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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. There's nothing like a bad team that keeps winning because they're too dumb to know that they're bad. A team can go pretty far that way, but it usually just takes one KO to remind them that they're bad. Though, my dad passed right before the season and he was about the biggest Giants fan in the world, so I'll let it slide - just this one year - if they want to have a miracle season.
  2. I would totally use that for home-ice advantage and make it look like there's extra defenders all over the place, or maybe a monster or dragon that's chasing down the puck carrier. On the other end of the ice, it's just plain or scrolls advice, like "PASS IT TO DAVE ON THE LEFT" or "THERE'S A DEFENDER CATCHING UP TO YOU, SHOOT NOW".
  3. I haven't seen any Giants this year. Are they for real? Or is it a "soft" 5-1?
  4. You don't need to. Anyone who cares can very easily figure it out.
  5. So you just made me think of something. What's the rules when it comes to adding suffixes to hyphenated names? Say your dad is Joe Hightower, and your mom's dad is Joe Cromartie, and you are Joe Hightower-Cromartie. Do you get to be Joe Hightower Jr - Cromartie II? Or are you just Joe Hightower-Cromartie "the 1st", and if you give your kid the same hyphenated last name and name him Joe, does he become Joe Hightower-Cromartie Jr?
  6. Eagles are playing in Houston on Thursday November 3. That stadium will be 90% Philadelphia fans who are likely staying for the weekend. If the Astros advance, game 6 of the World Series will be in Houston on Friday November 4. Just sayin...
  7. Well damn. I have nothing against the Astros and think it's silly that people are still on the sign-stealing crap (as if they wouldn't want their own team to do it) but I've always had some bizarre affection for the Seattle area and its teams and was hoping they'd get to enjoy at least another postseason round.
  8. I was like "hey, let's just watch the end of this game then catch up on The Patient". 90 minutes later...
  9. One good uniform, and one uniform that doesn't know if it wants to be classic with the beautiful helmet striping to go along with the classic logo, or a relic from the '70s with the thick asymmetrical striping. The Bears uniform would get equal rave reviews if it was unveiled in any decade from the 30s on. The Washington uniforms definitely look like they were designed when they were.
  10. They underachieved when they had a terrible manager who simply didn't care and was in it just for the check. Joe Girardi "lead" them to 8-games under .500 by June 1. Since June 1 they were 23 over .500. If you were to give me that clip for an entire season, I'd probably argue that they over achieved, given 1) Nick "walking garbage" Castellanos and Kyle Schwarber were supposed to alternate at DH, but Harper tore his UCL and hasn't been able to play the field all year, so those stiffs have had to play. 2) Harper (playing at an MVP level at the time) and Jean Segura each missed two months with broken thumbs, and 3) Didi Gregorious wasted a roster spot (as well as oxygen) for 3/4 of the season before they let him go so that the few young home-grown guys they have could play. The team is very flawed, and they tried to buy their way out of poor player development and it backfired (because that always backfires) and the irony is that they're probably behind where they'd be had they not signed stiffs to $100M contracts. But when their guys are hot then they can beat anyone - the problem is that they have a habit of going ice cold at the worst times.
  11. I was just running some scenarios through the analytics engine, and it looks like the Phillies have a 141 2/3% chance of winning it all. The numbers don't lie - and they spell disaster for whoever else advances.
  12. I desperately hope that if they lose in the NLCS, they don't put up a pennant for making the Wild Card or winning one of the NLDSs. That would be really stupid. If they must, I hope it's gray so it doesn't look prestigious.
  13. Phillies have the 3rd best record in the NL since firing Joe Girardi on June 1. They're behind only the Dodgers and Braves for the past 4 months - two of which they didn't have Harper for. So while the whole season has to be taken into account for seeding purposes, they're really not the underdog that they're made out to be. They've won the season series against SD (granted, before Soto) and were seeded ahead of them till they choked against the cubs in September. That being said, they're still very flawed and limited in ways they can improve between this and next season, so they better hope luck is on their side and they win it this year because next year will be much harder since their competitors all have the flexibility to get better.
  14. That's debatable. Not sure if you watched his whole career, but I'd say solidly average, but not above average. His teams were built around the counter, and he had Art Monk, and a very solid defense. And when he was out, they didn't miss a beat. I'd probably put him a little below Simms, who's career is debatable as well.
  15. This was my first time watching Fields play. Looked like every single play was a fire drill - hard to say if it was because the Bears receivers suck, Washington's defense is great, or Fields doesn't know what he's doing and has to run just to compensate for his own lack of football acumen. He's obviously a great athlete, but that only lasts until your first major knee injury or till you hit a certain age. If their offense is built on his ability to scramble and run because the he can't make the right reads, that's going to be a disaster for the Bears - which seems par for the course for them. I think the league is better when the legacy teams are great - and unfortunately it's been a long time for the Bears, and doesn't seem to be changing any time soon. The shame of it is that the Eagles have shown that a crafty GM - one who's a legit accountant and not a "football guy" - can turn it around on a dime - even when saddled with a QB on a huge contract and other 1st-round mistakes. The Bears need one those types of GMs.
  16. Hell, I'd even allow for the Washington (Federal) Express if they get the uniforms right.
  17. What is a “vanishing point script”?
  18. I disagree, it’s just too much orange. I can’t think of any situation in which I’d think orange helmet+jersey works. I disliked the Browns orange tops, and these too. the jersey itself is very nice. I like the shade - seems a little more “burnt” than the Browns old bright orange (or maybe that’s just my better HDV). with the navy helmet it’s a solid look. I wouldn’t mind seeing it with navy pants, just to see how it would look. But the orange helmets? No thanks.
  19. Doesn’t the NFL give exceptions to the 5 year rule if there’s an ownership change? If so, I’m hoping Snyder gets the boot even if for that and only that reason.
  20. EDIT: was just pointing out what FOX showed with the kids and their parents in Atlanta.
  21. Let's get those robo umps in place NOW. This is strike three. IRL, it looked even worse than what the box shows.
  22. EDIT: this wasn't going to be a argumentative post by any means, but still probably flying too close to the ban on discussion of this nature.
  23. My sorta issue (meaning, it's not really an issue but just something I don't prefer) is that by keeping things so much the same, they look like knockoffs of themselves. Like when a college, MiLB, or high school team uses some MLB team's style for their own wordmarks. I guess it's different enough that maybe it's not that bad, but I'm in the camp that they should have broken further away. But I'm not their target market so if the fans like it then that's cool.
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