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2022 NFL Redesign -- Week 1 Matchups / Series Wrap -- Added 07/09/2022

Philly's Phinest

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58 minutes ago, DCarp1231 said:

Remove the “NE”, extend the pants stripe up, and use the other number font from the first Patriots set you have

Fantastic idea. Here's what I did... Used the font from the first set I posted. Also changed the pants back to the single stripe to match the helmet instead of the jersey. Figured this way I wouldn't have to worry about that jersey stripe when I switched back to blue pants. Also changed the socks on the red alt to blue to balance out the set. 


I love all of this feedback. Really helping this set progress! Now here's a new question - on the jersey striping - do I change that to a two colored stripe instead of three? Essentially remove the silver and replace it with the bottom color?








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20 minutes ago, Philly's Phinest said:

Fantastic idea. Here's what I did... Used the font from the first set I posted. Also changed the pants back to the single stripe to match the helmet instead of the jersey. Figured this way I wouldn't have to worry about that jersey stripe when I switched back to blue pants. Also changed the socks on the red alt to blue to balance out the set. 


I love all of this feedback. Really helping this set progress! Now here's a new question - on the jersey striping - do I change that to a two colored stripe instead of three? Essentially remove the silver and replace it with the bottom color?








I agree with making it a two color stripe. However, I’d suggest limiting the stripes to the sleeve ends. Place the bottom color around the cuff with the top color directly above it.

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1 hour ago, DCarp1231 said:

I agree with making it a two color stripe. However, I’d suggest limiting the stripes to the sleeve ends. Place the bottom color around the cuff with the top color directly above it.

I removed the silver and limited it to the two colored stripe. I like your idea of placing it towards the bottom, however, that's very similar to what I may be doing with Buffalo - so to keep them differentiated, I'm going to leave as is. I do appreciate all the feedback though! I think the design has come a long way over the past few days and I'm pretty happy with the overall look. 


Here's the final revision to New England...




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  • Philly's Phinest changed the title to 2022 NFL Redesign -- New Orleans Saints (13 of 32) -- Added 3/22/2022

New Orleans Saints (13 of 32)

I'll start by saying I love the simplicity of the Saints current set. I didn't stray too far away from the simplicity, but took a stab at what I'd like them to do with some minor changes. 3 helmet options here. Primary being the gold. Biggest change here is that I darkened the gold and the alternate helmets are without striping (personal preference for those, but like the stripe on the gold). Black home, white away, gold alt and a NOLA semi-blackout alt. Primary jerseys consist of evenly spaced and sized stripes. Helmet and pant stripe match. Gold numbers on both the home, away and blackout alt. Gold, white and black pant options. New Orleans is now the jersey script on the away. NOLA on the black alt. Yeah - just a couple of simple changes here for NO. 








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On 3/21/2022 at 3:43 PM, Philly's Phinest said:

I removed the silver and limited it to the two colored stripe. I like your idea of placing it towards the bottom, however, that's very similar to what I may be doing with Buffalo - so to keep them differentiated, I'm going to leave as is. I do appreciate all the feedback though! I think the design has come a long way over the past few days and I'm pretty happy with the overall look. 


Here's the final revision to New England...




love it




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  • Philly's Phinest changed the title to 2022 NFL Redesign -- Arizona Cardinals (14 of 32) -- Added 3/23/2022

Arizona Cardinals (14 of 32)

If you have been around these boards long enough to follow my old series from back in 2015, you'll know I'm a fan of sublimation when done tastefully. When I began working on the Cards here - I started to realize less is more with the franchise over the years. Outside of their current design, they've been pretty plain. And don't get me wrong - plain is not a bad thing. Their current set is way too 2000s ish and it's time to move back to basics. Similar to an old design I conjured up in the past for AZ, I'm bringing back that sublimation. On to the changes. 3 helmet options including a fauxback. Primary helmet is white and now has a white grill. For the unis - 4 sets. Home red/maroon, white away, black alt, and fauxback. This is where I'd love the feedback from the boards again. I am posting both colorways. The first is the current brighter shade of red that the team uses. The second is a darkened, more maroon color. Personally - I actually think I like the darker shade better. Enough chitchat - here are the sets...









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Cards are right on the money IMHO.  I really like the sublimation on the sleeves and the "less is more" approach - it's real similar to what I did with the Cards on my NFL series. I also agree that the darker shade of red is the one to go with, it makes the sublimation look better and really pops against the whites.

Nice series so far, keep up the good work! 


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6 hours ago, mahnkej said:

Cards are right on the money IMHO.  I really like the sublimation on the sleeves and the "less is more" approach - it's real similar to what I did with the Cards on my NFL series. I also agree that the darker shade of red is the one to go with, it makes the sublimation look better and really pops against the whites.

Nice series so far, keep up the good work! 


Thanks! Yeah the Cards have the perfect opportunity to utilize that AZ flag so hopefully whenever they do re-brand, they take a step that way. And - pays homage to their past when they wore the flag patch. Also just took a look at your series. You've got some really good work in there! Love the different iterations of Washington and how that design grew. 

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  • Philly's Phinest changed the title to 2022 NFL Redesign -- Detroit Lions (15 of 32) -- Added 3/28/2022

Detroit Lions (15 of 32)

Next up is Detroit. I will say that I do like their most recent re-brand. Couple different style elements that they could've done differently, but for the most part, I like it. For my design here - I wanted to jump on the modern-retro trend. I feel as though they had such a classic and iconic look in the 90s. I've kept the primary silver helmets, but have removed all striping and changed the grill back to blue. I've taken a similar approach on the pants with no stripe. The Lions currently do this with their silver alts and Thanksgiving unis and I actually dig it. I dabbled with pant striping on this design, but ultimately decided to leave them plain. I've also switched the number font back to a more classic block-style. I kept the tribute to WCF, but have placed that on the inside collar of each jersey. Primary home is the Honolulu blue. White away. Silver alt. Thanksgiving Day alt which is a very plain retro look (have to keep that around). And then lastly, I did an all black alt. Now normally, I would not just create a black jersey if a team doesn't have it in their color scheme. But when looking through their history, they used to wear an all black alt at one point as well as a red uni early on in their history. Not brining the red back, but I thought the all black looked sharp and paid homage to the past. Enjoy!








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  • Philly's Phinest changed the title to 2022 NFL Redesign -- Minnesota Vikings (16 of 32) -- Added 3/29/2022

Minnesota Vikings (16 of 32)

Keeping it in the North - next up is Minnesota. The Vikings are one of the teams in the league where I absolutely love their look, but there are certain minor consistency tweaks that I think should be made. Mostly the inconsistent numbers with the sharp edges. Not a fan, at all. So - let's get into what I did. Few helmet options with the primary as purple and changed the facemask from black to purple. Changed the number font to something a little more classic. I think it works well with the look. The other big change comes on the pants. I've made the striping similar to that found on the jersey. 4 jersey options - home purple, away white, yellow alt (which I don't know how to feel about it), and lastly a fauxback blackout. Paid homage to one of my favorite players of all time to watch - Randy Moss. Like I said - not here to re-invent the wheel on this one. Just want to make it a little better. That said - C&C always welcome and enjoy!






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1 hour ago, eegl75 said:

if i may ask, why the black uniform for minnesota? i dont hate it but it feels out of place especially when there's no black on any of their other jerseys

Yeah I purposely eliminated the black in the primary sets, but went black for the fauxback. Mainly nostalgia for me as I had a black Moss jersey growing up like the one in the link below. Could definitely turn the design into a purple fauxback too which might be better with the consistency for the whole set. 


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  • Philly's Phinest changed the title to 2022 NFL Redesign -- Buffalo Bills (17 of 32) -- Added 3/31/2022

Buffalo Bills (17 of32)

Next up we have the Buffalo Bills. I kept it simple on this one again. Nothing too extravagant, but bringing back a clean classic look for Buffalo. I will selfishly say that I really wanted to bring that red 90s helmet back as the primary, but throughout my design, I felt the white just looked the cleanest. That said - 4 helmet options. White being the primary, along with the red, a blue and a throwback. In all honesty, I think any of these could be swapped in and out of the set, but white seems to work best IMO with the primary set. Yes, I know the blue has a blue facemask and doesn't match the white or the red where I used the white grill, but just a style preference there. Bunch of uni options - blue home, white away, red alt and then a blue and red color rush where I was able to utilize the alt helmets. Also removed the number outline which I think looks cleaner overall. Didn't end up creating a throwback since the primary set is kind of like a modern throwback. Might get to a throwback at the end of the series. For the home, away and alt, I went with white pants only - style preference there as well. As always - C&C is appreciated and I hope you enjoy Buffalo. 







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On 3/29/2022 at 10:02 PM, Philly's Phinest said:

Yeah I purposely eliminated the black in the primary sets, but went black for the fauxback. Mainly nostalgia for me as I had a black Moss jersey growing up like the one in the link below. Could definitely turn the design into a purple fauxback too which might be better with the consistency for the whole set. 


maybe make it a super dark purple

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