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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. So is the white jersey unchanged? With the shadow going the other way?
  2. What I don't get is that you have to not only be fat enough to have large folds, but those folds have to be able to actually hold the gun. Like, imagine a large breast holding a pencil under it. That's kind of what I'm (unfortunately) picturing, just with a gut and a gun. And to be large enough to pull this off, are you really agile enough to pull and use the gun in any situation in which you'd need it?
  3. No non-qb should ever be wearing 7, 12, and maybe 16. Those are the classic WB numbers of the majority of classic QB photos. Seeing Hassan Reddick in 7 makes me want to puke. Even kickers look odd in 7. a starting qb should be able to take whatever number he wants from anyone, regardless of league rules., unless the number is retired.
  4. Can't agree with that one. While I personally wouldn't wear one over a collared shirt the way I would a v-neck, this is basically standard-male unform for the "casual business casual" workplace (at least what I'm in). I don't think it's awkward at all (except for the guy that's tucking just the front into his pants. Why? Is he really proud of his belt?)
  5. you know what else would solve the issues created by the recent changes? Not having made them in the first place. Reminds me of the title of the second Hyperbole and a Half book - "Solutions and other problems".
  6. Maybe there's an opportunity for Nike to market a "coaches uniform". Each team would have polo shirts (with some incredibly stupid name for the overengineered template that the polo shirt is on), quarter zips, or whatever. Home, road, city, whatever. That way the coaches are in uniform just like the players, but don't look like slobs. They should definitely do that for baseball. Have a uniform coach/manager look.
  7. Getting punched in the gut is better than being punched in the balls, but I'd rather be hugged than punched.
  8. I get the "I'm used to it and it looks odd" argument. It still looks odd to me, but it just makes so much more sense. As a society we've become more casual and laid back - at least much of the business world has - and I don't think it's a bad thing if sports reflect some aspects of our society. I'm also of the mindset that no MLB manager should ever put on a uniform.
  9. When I was in jr high, we football players had to wear ties to school on game day, because "it was all about business, and we had to be in that business mindset". That was dumb, just like our coach feeling like we'd respect him more if he was in a suit (we were in freaking 8th grade!) My HS coach had the right idea, and every year the staff had a different golf-type shirt or matching jackets to wear over golf pants (or those old stretchy coaches pants... I forget.) Much more appropriate. Along those lines, I don't get why even unaffiliated people refer to coaches as "Coach Sirianni" or "Coach Reid". The only other professions I can think of where a title is used synonymously with a person's name are Dr. and (for some reason) Chef. Enough with it. Enough with sleeping in the office and abandoning your family trying to figure out how to isolate the tight end against the slow linebacker. And enough glamorizing these guys for being anything more than what they are. That doesn't mean that some aren't extremely good at what they are - but what they are doesn't require a suit*. Especially when every player on your team can afford a better suit than you. *if any of these guys were to wear a suit with top hat and monocle, I'd put them in the HOF immediately.
  10. Oh I misinterpreted your post. I thought you were saying that the actual uniforms should have gold trim (meaning, if the ones they were wearing were only single color), not that the real ones did, and you were referring to canzman's graphic requiring an update. I honestly forgot which throwbacks they were wearing (single number or outlined.)
  11. Seems silly to me to pay a guy millions to be an assistant coach when he can't win you games on the field. I'm surprised to hear that Nate Sudfeld is still in the league. There were a few people that thought he should have been the Eagles QB after Wentz went down in '17 and Foles struggled at first. Dopes. He's a guy that fits the "looks good in the uniform" criteria, but can't play.
  12. I do that too. I have no idea why or when I started it - it definitely wasn't how I was taught - and everyone also tells me it's weird.
  13. It does seem a tad thick in that photo, but the now-former one was hardly visible from any distance or while they were playing. So it will look odd on a fan, it may look better on the broadcast and in the arena. Maybe.
  14. Ironically, they moved him back to leadoff because of that underperforming shortstop, who was originally supposed to be leadoff. The exact same thing happened last season, where they were 7 below .500 on June 1 then had the best or 2nd best record in baseball... which coincided (along with firing Joe Girardi) with moving Schwarber to leadoff. It's mind boggling and defies all baseball logic that your biggest home run hitter, guy hitting below the Mendoza line, and leader in strikeouts would make for an ideal leadoff hitter, but whatever. I can't even think of another time where a guy hitting below 200 was even a regular player (or even on a roster), let alone leading off for a hot team. The bottom of the lineup has been relatively terrific this year, so other than the first inning, he's been coming up with more people on base and will have many more RBI than last season, but that doesn't explain last season's success with him there.
  15. I think single-color works because of the horn on the helmet, plus the contrast with the sleeves makes the sleeves look fancier.
  16. Since June 2 (when they put Kyle Schwarber and his .188 batting average back in the leadoff spot), the Phillies have a .635 winning percentage (103-win pace.) I don't get it - my brain can't wrap itself around a .188 hitter batting leadoff but it just works.
  17. If you look at the right leg, it looks like a white sock with another white sock pulled up over it, rather than the typical half-white over-the-calf socks that were standard issue back in the day (or possibly that they're two-pieces and the top half is thinner or being worn over blue tights?) The left sock definitely looks gray, but I'm certain that it's just lighting.
  18. They're just ex jocks telling groups of jocks which direction to run and where to stand. They're not highly-educated businessmen convincing the board to approve the merger of two international conglomerates and discussing plans to take the new company public. They shouldn't have to play adult dress-up, and there's no reason to wear a suit that you're just going to sweat through and you're moving fast in. Let sports man dress like sports man.
  19. Good call, - I think you're right, but still - nobody would ever draw an S that way. You're still going bottom up and backwards. Still think it's awkward to have the tail going that direction, when it's no more effort to have it go the traditional way.
  20. I actually kinda hate that script because there's no way anyone would actually write like that. You'd have to start with the tail, push it (if you're a righty, drag if you're lefty), and then make the S (which still doesn't really flow naturally into the e).
  21. Maybe Detroit can get the night game occasionally so better teams can get one of the afternoon slots.
  22. I don't know how practical it is because I don't know what the locker rooms are connected to (media areas, equipment rooms, etc) but I've always felt that in situations like this, the home team should be the one to use the temporary facility and let the visitors use the nicer one. Not out of the goodness of their hearts, but to ensure that there's no gamesmanship afoot. The video board actually looks better than I'd expect for something hanging by cranes. The wiring must be a nightmare. I wonder if it sways in the wind - doesn't look like the bottom is supported much.
  23. LOL so Mahomes is like "yo Blaine, what would Tom have done right there?" "would Tom eat this?" "What shampoo does Tom use?"
  24. The only three things I don't like about the Seahawks uniforms - and I trend towards traditionalist, but not "traditionalist for traditionalist's sake", is how Nike worked the swoosh into a carefully-crafted bright background, the unnecessary and gimmicky helmet thing, and how there's no green on the gray pants. Other than that, as far as I'm concerned, they're in their forever uniforms. While I've liked the idea of the Seahawks being the NFL's Oregon, now that they've been in those for what - 11 seasons? - they should just stick with it. The overrated-throwback uniform twice a year should be enough to appease fans of the older look.
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