you have nothing in common with. #4 Wait it out. Who knows what's going to happen between now and when the next tv contracts are up, the whole tv sports landscape could be different. Maybe this is the best college football contracts get? These nation wide conferences also bring huge questions, we don't know if they'll work out. Maybe the expanded playoff is a huge boon for a conference like the Pac-12 and they see some success that members won't want to lose. Maybe by next round they'll be better expansion candidates (UNLV or CSU get their act together? SMU goes to a couple NY6's? What if UCLA wants to come back home?).
  6. It feels like Boise getting into a P5 has lost most of its steam with the football team coming back down to Earth and just being another top Mountain West team like San Diego and Fresno, plus the small market and academics. But yeah Big 12 would prob be the best bet for getting in though.
  7. New Under Armour uniforms for the Cal State Bakersfield Roadrunners, they were previously with Adidas. I'd assume there's a gray road uniform in the same template too.
  8. Also, I think Washington's "W" just looks wrong on a baseball hat. They should go with a more classic version of the "W" like what Don James used to wear. Could be a little close to Washington State's "W" baseball logo though.
  9. More from Washington. New home and road uniforms and a gray cap. Here's the uniforms from the original Adidas unveil, the black jerseys are from last year also as evident by the old Adidas logo. I'd assume the white pinstripes will still be in the rotation, we'll see about the gold pinstripes. I think it's a major upgrade for the home and road uniforms though.
  10. Geez it just had to be the Knights
  11. Arizona hockey on the rise with help from Coyotes, colleges and community (azpbs.org)
  12. The Tri-River Athletic Conference (TRAC) in Fresno/Clovis, CA uses a modified Pac-12 logo.
  13. BART Stations to Howard Terminal West Oakland - 1 mile (looks rough right around the station but not bad closer to Howard Terminal, industrial though) 12th Street - 1 mile (best option, nice walk right down Broadway) Lake Merritt - 1.4 miles (probably 2nd best option even though its the farthest) BART Stations to Oracle Park Montgomery - 1 mile Powell - 1.2 miles Embarcadero - 1.2 miles BUT in San Francisco you can transfer to Muni Metro which gets drops you off right at Oracle Park. Chase Center is the same way but further away from BART. Also California Memorial Stadium Downtown Berkley - 0.9 miles Howard Terminal is definitely walkable from BART, not for everybody but a 1 mile walk isn't bad at all. People do it for Cal games and Giants games. If this ballpark gets built, the whole area will also likely look completely different in 10 years and much more pleasant to walk, Oracle Park and Petco Park are great examples of this. Who knows, maybe a street car gets built eventually in Downtown Oakland (more taxpayer money though) that gets transit riders even closer to the Howard Terminal like Muni does for the Giants and Warriors.
  14. This guy when I said earlier in this thread that Austin knocked it out of the park with their first home kit. And the 8 other people who gave the post thumbs ups and applauses.
  15. In addition to BART... There's Muni Metro within the City of San Francisco that actually drops you off right in front of the stadium unlike BART. https://www.sfmta.com/maps/muni-metro-map And there's the commuter rail line CalTrain (which you must of been looking at for San Mateo since BART doesn't go to San Mateo) that runs special service for Giants games from San Francisco down to San Jose. The CalTrain terminal is also closer to Oracle Park than BART as well. https://www.caltrain.com/giants Plus, you can take a ferry directly to the ballpark from Vallejo, Oakland, or Alameda. https://sanfranciscobayferry.com/giants
  16. Man as soon as UNLV moves into a NFL stadium that they'll never fill it makes everyone over look the fact that they've never had any success in football (talking one of the worst G5's historically) and have barely had any success in basketball since Tark left.
  17. Someone (the CIA? UN? NATO? SOMEONE PLS) needs to step in and blow up the conferences in football. Let all the other sports go back to their traditional conferences that actually make sense and have football only go to some new system based on whatever ESPN and FOX want, or maybe some kind of performance based system.
  18. Wait I thought everyone wanted the back to be green?
  19. San Jose is the original black and blue team
  20. I would of stayed with a block font in the end zones but it's not bad.
  21. Yeah, but it's not because there's too many sports venues that can hold events like that guy was saying
  22. Sorry I don't root for cities to get their teams taken away from them or just their chance to be in a league pulled out from underneath them
  23. I hope the A's stay in Oakland and Sacramento finally gets in the MLS just to see all your guys heads explode.
  24. Well the Phoenix metro is the 10th largest in country with almost 5 million people, they can handle another arena. And I doubt ASU is hosting a lot of other events at their venues besides their own athletics anyway. Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum is 60 years old. Phoenix Rising's stadium is a bunch of temporary bleachers. Cardinals and D-Backs stadiums hold a totally different scale of an event, same with the race track. The only competition would be the Suns arena and their old arena in Glendale. The Glendale arena will be third on the pecking order since its on the outskirts of town and if I'm holding an event I'd rather do it in the brand new arena closer to Tempe and Scottsdale then the older one in downtown.
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