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EnSleeving the NBA


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First off, all of these are great, I especially like Brooklyn, Cleveland (I too like the black alts) and Dallas.

Denver's look pretty nice, but I'm going to have to agree with @KittSmith_95 in saying that the workmark (as much as I love it) doesn't quite fit. The Nuggets new number font might also work a bit better here. As for the idea of Denver wearing yellow on the road, that would work, as long as they aren't playing the Lakers...





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Sorry for not having posted in a few days, my Illustrator is having sudden and random GPU compatibility issues so I've been trying to figure that out for the last few days. Anyways, after some work and a computer reset, here's Detroit: 


tTgOmyA.png KWxOWgo.png 


So after a few off the wall designs, I decided to go a simpler route with the Pistons. I felt a simpler look fit them more, even when the uniform comes with sleeves. Nevertheless, still stuck the stripes on the sleeves and made the red uniform the new away jersey. 


C&C welcome. I promise not to be gone as long this next time around. 


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16 hours ago, KittSmith_95 said:

I feel the stripes you've added to the arms aren't needed on the Pistons. 


eU650pv.png sDGS0RO.png


Traded in the sleeve stripes for collar stripes. 




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Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about this thread. Golden State just gave me more challenges than I had thought: 


O6JDKlA.png 3MjMJhy.png 


Ah yes. The team that started this sleeved uniform thing. These definitely feel like Pro Combat uniforms. I like the Warriors uniforms as exist currently, even with all the sleeved uniforms. That being said, here's how this one breaks down: Golden Gate bridge on the right sleeve and short leg. WARRIORS runs down the left side, like on the uniforms of old. Kept the logo the same, I like the look of it and it's uniqueness. 


C&C welcome!


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18 hours ago, bkknight95 said:

Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about this thread. Golden State just gave me more challenges than I had thought: 


O6JDKlA.png 3MjMJhy.png 


Ah yes. The team that started this sleeved uniform thing. These definitely feel like Pro Combat uniforms. I like the Warriors uniforms as exist currently, even with all the sleeved uniforms. That being said, here's how this one breaks down: Golden Gate bridge on the right sleeve and short leg. WARRIORS runs down the left side, like on the uniforms of old. Kept the logo the same, I like the look of it and it's uniqueness. 


C&C welcome!

Oh my Christ. This is the most insane thing I've seen in a while. All you need is a thunderbolt down the side to remind people of the Chris Cohan era. (Note: PLEASE DON'T DO THAT.)

The small criticisms I have are to put the front number off-center to the right a little bit to balance it out with the logo and make the front number on the whites yellow again, but those are minor nitpicks. This is awesome.



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Only thing I could think of that hasn't been mentioned before is that maybe have the bridge on the jersey sleeve be opposite of the one on the shorts. Aside from that, these are some really great unis you thought up here. Probably most fond of the Cavs set with the nod to their prevous navy alts.



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Celtics - I love the consistency across all of the striping -- perfectly simple for a team like the Celtics.


Nets - While they'd look better without sleeves, these could've been used and I would've been absolutely fine with it. Only suggestion would be to continue the side stripe onto the waistband of the shorts for complete continuity.


Hornets - Same thing re: side striping on the waistband of the shorts applies here, but other than that I think you did a great job of extrapolating their current striping pattern onto both sides of the uniform and the jersey as well as the shorts.


Bulls - These are AWESOME! Very cool design that fits well with the team's brand....great work!


Cavaliers - I think the sleeve striping is backwards on either the front or the back of the jersey because the patterns are mirror images of one another, but aside from that these are surprisingly clean for a somewhat over-the-top pattern. I really like what you've done here.


Mavericks - I'm not quite sold on these -- it feels like something is missing, but some of that may very well be a result of the team's outdated identity and branding. Nothing wrong with this set, but nothing too exciting either.


Nuggets - I really like all of their skyline uniforms, so I'm happy to see that motif carried over to these. I think the shoulder/sleeve striping pattern might be too excessive, though, and even the updated script still feels a bit out of place on a uniform with exclusively linear lines. 


Pistons - The updated version with collar striping in place of sleeve striping is outstanding! It's clean, well-balanced, and consistent with their brand. I'd again continue the side striping onto the waistband of the shorts, and also consider adding a blue uniform as well.


Warriors - I'm intrigued by the idea and I think it's executed fairly well, but I'm not quite sold on double Golden Gate bridges....it feels a bit unnecessarily redundant. That said, there's still something about these that I oddly really like!


Great work a third of the way through the League! A lot of fun and unique ideas with great design execution.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, quick double post, but I have Houston done!


6aYsvMA.png zdIYJBm.png


So I went with mixing the Clutch City uniforms and the black/grey alternate designs together and this is what I came up with. Added some non checkerboarded stripes to the sleeves. I thought about putting a sublimated checkerboard pattern to the sleeves but it felt like overkill to me. 


C&C welcome, and I promise to not be away as long again :lol:


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I honestly reckon that those are the best rockets concept I've seen on these boards. I personally really love the checkerboard striping, so that immediately gets my attention. I really like the way you've integrated yellow into the jerseys, it looks much better than like the Clutch City alts or the red and yellow alts before the Clutch City alts, largely due to the fact the wordmark isn't white. Drop the sleeves, and you've got the perfect modern red and yellow rockets unis.





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I felt stuck when I got to Indiana. Their last Adidas look was admittedly boring and I hit a wall again and then I came up with what you see below: 


zJZB8ME.png  sUtD6G5.png 


I went with the 90-96 uniforms as the base for these. I thought that they were unique and then I extended the design to the sleeves to give them more of a feel of uniqueness. I also slanted the wordmark and the numbers to match the style of the uniform. 


C&C welcome!


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Los Angeles part 1: 


EbNm0W0.png   k59HXqC.png


So.... I could go on and on about the Clippers current duds. But I'm not gonna do that. We've all ranted about those clip art inspired uniforms. But there's no need to continue that line of thinking. 


Anyways, I really liked the powder blue sleeved alts the Clippers actually did wear before the ill-fated switch with the nautical flags. Then I came across this gem: Image result for san diego clippers warm up


Which I think is a warm up shirt from the San Diego days (if anyone knows more, I would love to hear). So I took the bottom striping and used the stripe and made boardshorts in a sense, with the flags spelling out LAC. The tops aren't as exciting, with the same striping carried over to the sleeves. 


C&C welcome! 


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L.A. part 2: 


54PM6jb.png  iRDZ2Is.png


Didn't go too wild with the Lakers. They've worn the same look essentially since they've been in the purple and gold and I didn't see a reason to really mess with that. In essence, I made a simplified version of the '79-'99 uniforms. Not much more I think needs to be said. 


C&C for both LA teams is much appreciated!


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