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Everything posted by tigers

  1. Great era. The only Red i liked on Williams was either Cannon or Mansell picking up Senna.
  2. Actually surprised there is no Centre Lakes, LA or Canadian games. What's the white star near Kentucky?
  3. Antler Helmet, or it's an Eskimos Helmet.
  4. That Italia wing is beautiful.
  5. That would be an interesting partnership.
  6. Simple? Not sure why you wouldn't just call them what they are, Reserves. B is ok, but 2 is just so basic and i think it ruins the Main Clubs image.
  7. Not the first time i've been wrong about you being wrong. I like the Box game and i went to a game last year with one Singapore University team against a Taiwan team and the crowd was around 3500 people and they loved it, if they could get a few countries where indoor sport is bigger i think it could really go places.
  8. I hope you are too. After the last slump the NLL had they don't need another one.
  9. Heading to MLB to fix them He did a great job though pushing the brand out of a slump.
  10. I like both but the more Pink one would of been fine. I'm guessing BWT paid for the first round up front.
  11. Thanks Geoff Good old Wiki. Was it his only previous club?
  12. I only get to watch replays on utoob and i want it on the record that Tehoka Nanticoke is the most exciting player i have seen. Can anyone tell me if this is his first season, and where has he played before if not?
  13. Too much Red. No matter the shade it's red.
  14. Williams has taken the Senna S off it's 2022 F1 car. After 25 years?
  15. Most of the MLS teams seen all these new clubs coming into the league and seen their wonderful new logos and FC'c and CF's etc and thought it would be a great idea to jump on the bandwagon. Luckily some of them seen the light and changed their minds (some only slightly). The only way i see Sounders fans not rioting is if the name is kept and to an extent the colours. FC as well as United, City (sometimes) and any other type of European, South American name grab is absurd and needs to be re-looked at in certain circumstances. Hopefully they use the whale or the sound, instead of the Space Tower utilise the Bouy's in the Sound.
  16. If you want to have a look at the old liveries? Except for the two times they were Red i can't understand why the didn't add yellow? Those yellow blue and white cars were great.
  17. Should be on Indy 11 or some other racing area club.
  18. It's apparent it went downhill after the change from Football Team.
  19. I watched his dad play in Australia for the Melbourne Tigers he was a fantastic player, Ben qualifies to play for Australia and we really want and need him but he treated us the same as the sixers.
  20. Yes. I don't know the full reasoning behind Ben's not wanting to be in Philly after signing that huge contract and i don't really care but the the league should of stepped in and gave him an ultimatum as it looked terrible for him, the club and the league and i find it strange the Nets would want that aura in their establishment. BTW i think Harden is a thousand times better than Ben.
  21. I can see the Nets trade really working in the 76ers favour. Harden still has some time on his hands and his form has been great.
  22. Would like to see Alpine have some consistency like the older teams and just not blindly Renault it again.
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