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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. In more than 30 years of watching NFL football, without hyperbole, this may be the worst game I've ever seen. What the hell was Carolina thinking drafting this kid? You can be undersized and have success, but this kid doesn't even look like an adult. I can't believe he was successful even in college. Shame on their scouts - he's got no chance, and that franchise is screwed for years. As for the Bears, whether they have Fields or not is irrelevant. He's nothing, will be nothing, and never was anything. The perfect example of why you don't draft a QB simply because you need one. That pick set them back years. Bears fans deserve so much more.
  2. I'd wager when the average American hears "Raleigh", all they think of "Raleigh-Durham Airport", which would raise the ire of a former member here, but is likely true. Raleigh's population density, while higher than I would have thought (3,148 / sq mi) is still on the low side, if not the lowest in MLB. On par with the mostly strip-mall cities in the south west. Without public transit (other than a tiny bus system), asking people who need to drive from sparse suburbs to fill a 40k stadium 81 times a year is a recipe for problems, especially if/when the team isn't doing well (and as we've seen, even when a team is doing well, that doesn't mean anyone will actually show up.)
  3. SO there's nothing revolutionary or scary about it - though we haven't seen the numbers to see if they're perforated, which would look bah gawd awful on pinstriped teams. It's not really a new template that would cause anyone to alter their design. As long as the new-lighter material can support the weight of the Cardinals and Phillies chainstitched scripts, it'll be unnoticeable to the naked eye, with the caveat that the numbers could ruin everything.
  4. Most of my concepts are sketched, but not sure the best way to display digitally. Here's a very quick and dirty idea for the Eagles with what I feel is a superior solid-color wing on a midnight-green base. I ditched their wonky font, and went with a font similar to the Lakers, just italicized. I've always felt it would make a great football font. The slant is too much, but that's now it came. I think it works better than their current by combining the tradition of block with the flair of the serifs, diagonal lines, and the dynamics of the italic. The sleeves are incomplete, but could go with either a version of the throwback logo, the current logo, or some kind of vertical design (think TAMU, but cooler). Either way, I think the single-color wing works well here. Numbers could be single color, or simply have one outline vs the shadow. I could see them being silver too, but I went with white. EDIT: NOB would be basic block, just didn't have the energy to do that in the program I was using (Snagit Editor). EDIT: The template didn't have an outline of a slob shirt / cummerbund, so while it may be hard, just close your eyes and imagine that it's long and white, or long and black (lol). Here's a version I've been advocating for for a while (would only work if true silver, not gray):
  5. Despite the dumpster fire of Dallas' blues and silvers, and the Eagles white socks, a classic rivalry game with good color contrast could have been at least an HM over Seattle v Baltimore (helmets both too dark and definitely WAS vs NE. Probably over the TB game due to TB going full white, and basically all the games other than Giants v Raiders (which suffers from the lighting in that dark-as-F dome. WAS vs NE should be a top-notch game, but neither team has uniforms that maximize their color schemes and in WAS case, don't even look like NFL-caliber outfits.
  6. It definitely seems that way, but isn't the schedule based on a formula? I didn't think there was any conspiracy possible (outside of the actual order of the games) as far as home and away goes - but I could be wrong. According to my intensive research, the Chiefs actually were one of the teams shafted with 3 straight road games last season (against Cincy, Denver (who we thought might be good), and someone else.) The Eagles also got that shaft - for the 2nd time in 3 years (I think.) Unrelated (but kinda, since it's about the Chiefs playing at home) - Honestly if I'm the Eagles - who I can't believe are 8-1 considering how much they absolutely suck in many facets of the game, and are making a mockery of the notion that it's "hard to win games in the NFL" considering how much they seem to back into wins despite getting out schemed, out played (usually on defense), and always losing the turnover battle, I would actually treat the Chiefs game as a 2nd-straight bye week. Start Mariota, and lots of other backups, and give Hurts another week after the bye to at least get his knee somewhat more healthy (it probably won't be right the rest of the year), give the line another week off from the Brotherly Shove, and don't risk the psychological impact of losing "legit" to KC again, which could be a factor if they play again in February. Call it a "scheduled loss". The Eagles are 22-4 in their last two seasons of regular-season games, and 22-2 in games Jalen hurts has started. That's just absurd. Yet after every game, I'm angry at someone (usually the coordinators or D-Backs) and feel like they lost and their season is over.
  7. Never realized how odd that flag logo looks. Never realized it's the badge, not a regular star, and there's a gray part of the stripe (that doesn't appear to be a shade), and that weird blue part at the bottom. Between that and the T-Flag jerseys, this may be the very first Radom work I'm not a fan of. Of course, it's the Rangers, who don't seem to care at all about their brand, so the blame probably belongs on them.
  8. If players, even the Florida ones, didn't have to pay tax wherever they're practicing / playing on any particular week, I'd suggest that every team set up a fake HQ in Florida. That's a huge advantage. Probably the only one that I think there should be some system in place to level out, but I've brainstormed dozens of plans, and none of them work. Like maybe the league could "tax" the Florida teams, and that money would be used to pad the salaries of players signed by other teams, so as to make $100M worth $100M everywhere. But I'm fairly certain that would be illegal, and even if it wasn't, it doesn't really work.
  9. Apples and oranges. In the NBA, the players call the shots and decide where they play, and there's comparable money everywhere. In the NFL, with their cap and CBA, there's a much larger distribution of talent. and star players simply can't decide to force trades and form super teams. Even if they tried, it'd be nearly impossible to do, and three guys* don't have as much of an impact on a football team as they do on an NBA team. Baseball is also a bad comparison because the Marlins wouldn't pay anyone to play there, so even if all the great Cuban players, or just dudes that love Miami wanted to, it's not an option. So yeah - Miami does have some advantages when it comes to luring NBA talent that the other Florida teams don't. And I don't blame them one bit for exploiting it. *unless one of those guys is Tom Brady.
  10. That doesn’t mean they’re removed from the style guide and are *technically* an option, and that they’ve removed it from the rotation on their own. While it might turn out to be accurate, I’m not sure a mothership article can always be taken as gospel. Even in this case, the wording is a little vague. “Replacing in the rotation” doesn’t mean “mothballed” or “not available”.
  11. simply based on that clip posted above, I'm not sure how that would be intentional grounding. Typically that involves a QB in imminent danger of being sacked (or even already in the grasp) and the throw doesn't (or barely) get back to the line, or is thrown away in nobody's direction. I think Collinsworth explained it well, and there was no reason for him to intentionally ground it - he's standing upright in the pocket.
  12. Are you referring specifically to your own images that you're uploading to imgur?
  13. I didn't know you could ever paste images directly into posts. I've always used "copy image address", which has worked with the exception of non-https addresses. Mobile is where I have the most issues, but that's probably because I don't know how to get the image address, and every time I figure it out, I forget before the next time I try.
  14. I feel like the Jets are trying to mask their self-inflicted wounds here. The helmet, because of it's awesome finish, often appears black - or at least a very-dark green that clashes with their green jersey and green pants. The black pants are bad, but IMO work with the helmet more than their green does. It's an adjustment to mask a problem that they themselves created, but they can't fix it so gotta do what they gotta do. Obviously their throwbacks are their superior look, but their current one could be salvaged with a helmet that better matches the green, the throwback logo on it (they could round the letters some if they need it to match the rest of their branding), and smaller wordmark. Relatively-minor things that should be easily doable, but would have a tremendous impact. Until then (which is unlikely to happen), we're going to see more of this, and I have to reluctantly say that it's probably a better look for them.
  15. I'll hear no more of this "Ohio State NFL Quarterback Curse" nonsense. Passing Rushing Receiving Player Tm Cmp Att Yds TD Int Sk Yds Lng Rate Att Yds TD Lng Tgt Rec Yds TD Lng Bobby Hoying PHI 26 42 313 4 1 2 2 28 106.5 5 62 0 30 0 0 0 0
  16. Would be a lot nicer if more of the outfield wall was glass, like the area where the flag and retired numbers are. It's obviously leagues better than the Trop, but still has a little bit of the warehouse vibe with that gray wall. Remind me - is that the SoFi clear roof material? If so, then cool - that's going to be a cool lighting scheme. If it's plain white, then it could really make things look artificial. Also looks like they're not leaving themselves much room to expand the scoreboard, which every team seems to do every decade. Overall not bad for what it is.
  17. HIM is the dumbest of all the dumb things that kids today say. I was watching one of the NFL shows and they had the "Him" award. That's just stupidly stupid. Is there "her"? After some gymnast sticks the landing, does anyone in the crowd yell "Biles is HER!" It's not cute. It's dumb. It'll age just as bad as "swag" did, and I'm already as tired of it as I am with "goat" and all the various ways that people work "goat" into other words.
  18. I'm not too familiar with these silly-looking modern helmets, but it looks like there's something that would block the bottom right of the derrick. I'm all for anything that legitimately increases player safety, but any ridges or vents that are cosmetic or just for branding really need to go. Ridges or other things that are parts of the safety system are fine, but the "just because it's kewl" gimmicks need to go.
  19. replace white with silver on the helmets and pants and we’re talking!
  20. Too bad the Sixers are on the road. Wouldn't it be a pity if Embiid ended up with some fluke injury...
  21. Disagree there. I grew up watching Seth Joyner, Jerome Brown, Reggie White, Eric Allen, Clyde Simmons, Andre Watters, Randall, Heath goddam Sherman, Keith Byers / Jackson, Jimmy freaking Giles, Arkansas Fred, and so on and so forth. So those were the uniforms of my youth and I originally hated the switch to midnight green. Not that they're perfect by any measure, but I think the 2003 update fixed all of the major issues, and I now find them superior, with one exception: The helmet wings. The current wings are too cartoony, and would look better either being solid silver inside the black, and going back to the angled style. The white and silver combo inside the rounded wing outlined in black is just too much. I'm fine with them going back to kelly green (though their older shade, not the oversaturated version they wore last week) but with a different look. Simple... but different. Minimal black, just silver, green, and white. Something like the Chargers, but with silver and white numbers (or green and silver on the white jersey) and no lightning bolt (duh.) This helmet is better than both the current and the 80s. There's a second photo which is the same helmet (mini version) but the lighting is different so it looks like it would if they put those awesome wings on a midnight green helmet. Silver-only wings on a midnight-green helmet would look great. Either way, just get me the same deep green as before.
  22. Speaking of Embiid, he got banged for $35k for doing the DX chop again. EDIT: X/Twitter issues again.... stand by
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