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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. The lousier thing is that after this, Eagles get (in order) Bills, 49ers, @Seahawks, @Dallas, while the Lions get Middle-West Southern Wyoming Jr. College, Kalamazoo Sr. High School, a nunnery, and a group of literal toddlers behind a daycare. So if this goes as expected, the Lions have the inside track at #1, and Dallas controls their destiny for the East, so Eagles could fall to #5.
  2. Feels is the key word. I don't see it being worthy. All things being equal on a neutral (proper) field and maybe. But the Eagles are the weakest 8-1 team of all time right now. They're basically only slightly better than all those ass Vikings teams, just with a lot more defensive talent that's not living up to expectations after losing their starting slot CB. They will not be able to cover Kelce, even if they lock a safety and a LB onto him. Their PhD multi-degreed DC didn't get a degree in football, and has these guys playing the weakest coverages you can, along with a penchant for putting unprepared rookies against star WRs 1-on-1. Mahomes will pass and run all over this team, unless the pass rush does its thing - but Mahomes is the one guy that can beat that. Eagles offense should do OK, though the Chiefs clearly have improved on defense. I'm not convinced that Hurts' knee is fully healed, in which case they'll have no running game because teams don't have to account for him. The only way the Eagles will stay in this is if they can establish a running game and long drives so as to keep the Chiefs offense on the bench. It's not even about them scoring points - it's about preventing the Chiefs from having the opportunity to score points. Add that to the fact that it's the Chiefs 10th home game of the season, Andy Reid has the best post-bye record ever, and this one isn't going to be as close as many predict. 31-24 KC.
  3. You can ask, but it's literally his thread so I don't see how anyone can get upset if he chooses not to. Whining to the mods is kind of a lame move. The people that complain risk causing him to stop with these threads every year, which would be a damned shame. I suppose anyone could start one up - but is anyone really going to follow through with it with the consistency and accuracy that he does? They could be smaller - I certainly wouldn't mind - but I'm not going to complain repeatedly to someone that's made his choice, and certainly not going to go over his head to legislate it. Also - I believe there's image limits in each post - maybe? If that's the case, even if they were smaller, they'd still take up multiple posts. I think if anyone's that upset about the size of the images, or the TBDs, they should start their own, or just ignore this one.
  4. i loled for real when that happened. Forget that they look like complete slobs, you’d think by now their coaches would tell them to stop because of exactly that. I don’t get it.
  5. It's a thread about logos and uniforms. I care about logos and uniforms. Mind your business.
  6. It's not choking if you're simply not good enough.
  7. Aaron Nola re-signing in Phila for 7/$172M. Not sure about opt outs, no trades, or anything like that. Turned down more money elsewhere (rumored to be from Atlanta, who was confirmed to be in negotiations.) No idea how to feel about this. He's one of the most polarizing players (both in his performances and whether people wanted him back) I can remember in a long time. He's never hurt, and has lead the league in innings since 2018. He can pitch like Cy Young in big games - but he can also pitch like me, and he's blown up at some of the most inopportune times. He had them bent over though, as there's not another guy that could backfill his role (Snell creates too much of a tax on the bullpen) so it is what it is. Those last 3/4 years are going to be brutal though, and the price to re-sign Zack Wheeler just went up... a lot.
  8. Correct. Nobody is going to confuse the two, I just feel that Vancouver owns the Big V look. In addition to the Flying V that you posted, there's this: It doesn't mean that nobody else can use a V, it's just that when I see it, I my initial split-second thought is that it's some kind of Vancouver sweater. As for Vegas' normal logo being a V, it's not a big-stand-alone V. It's a V in a helmet in a shield. The V is hardly the main element.
  9. No they shouldn’t. Athletes are revenue generators. Nothing more. Same with the coaches and AD. The football coaches aren’t professors, and the players shouldn’t have to fake being students.
  10. I actually like it a lot, except for one big thing - it's a freaking V. In hockey, a big V = Vancouver. I know that they're the "Vegas" Golden Knights and not "Las Vegas", but the V shouldn't ever appear by itself. It's a shame, because for a fauxback, I think it does the job really well, and I like the style of the V.
  11. It could be unofficial. They could be like the Philadelphia Big 5, where each school is in its own conference but also part of the Big 5. They could be in whatever league but still be in the 2Pac and their annual game would be for a gold trophy in the man's likeness.
  12. I don't watch much NBA till the playoffs (and even then it's only the Sixers) but even my big basketball-fan friends can't wrap their heads around this crap. Why do these games matter to me? OK, the players get a little extra money that most of them don't need, but as a fan, why do I give a F if these guys get even more money? What's in it for me? There's absolutely no reason for any fan to care any more about these games than they would a typical regular-season game. I genuinely don't understand why 1) anyone would or should care, and 2) why any team should coach their game or work their lineup any differently than they would any other meaningless November game.
  13. I love this. They should remain a conference of two for this specific reason. Then whenever it eventually dies and they join another one, they can refer to it as Makaveli.
  14. And ironically, unless that's a saved graphic that they recycle, given that his injury is to his throwing arm, he may need to hit up some past masseuses on Instagram to produce more of those... images.
  15. It's 2023. If you care about "eye candy" just get on the internet and you'll find more than enough for yourself. Even if that's the reason she has that job, there's a thousand attractive women that could replace her at the snap of a finger. Coach interviews are stupid in all sports. All I need my sideline reporter to do is let me know who's in the tent, and if they're in there because they're using the porta-potty or if they have a concussion or something worse, and if they're coming back or not. And it's not like she's digging around for the scoop - someone's telling her. They could just tell someone with the network who could pass it on to the broadcast team. Maybe if there's players yelling at each other on the sidelines, but even then I'm not sure what exactly they're doing. It's usually pretty obvious to tell what it was about. She should be fired simply for having the bad judgement to make those statements, regardless of how benign or indicting anyone finds them. If I'm her boss, even if I didn't care about the specific thing she implied, I'd now be worried about what's the next dumb thing she'll say. ALSO - in the world of sports betting, I assume there's some idiots that might listen to a sideline report and make a real-time bet based on what's said (that would be absolutely ridiculous, but it's technically possible.) One could argue that falsifying information delegitimizes the broadcast and therefore the sport, and with the added scrutiny of gambling regulators, that could be problematic.
  16. I just saw this for the first time. Wow - they killed it. While I don't necessarily love the marks they chose for the jerseys and hats, they're in line with the aesthetic of MiLB. The logos and overall identity - outstanding. Just outstanding. The penguin with toga and laurel? Brilliant. Hell - just going with an emperor penguin was brilliant. The "column R", while it may have scaling issues, is fantastic. Love this. Any one know if it's a Bosack? Guessing Joe or Simon. Too good to be some of the other big players.
  17. Not patting myself on the back or anything, but that was my suggestion .
  18. This is wild. Bernard Williams was the Eagles 1st rd pick in 1994. He was suspended for weed, and never bothered to apply for reinstatement. Just quit. Because he wasn’t released, and never applied for reinstatement, but was still eligible to, he has technically still been on the Eagles since 1994! The league and Eagles just realized this the other day, so they had to do an official roster move to release a guy that hasn’t played in 30 years! Since he was technically part of the org in 2017, people are saying he should get a Super Bowl ring.
  19. How does having a second-primary hat mark that has nothing to do with the other primary-hat mark lead to a "consistent" look? It's literally the exact opposite. Would be a decent refresh if not for one of the worst logos that's ever graced an MLB cap.
  20. That's not the only other option. They did have a choice. They chose to ask their fan base, which includes thousand of women, to cheer for a man that was accused of sexual misconduct by more than two dozen women. Very few athletes are spotless, but putting people in a position where their kids are going to ask for #4 jerseys or even look up to him is irresponsible. You act like they did the only thing they could do to get a franchise qb in house, but the irony in your statement is that what they did only serves to highlight the incompetence that's put them in the position to have to do it in the first place. It's a circle of crap, and it's disgusting that there's people that support bringing him in under the circumstances at the time. The Browns are poorly run from the top down. It's that simply. Nearly every other team (other than the Lions) accidentally backs into a year where they at least reach a championship game, or find a franchise QB in the 2nd round or later, or is smart and builds their lines doesn't waste money on running backs, but the Browns can do none of this. I feel for fans - I really do. But they had choices. And the ones they made make it impossible to wish anything other than 3-14 seasons on them until that contract is up.
  21. Now TMZ is claiming to have footage of him after being hit by the car... which we still don't know actually happened.
  22. So this has the potential to be a big story. Sixers Kelly Obure was allegedly hit by a car while crossing the street the other night, the driver fled, and he was left with broken ribs and other injuries. Supposed to miss "significant time". This was allegedly in Center City Phila, at 7PM, where there would have been hundreds of people there, but no witnesses. Police have said that they've gone through security cameras of all the businesses in the area, and have found no evidence of anyone being hit by a car. Now it's being reported by "sources" that seem legit, that he made up the hit and run to cover up for a domestic incident. I've never heard of this guy, but apparently he was having a good start to the season. Curious what kind of domestic incident would leave him with broken ribs, unless the story was also designed to cover something else up. Really interested in where this goes.
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