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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. It could be that CCM or whoever the manufacturer was just came up with that template and used it for prototypes for several teams and only the Penguins selected it.
  2. I've spent a few weeks in both China and South Korea. I absolutely do not see hockey gaining a foothold in China. I know that there's still some russian influence there and I did see ads for hockey matches, but from talking with Chinese people and making my own observaions, even in the areas that tend to be more western, it's just never going to be a thing. Interestingly, they seem to have a fondness for European soccer. Korea is a different story. At least Seoul (I never made it to Busan, which was the only other city I had planned to see) is extremely western. Possibly due to the US military influence, or possibly just due to "it's cool" (like in parts of Japan.) I could definitely see hockey becoming at least a niche sport there (if it's not already.) It'll never be as big there as it is in North America, but it could become similar (yet still smaller) to soccer in the US - a relatively small but passionate fanbase, at least a portion of which follows the sport not because of the actual sport itself, but more what it represents.
  3. Allen Iverson Bobby Taylor John Kruk - wrong uniform, wrong haircut, wrong facial hair, and wrong number ultra combo. Tried unsuccessfully to find Calvin Williams in the 1996 Eagles jersey after he made a brief return to the team. You probably wouldn't know who he is unless you're an Eagles fan from back then, but he and Arkansas Fred Barnett were really popular.
  4. Sure it's not the only criteria, but it's a big part of it. Your Ichiro comparison is silly. Ichiro became a star with the Mariners and will forever be associated with them. I don't think anyone in their right mind would consider him a signicant part of Yankees history. To a lot of people, their first thought of Chapman won't be in a Reds uniform. His biggest moments happened in other uniforms, and his best years will occur in another one too. An interesting case here would be Roy Halladay. He clearly established himself and became a perennial star in Toronto, but lobbied to get out of there and had the biggest moments of his career in front of national audiences in prime time playing for a major-market team. When the average person closes their eyes and thinks Roy Halladay, they either see him finishing a perfect game, finishing a playoff no-hitter, pitching in the playoffs back-to-back years, and winning a Cy Young and playing in All Star games while wearing red pinstripes. I think that most reasonable people would still consider Toronto his "right" uniform, but his "poster" moments occurred in other uniroms, and more people have seen him in red as opposed to black.
  5. Seems like this may have been "magically" resolved. Thanks for fixing it.
  6. He lost to the Eagles in the playoffs wearing that set. I think atlanta is still the right uniform for him, but since his redemption (as well as a few of his best games) came with the Eagles, could that maybe be his right one?
  7. That coincidentally started during an upgrade? It's been just about a week now, and at least two others reported the same thing (though I'm not sure if it cleared up for them.) The fact that this is the only site this occurs with, even among other IPB-powered sites seems to indicate to me that if it is a user problem, there's still something unique to the way this board works. Will send PM. - In the meantime, I'm open to suggestions on how to self-resolve.
  8. Are you experiencing this? It seems like I'm not alone but I'm curious what's different with anyone that i's not happening to. Also, why even have a thread for board upgrade issues if the issue needs to be sent via PM?
  9. So LMU is my father? That changes the dynamic somewhat.
  10. Legit question that I probably know the answer to- Is it cool to make a separate account for each device? Like "BBTV-iPhone", "BBTV-Tablet", "BBTV-PC1", etc?
  11. Yeah I'm still being logged out all the time on every device. Weird that no other invision board I frequent has this issue. EDIT: page load times are back to normal at least. EDIT2: posting still takes quite a while to save.
  12. Site pages loading exceptionally slow using both wifi and lte, also logout issue still occurring. Seems to be browser agnostic. If there's any way to go back to how it was that'd be great.
  13. Post names with the photos. Not everyone that's famous to you is famous to everyone... especially hockey players.
  14. If there's any way to fix the search function so clicking "next page" doesn't make it re-run the search and therefore make you wait 30 seconds, that would be great. The way it currently works, it's not very useful to search and find if something's already been posted.
  15. @CC97 I didn't realize there was an upgrade in progress - as of 3:06 PM, I"m still being logged off every time I switch a device. I'm testing it with three devices on the same table and I'm seeing it log me off every time I refresh the page I was on before logging in on another device.
  16. Am I really the only one with this issue? It's so godsdamned annoying - even more so than the bull :censored: search "feature" and quote caching.
  17. Why do I have to sign in on every single browser I use? I sign in on my laptop and then I'm logged out on my phone. I sign in on my phone then I"m logged out of my laptop. I sign in on my desktop and I'm signed out of both phone and laptop. ANd so on and so forth. Every time I switch devices the forum logs me off from every other device.
  18. When I was a kid, I always heard the Eagles defense referred to as Gang Green. Every store had hats, shirts, and the players and news casters called it that. When I first heard it used for the Jets, I actually thought that they ripped it off. I'm fairly certain that every team on every level that wears green has been referred to as gang green when they have good defenses.
  19. They made black fashion jerseys with kelly-green numbers for the Eagles (I think they were Starter or Russel EDIT: actually I think they were Champion because I remember the 12 in Cunningham being in that font) and they sold pretty well. I think it was Buddy Ryan and/or Jim McMahon that started wearing black crowned caps on the sidelines, and it was the first time that black had really been associated in any way with the Eagles (yeah the trim, but that's all it was - it wasn't really one of their "colors".) I was obviously younger, but people (at least my school mates in the late 80s/early 90s) were like "whoa - they'd look good in black." Fortunately it didn't happen. Here's the Buddy one. Jim McMahon's had white pinstripes IIRC (and I'm kind of amazed that I remember all this.) The McMahon one here wasn't what I was thinking, just posting it because of how horrible it is.
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