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Everything posted by walkerws

  1. Not really. Their Air Power series is just like the Army Navy sets.
  2. This will always be a bad idea when dealing with some men who are looking for that last cup of coffee. They might bend a knee just to make a roster, and then that kid is screwed for life.
  3. I get it... It's unique, but this is when you take artisti liberty and use team or the fiesta colors. This ain't it.
  4. Their version of NFL Blitz when players re getting hot.
  5. Especially after this FIBA World Cup
  6. So pant stripes for this alternate, but no the regulars? WTH
  7. Do you have $100 dollars and a full size basketball court?
  8. The same can be said for the old version. I wouldn't have a clue if I didn't frequent the boards. Weber States weird cat is the only one that really stands out to me.
  9. Sometimes players will test out new templates in practice. This doesn't look good though.
  10. I like the faux leather for throwbacks. Match up the golds and this is still a nice jump off point. For all that is good and wholesome, use some stripes!
  11. I agree. A lame excuse to throw out some old jerseys and sell them for $300 a pop at the yard sale next spring.
  12. I found it lazy. Especially because they have been so lazy as to just use the helmet as a logo since the devial and Art Modell owned the team.
  13. Thye should have freshened up the look a little in my opinion. The name change was the least of the "logo" concern.
  14. They had it, it had those same stripes like Under Armour, and LSU and Ole Miss went back to what they had.
  15. Nike has a good template, none of the teams wanted to use it.
  16. The Commanders does tie back into their namesakes. The colors don't really match up well though.
  17. It's such a pale orange anymore. Like an orange piece of paper left out in the sun.
  18. It happens all the Rome and maybe they're using excessive lighting and photoshop. I assume they will break these out at home so if there's an issue they can change real quick. That one company that does all the quick fixes is probably slobbering at the bit right now.
  19. Yeah, this needed a little more thought.
  20. I have always read it as a DR and you can't get me legally drunk enough to see an A anywhere!
  21. I'm not a Suns fan, but this was a really dumb move. They were actually a better team without Durant and that addition didn't make sense that late in the season.
  22. It's the same ones they used all year. They should have just put down team nicknames and a logo.
  23. I think the only changes to the helmet would be stickers, so maybe they changed what their bumpers will look like.
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