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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. I think it's more natural to become more precise in your name than more vague. Florida to Miami Marlins took me no time to adjust to, while Phoenix to Arizona Cardinals still seems weird to me. The Angels have gone all directions with this. Small (LA) to medium (CA) to small (Anaheim) back to medium (LA). For whatever reason, LAA (or LAA of A) has taken me far longer to get used to than Anaheim from California did.
  2. It’s absurd to think the Angles would leave, considering that it’s been proven that teams can make tons of money in the LA region even being second or third fiddle and not trying, as long as they have a nice lease somewhere (see - Clippers). Unless the owner had a personal reason to move the team, it’s difficult to envision him making more elsewhere, especially Vegas.
  3. We could turn the US into Macau - an entire country(ish place) of casinos.
  4. I was going to post last night that the problem had all but gone away, but today has been worse than ever. Almost every click has generated an ad that blocks button clicks. One literally came up right right before I could hit “submit reply” on this very post and I had to wait a while for it to render and then X out of it.
  5. IIRC from When I was younger, the Division Playoff Championship was sorta treated as a separate thing from the regulr season divisional championship. If that is right, then I guess having banners for each is OK. I don’t recall there being any such distinction for conference championship - only the Campbell/Wales trophy winner.
  6. Completely disagree. A divisional-championship is still a championship, and while I understand that it's not the overall league championship, it's still an accomplishment. At the end of the day, the banners aren't for the players or teams, they're for the fans. Gives them an event to attend when they're raised, gives them something to look at and take pictures of, give us fodder for this thread, and is less boring than nothing.
  7. Caps banner looks great. They integrated the word mark into the cup really well.
  8. So now there are actually COMPETING bottom ads - one eventually gives you a little x on the right, the other on the left. They “stack” while forming, then eventually (once the border ad goes away) take their place at the bottom. The thjng is, while they’re stacked (the shaded area in my screen shot) you’re locked - you cannot click on anything without waiting for all the ads to form and take their places, then x them out, which is hard without actually clicking on them. Only then can I click anything. Im open to the idea that maybe it’s something on my iPhone, except that it’s ONLY this site, and restarting hasn’t changed anything, which is 99.9% all you have to do when an iPhone develops weird behavior like this.
  9. I think we all know the mods jobs, but they’re our only liaison hence the comments here. Nobody expects you or Ice Cap to implement some new system, and especially not that non-pee-flap-using weirdo Infrared. As as for the bolder, not sure that’s the case unless there’s long term contracts. I have no idea how any of this works, except that I’m sure it’s more complicated than I or anyone here thinks. I think an occasional “hey, chatted with CC and it’s still being worked on” or “chatted with CC and f u” are fair.
  10. It’s not nearly that simple. There’s certainly a lot of analysis And math involved in determine the fee and any potential plans, then the technical factors involved with implementing them. You say $20, and while that might work, it also might not even be close to equaling the lost revenue, considering only a very small percentage will likely pay it. Of course, if there were also the free plan, that could actually work to the relatively small number that will pay could actually benefit the site, provided the absurd ads don’t drive the free people away. Just saying, it’s not reasonable to expect to hear “ok, just pay $X and the ads will go away” any time soon, unless it’s been in the works already for a while.
  11. I don’t expect there to be any type of immediate solution (and possibly none at all) but can we just get an acknolodement that the posts have been received?
  12. I’d say maybe my iPhone is infected but some of the things happen on my desktop, iPad, and laptop too, so despite wanting to support the site I had to switch on ad-block.
  13. Just have a membership fee. Give leople like 20 free posts just so they know what they’re getting, then charge an annual fee. Anything to get rid of this nonsense. Just while typing this, a Honda Insight car raced across my screen, a nut border formed, and I had to wait for a Planet Fitness ad at the bottom to go away because I can’t submit a post while there’s an ad there. I am willing to pay in order to enjoy the site again.
  14. The black line must have been some accidental iPhone finger slip effect. Didn’t appear on the actual ad.
  15. Been receiving these pop ups every few clicks. Not sure if it matters but I’m in France at the moment. Every two or three clicks one of these fills the screen. You can see the double whammy of the bottom pop up here too (though the actual ad in it has yet to load).
  16. I don't know that I'd say "number should be brighter" is a rule. I think it works fine in the Marlins case, where they want to have a number, but still have most of the attention on the bright-stylized wordmark. Having a basic black number does the job just fine. Also... 1. The White Sox are one of those teams that does'nt need any white trim on their road uniforms. It's not that it's bad, it's just unnecessary. 2. The Phillies are in the same boat as them as far as having '80s-ish styled road uniform striping:
  17. The bottom ad is now a lot bigger on my desktop, and is now occasionally playing video ads with sound. On my laptop, it cycles through the ads pretty quickly (at times - not all the time) so I might have a siezure, and often times there's distracting animations. Sorry, but I had to enable AdBlock on my desktop / laptop. Looking into how to do it for mobile Safari. I want to support the site and always had it disabled on it, and will re-disable it if the bottom ad is removed.
  18. I used to think it was just a relativity thing, meaning that of course players looked older to me when I was younger than them, but those same players should appear younger to me now that i'm older than them, but that's not the case. I don't know if it's just that they treated their bodies differently (or not at all), or drugs, partying all the time, or what, but lots of athletes from even as recently as the early 90s look 10-15 years older than they are (by today's standards.) It could also be the hair styles. If you got rid of the mustaches on the players, maybe their faces would appear to be their actual age? Or if you shaved the sides of the horseshoe-bald guys like as is done today, maybe that helps? Let's just look at John Kruk from as recently as '94, compared to another Phillie with similar hair style. Kruk is and Werth are both 32 in these photos. Granted, Werth isn't a fat pig (albeit a pig that was a hell of a hitter), but he looks considerably younger than Kruk, even if he too looks to be older than his age.
  19. I can't seem to find a "desktop version" link like what is usually at the bottom of most mobile sites, and the URL doesn't put a "m." in front of it that can simply be removed, so your best option might be to totally clear your cache and go to the site again.
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