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Posts posted by ManillaToad

  1. 23 minutes ago, TBGKon said:


    Fox has some options for sure.  No wonder Michael Strahan was rumored as the lead analyst.  Will be interesting if Fox hires externally or promotes from within.


    This is a strong lineup. Better than last year imo. Hopefully Fox can put together a good booth

  2. 1 hour ago, kiwi_canadian said:

    Only time we will see them is when they zoom in on players during breaks of play or during replays.


    So 200 times per game?


    1 hour ago, kiwi_canadian said:

    Lets just be happy they aren't like the European jersey that are covered in them


    Remember 10 years ago when we were all happy that American sports had commercial breaks instead of uniform advertisements like European sports do? Now we have both, but apparently that's still worth being happy about.

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  3. 36 minutes ago, Sport said:

    Some said he waited to inform of his decision to retire until after the season ended because he didn't want a Kobe/Jeter like farewell tour, then made us watch 20 combined hours of THANK YOU GOAT highlight packages and sitdown interviews, hijacked much of the Super Bowl coverage


    Sounds more like you should be directing your anger at the media

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  4. 2 hours ago, Crabcake said:

    I’d honestly agree with this, or at the very least not reject it out of hand.

    Nantz & Romo are #1 unless they’re doing a Chiefs, Steelers, or Cowboys game, in which case they drop to #1,000 because Tony Romo becomes NFL-fan-Twitter levels of insufferable. Nantz is good and always has been but sometimes struggles to rein Romo in when he goes off on his tangents. But overall they have good chemistry together. 

    I still hold that Joe Buck is the most overhated announcer in sports today, even allowing for the fact that he’s 100x better as a baseball commentator as opposed to football. Aikman is just kind of meh to me honestly. His voice definitely grates on you after a while. 

    As I’ve already stated, I feel like Al Michaels is past his prime, and Cris Collinsworth is, well, Cris Collinsworth. He’s the worst parts about Madden in the booth with absolutely none of the charisma or likability to make up for it. 

    I think Steve Levy might be the worst play-by-play guy in the NFL. Riddick and Griese are tolerable. 


    I am not much of a fan of Romo. He was a hot commodity his first couple years in broadcasting, and for good reason. But now he babbles about nothing. He's talking a mile a minute, constantly giggling for some reason, and really saying nothing and giving no insight. He's not bad, but to me he's in that big group of color guys who are just there.



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  5. 1 hour ago, Delicate Genius said:



    This is the best looking helmet they've ever had. Freeing the Double E from the roundel works so much better. Can somebody clue me in on why anyone wouldn't like this change? They tried an antler decal, it didn't work, so they're going back to a tried and true good look. It's the CFL, they'll probably roll out a new antler design in a year


    14 minutes ago, Prince Harry said:

    This just feels like caving to their Twitter repliers that didn’t want the name change.


    I don't get that feeling at all. How many people from Edmonton are on twitter telling them to go back to Eskimos? 10? Maybe a dozen on a big news day?

  6. 17 hours ago, WideRight said:

    OK, one more question for everyone.  Let's assume that the Federals realize that there are a ton of DC fans who are not happy with the similarity between the Federals and the Philadelphia Eagles.  This tends to be more of an issue when the Eagles are good, so perhaps the Donovan McNabb era.  If the Federals wanted to distance their look from that of the Eagles, which of these strategies do you think they would be most likely to try:


    1.  Stick with the look, but stay at Kelly Green when Philly goes to Midnight Green. 

    2. Change the secondary color from black to something else like Navy or purple. 

    3. Change the primary color from green to something else entirely.

    4. Keep the colors the same but replace the eagle imagery with some other "federal" icon like the capitol building. 

    5. Both change colors and logos to separate completely. 

    6. Something else I have not thought of. 


    I think they should own the brand and win another championship before Philly does to really stick it to them. But of the options listed, I'd say 2

  7. 4 minutes ago, Bmac said:

    I'm legitimately curious here, would y'all still be ranking Michigan as the best uniforms if they didn't bring back the iconic Panther helmet?


    They would have had to seriously screw up the helmet decal to knock themselves out of the #1 spot. The jerseys, pants, and helmet color are fantastic. It's a very well balanced uniform with a unique color scheme.

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Sec19Row53 said:

     I guess Namath gets in on the 'tough to tell the merger story without him', even though the merger was a done deal by the time of the poolside guarantee. He was a big part of the salary war, though.



    Namath is in because of The Guarantee (the legacy of which is undersold more and more as the years go on), he won AFL MVP twice, SB MVP, ROTY, an NFL All Pro, 4 AFL All Pros, made the AFL All-Time Team, and threw for 4000 yards 12 years before anyone else.

    Somehow his reputation over the years turned into "Dude sucked but said the Jets were gonna win the Super Bowl and he wore fur coats", I don't know why

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