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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. It was so good, NHL and NBC destroyed all the tapes and the records that it ever existed.
  2. Russell and Rawlings both went with blue and, while it is a better and more fitting choice, it's also hard to see. That alone is probably why Majestic, Nike and New Era on the hats went with white.
  3. Oilers flip-flopping between royal blue and navy is getting on my nerves.
  4. I'm assuming the SCF patch will look like this, which I don't mind at all. It's very clean and reminds me of the old NBA Finals patch when it was just the trophy opposite side of the logo.
  5. This reminds me of the NBA Playoffs 2007 logo that's on every single team page in the mothership, some listed as "unused".
  6. They already did that during the 50th Anniversary.
  7. eww. That's gonna be an eye sore of an otherwise fine and classy uniform.
  8. Interesting. So why do they cut elements on MLS kits but not a team from any other league?
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't the NBC MLB scorebugs continuous during the last 2 seasons? If that's the case, then it is weird they kept the pop in bug as long as they did for NBA.
  10. I always think of Arena Football when I see this scorebug.
  11. I've never seen a league so obsessed with saving a franchise in a market that's clearly not working. This is an embarrassment to the franchise and to the league. They should not be this proud moving into a community center.
  12. I feel he's gonna be one of those that jumps around so often, he won't even get a right team.
  13. The name and logo is fine. The uniforms are....not. Not a fan of this trend of GIANT TEAM NAME ON CHEST IN CASE YOU FORGOT WHO WE ARE I guess they felt they need an entire new set but they really didn't. The home jersey looks like a knockoff of the previous traditional set. The away uniform doesn't match the helmet at all. I don't like the gradient numbers. Why are we doing this? It's not a good aesthetic! The alt is the alt. It's whatever. I guess I should wait till they actually play in them but, ugh, I dunno. This is not a good look.
  14. 1978 Jets roll out the new helmets but continue to wear the Namath era uniform only for the preseason.
  15. I like Tony Romo but he needs to learn when to stop talking.
  16. If there is, the biggest problem would be the lack of transportation. An example is in College Point. There's a big lot where an airport used to be. Its been abandoned for decades and no one seems to know what to do with it. However, trains don't go through that area at all so that might pose a problem. Willets Point really is the only realistic option. If that falls through again, this team is playing without a real home for a long long time.
  17. I'm surprised how long we've allowed this conversation to go on for.
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