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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. It's a good thing my aunt doesn't have balls, or else she'd be my uncle. It's apples and cinder blocks.
  2. Help educate me, because I really don’t know - are there published rules? Or is it simply that this isn’t in line with precedent? If the former, and they ignored them, then I take it all back. But if it’s the latter and it’s just that it’s not normal, then as a person with no skin in the game, it seems like they got the playoff that will result in the top 4 teams playing for a title. I can understand how an FSU fan or a fan of any other program that has uphill battles for the committee’s respect would be pissed off. If I was wearing those shoes, I’d be too.
  3. It’s NOT A LEAGUE. It’s a separate system that works with several more/less independent leagues. There’s so much disparity between the individual leagues that there’s simply no avoiding subjectivity.
  4. I'm curious what message boards would have said about 1994 undefeated B1G champ Penn State not having the opportunity to play undefeated Nebaska, who was simply awarded the title. Anyway, back to 2023. There are no rules. There are rules within the conference, but this playoff thing is a made-for-tv show. It has no obligation to codify how it chooses, and it's just a room fool of good 'ole boys who are beholden to TV networks and ratings, so they can do whatever they want. They're playing by the rules, not breaking them. It's an entertainment show, not legitimate competition. While I agree that the whole system is completely absurd, it always has been, and in a way, they're simply honoring that time-honored tradition. They're actually heroes!
  5. Oof, yeah that's bad. I still think that the concept is sound, but the execution is lacking. They'd need to get rid of the black too - which, the more I see of the new branding is by far the worst part of it. Their most famous use of that logo never included black (nor was it solid blue, but I guess they'e all in on being the soda of the Crips. It doesn't cost three bucks, it costs three buccs. I think they could have leaned into this more, with a blue can and white stroke around the yinyang (I think there's a black one around the white one.) Or maybe kept something similar, but with but with blue replacing the red under the logo. Then that could be turned silver for diet, gold for caff free, black for no-sugar, pinkinsh for cherry, purple for grape (there really should be a grape Pepsi zero), etc. The black in the logo and cans is basically the black on the Cowboys necessary. Unnecessary and jarring. Off Topic - if anyone finds any Cherry Pepsi Zero, give a guy a tip. I've had it with Cherry Coke Zero.
  6. Eagles have had at least two position players fill in as kicker:
  7. Eagles need to find a way to bring the kelly greens to Dallas. Just take the field in them - the league isn't going to cancel the game.
  8. Yeah, and punish their own players. That'll teach the committee! Seriously dude. They do matter - within your own league. In a completely made up and subjectively filled playoff system, they don't matter. I'm not sure why this is in question. It's not a single league like the NFL, and the playoff is separate from the leagues they play in. Poor comparison. The NFL has rules and complete objectivity when it comes to who is in and what see they are. This college football playoff thing is completely subjective, so doing what they did is well within the rules. Unpopular, perhaps. But within the rules. Next year, FSU or someone in its position can hope that their Nick Foles lights it up.
  9. Recruiting talent is literally one of the main parts of his job. You're basically saying "Nick Saban would suck at his job if he wasn't awesome at his job." Ridiculous.
  10. I was wondering the same thing. They obviously didn't know what to do, so they brought their home pants, which robs us of what should be a great-looking game. I heard that some of the players were in planes for the first time this weekend.
  11. Natural lighting. Outdoors, or in one of those clear domes, that's a fantastic game.
  12. The Eagles are so frustrating, because top to bottom they have a top-3 roster in the league, but completely suck. That's when you have to look at the coaching, and like I've been saying all year, the new OC and DC should have to spend 10 minutes in a locked room with Big Dom after this one. They're down to practice squad LBs, but they never invest in that position anyway, so even the starters would be practice squad guys on other teams. Losing their slot CB in game 1 hurts a lot - but good coaching can cover for that. They have lousy coaching. They're currently a 3-pt underdog in Dallas next week. No "reverse jinx" stuff going on here, but right now, I don't see how they don't lose 44-13 in Dallas. 3-points is disrespectful to the Cowboys. I don't bet football, but I'd legit take those 3 points right now - before it grows - and bet every dime I had on that one. That's free money.
  13. He's been there forever. He's kind of a local legend. He's everywhere. This is getting ridiculous. The Eagles were dominated by a better team, so this is not in anyway blaming refs - but if they've been getting the benefit all year, why were multiple egregious PIs let go? A late hit on the (formerly MVP favorite) QB that was nearly two yards out of bounds? Why would the conspiracy stop today of all days? Again - they were dominated by a better team, not the refs. It's pure "they're good, so they get calls." It's embarrassing how a Dallas fan can say that after they had (legit, but close enough to let go) call after call against them in that last drive in the Dallas game that should have resulted in a Dallas win.
  14. I don't hate it as much as many people do, but they eventually became very inconsistent with how the branding was applied to each variety that it became a mess. I remember it was one of the more polarizing things discussed here when it came out (mostly negative), but even though it was clear they'd eventually go back, had they been more consistent, it would have worked just fine. I wonder if a blending of eras might work - something like keeping the same font, but reverting to the old logo. Like this:
  15. I'm sure that everyone wants my opinion, as someone that's watched all of two halves of college football all year (and one of those halves was the 2nd of last night's Alabama/Georgia game). Feel free to say "if you don't care, why do you care?" The answer is that I'm just bored. In this ridiculously-ridiculous system that should be ridiculed relentlessly, they should select the four teams that would have the least chance of being blown out by any of the others. What you did in week 2 should have no bearing on that, if you've fixed your weaknesses and are truly the best team right now. If the best playoff includes a 1 or 2 loss team over an undefeated conference champion that most feel would be blown out, then so be it. This isn't a "real" playoff. It's all made up anyway, with no rules as to selection. Next year is different, though everyone will be arguing about whether a team like Georgia should get one of the at-large bids over some undefeated team that eyeballs say wouldn't finish 6th in one of the 2 major leagues, which, if that system was in place today, of course they should.
  16. The colors are wonderful, but yeah, the machine ain't great. A STL Rams font, or (here me out here, since the Miami Heat did it) a Lakers font might be nice. And yeah - no tackling-assisters in sight.
  17. Either way, it was by far their worst look. It was a bad jersey, and they simply don't need an alt top. I'm glad it's gone. I just wish they had the balls to give Nike the finger with this city connect nonsense. Even if it turns out to be decent, I'll hate that it diverges so much from their brand, which has been about as consistent as anyone's for 3 full decades now.
  18. They could just wear BP tops if they cared that much. They wore their regular uniforms in ST during the Fregosi years, which I'm old enough to remember, so it wouldn't be too shocking for me to see that again. As long as they don't bring back the awful blue ones that they tried to make a thing years ago.
  19. Impossible, as the networks wouldn't have any specific game to promote, and wouldn't be able to guarantee that they're getting any specific market or team that they want. Also (not that leagues give AF) unfair to arena employees and other impacted people who find out that they're working on Christmas only shortly before the day, when they've already made travel plans or want to spend it with family / friends.
  20. Is flexing games into Monday night a new thing? I get time slots, but while days seems really cruel to fans that may be traveling or paid a premium for tickets that they can no longer use.
  21. Words with Xs don’t lend themselves well to scripts IMO, and something about it just seemed clunky. May have looked better without the tail, but the logo would have been better. Also, 5 letters is a little too few to make for a good script without enlarging things like the Reds and Cuba Cubs do/did. Id like to see a mockup of the crest on a pinstriped top, I think it coulda worked well.
  22. Honestly - I don't know if they cared much. While the Eagles helmet may have been painted to spec (I think it was different from the JJets green, but I've never seen them side by side, so it may have been a stock green from whoever painted them), I think each jersey manufacturer just used whatever kelly-ish green they had laying around, with the Russel shade being the "official" one simply because that's what they wore on field. Had they had a deal with Wilson, the "official" one would have been brighter (Wilson mesh had a slight "sheen" to it, which side by side, was very noticeable." Basically, I'm not even sure if the original uniforms that they were trying to emulate, matched the official color specs - or that they even cared, and only really enforced the color specs for graphics and print. They changed those uniforms and colors in '96, right around the time when the retail market was starting to explode, more color-reproduction methods were in use, and when teams were having legit branding firms come up with full "systems", rather than Bill the Assistant Equipment Manager drawing a logo on a cocktail napkin and taking it down to the local sporting goods distributer and saying "put this on a green jersey with block numbers - thanks!" So it's possible that the throwbacks are truer to the intent of the originals, even if they appear visually different. I kinda forget what I'm talking about anymore
  23. As this is treading close to the line, just adding some more balanced thoughts here then moving on. Won't be offended if this gets modded. She also said that his face was black and red, because those were the Chiefs colors. Some idiot on Deadspin (which I'm not too familiar with, but based on what I've been reading the past 24 hours, seems to be the absolute worst thing in the world and shouldn't count as journalism) is claiming that it's worse, as it's blackface and redface, which is absolutely absurd. It's just a questionable choice, but neither of those things. As the CCSLC Arbiter of Cultural Sensitivity, I think it's fine to at least bring it into question, as it could lead to others (who are not of Native descent) being like "woah, that's cool - Imma dress up and take it to a whole other level". Or not. Regardless, looks like the Chiefs are reacting - somewhat appropriately, somewhat problematically: Here are a few of those still-recent updates, straight from the KC website: While we have discouraged fans from wearing headdresses for several years, effective immediately, fans will be prohibited from wearing headdresses into the stadium. Face painting is still allowed for all fans, but any face paint that is styled in a way that references or appropriates American Indian cultures and traditions will be prohibited. Fans will be asked to remove any American Indian-themed face paint prior to passing security screening outside the stadium. We are engaged in a thorough review process of the Arrowhead Chop and plan to have additional discussions in the future. (bold added by me, as this is the problematic part). They're going to (presumably) have regular schmoes deciding if the paint is appropriate or not. Gee... there's no way that can go wrong. Honestly, IMHO adults painting their faces for sport games is just ridiculous (though if it works for you, then that's fine.) It's a "look at me and how big a fan I am - AHHHHHHHHHH GO TEAM!!!!!!" thing. For kids it's different - let them have fun with it. But as a former stadium employee, I wouldn't want to be the guy that tells a kid to wash it off - or even to have to make a borderline decision. I think this is a pretty fair and balanced assessment of it: https://www.crossingbroad.com/2023/11/adding-some-nuance-to-the-stupid-chiefs-kid-blackface-story.html Anyway... I think it's settled - I'm going back to laughing at people claiming that the Eagles are getting the benefit of all the referee calls, which is still the silliest thing I've read on these boards since Tnak choked on his own chicken. It's basically "team is always good, so they're cheating", like how some of us joke about KC always having home games. The only actual regular cheaters are the Steelers, and the video-taping Patriots (I couldn't care less about how big or how deflated Tom Brady's balls were.) Oh... and the Cowboys, who were the benefit of what was honestly (no hyperbole) the worst call I've ever seen: No clear fumble recovery: There were four Eagles around the ball, and zero Cowboys. The replay people said they couldn't confirm that the Eagles got the ball, and the refs announced that it was a fumble, but no clear recovery by the Eagles. GTFO.
  24. Maybe they'll announce Quebec City as the arena site, and that they've already settled on a name - Centre Vidéotron.
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