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Breese Stevens Stadium Concept-MAJOR UPDATE 4/27


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13 hours ago, mcrosby said:

Pretty big changes in this latest update. I wanted to add to the beer garden/standing room only area and add what could be a 7-days/week restaurant. Let me know what you think. 


I've currently only added it to one of the two corners, awaiting your wonderful C&C.



That's gorgeous.  I used to live a couple blocks from the stadium, and would love to see it home to a USL club.

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This is outstanding! I might even give SketchUp a try myself now. I'm hoping to get to go to Breese Stevens this year for a Radicals game but it's awesome to think it could become something like this.


All that said, about the Northwoods league I have to say...go Kingfish! lol.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I told you I'd be tinkering. 

I used Commodore Crablegs as a soundboard for the changes I've made. He's been a big help in these updates. 


The biggest changes:

  • Textures. I used actual textures from the current Breese Stevens, and the difference shows. 
  • Scale. I really half-arsed it on scale the first time around. I started from scratch here to get it right. 
  • Press boxes/Luxury Boxes/Double Deck. 
  • New Grandstand facade. 




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noice B)


some thoughts

will the roof will block the scoreboard for people sitting there?

need a general purpose tunnel for street to field access

the elevator towers [?] are a nice bridge from old to new

a little worried the historic portion is still being overwhelmed by the new additions. inevitable considering its so small and cant be touched

whats your target seating capacity?


for the newer end, id go aggressive with cantilevered decks because its facing the sun.


your dugouts are facing the sunset too. this is why the old baseball dugouts are on the other side:


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1 hour ago, Commodore Crablegs said:

for the newer end, id go aggressive with cantilevered decks because its facing the sun.


Aggressive? I can do aggressive sun blocking. :P This is about as far fetched as it gets for Breese, and not something I did with much seriousness. 




As far as your other questions go: They're all good questions and mostly things I had not considered when 'building' this. The tunnels/street entry are something I wanted to add after getting the bones complete, otherwise it's even more to move around with every change. 


Thank you again for all your help Commodore. 

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17 hours ago, mcrosby said:



Aggressive? I can do aggressive sun blocking. :P This is about as far fetched as it gets for Breese, and not something I did with much seriousness. 




As far as your other questions go: They're all good questions and mostly things I had not considered when 'building' this. The tunnels/street entry are something I wanted to add after getting the bones complete, otherwise it's even more to move around with every change. 


Thank you again for all your help Commodore. 


That is a sweet looking stadium! Seriously this one top out anything which we all can think of. I mean it is a huge improvement from the original design. nice going man!


Liberty Bowl_sig.png



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7 hours ago, mcrosby said:

Back to rooflessness. Would an atrium like this on one or both of the original grandstand corners be too much? My only hesitation is that it covers what is otherwise the classic grandstand. Without something added on this end the stadium feels lopsided to me. 





yep, too much.

and too bad, lucas oil is out of the bag and ye cant go back!

btw how are the sightlines on the side upperdeck? the near touchline and dugouts have to be cut off right?


this has gone from a nice municpal field renovation to a full-on MLS caliber booyah.


if youre going balls out i think the lucas oil is the way to go. makes sense as a city owned multi purpose venue. indoor-outdoor.

i had a crazy thought. you could keep the old roof and add seating on it, making it a small second deck, put that massive window behind it and still have that epic view of the capitol


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Well then let's stick with the roof. We'll just say this was a multi stage renovation. 


  • 2017-New Grandstand Added, current seating completely refurbished. The historic facades are kept in tact. 
  • 2026-Addition of luxury boxes and upper decks, a celebration of the 100th anniverary of the original grandstand. 
  • 2050-With support from Epic Systems, a booming Madison area company, a roof is added

Here's the roof all closed up: 



And a view from the E Wash Upper Deck:


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Well, that escalated quickly.


I agree that the rendering and scaling of things has been much better the second time around. I feel like some of the charm has been lost from your original concept though and the balance of old and new is skewed too much to the new - this is ignoring the final concept you just posted as that is a long term thing.


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