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Spring Football Concept: AAFL Project


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The count as of this morning, with 17 votes in.  


6   Orlando

4   NY/NJ

3   Columbus

2  Miami

1  Atlanta

1 Hartford


We are above the threshold of votes, so if Orlando gets 2 more votes without an NY/NJ vote, then they would be declared the winner, but there is time for NY/NJ, Columbus, or others to catch up.  Here is what I can tell you about the teams near the front:


Orlando:  I have 4 designs ready to go, including one very Florida color scheme, two repurposed logos, and one from another league I did a series on a while back. 


NY/NJ:  No repurposed logos, 4 totally new ones. 


Columbus:  I had a version of the Apollos logo for CBS to celebrate John Glenn, but with Houston being the Apollos, that has been replaced.  1 logo is repurposed, 1 using OSU colors, and 1 with a possible first black helmet in the league.


Miami:  2 repurposed, another black helmet and yet anotherpossible teal helmet (what is with  me and teal helmets this time around?)



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18 hours ago, neo_prankster said:


1st choice: Hartford if Rentschler Field has enough seats.

2nd choice: Columbus

3rd choice: Birmingham

Duh! Pratt & Whitney Stadium at Rentschler Field in (East) Hartford has a capacity of around 40,000, which is more than enough for this league.


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You think we can go international with this league?


Im an isles,rangers,devils,Sabres,Yankees,Mets,Braves,hawks,knicks,nets,bills,giants,falcons,and jets fan. So?

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3 minutes ago, Blindsay said:

You think we can go international with this league?

Not really planning on it.  There are more than enough markets within the USA to reach 16 teams, which is when I will stop. 

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@maxwasson If you go back to the first page you will see the criteria for cities to be eligible for the AAFL.  I am trying to strike a balance between TV markets and stadiums of appropriate size, so in order to be permitted to be in the running for a team, a city must:

  • Be in the Top 50 MSA metro areas (Wichita is not)
  • Have a football or football/soccer stadium that has a capacity between 20,000-50,000, not too small and not huge NFL stadiums either.  Neither OKC nor Omaha have viable stadiums.
  • The stadiums cannot be baseball stadiums used for baseball in the Spring/Summer.


Those criteria eliminated nearly all Great Plains cities other than Dallas and Tulsa for being too small, or not having a "right-sized" stadium option. 

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OK, I am going to treat @DCarp1231 's post as a vote switch from Atlanta to Orlando kind of like the Iowa Caucus when your guy is ousted so you have to revote for one of the remaining contenders. 


With that vote, we have a winner!


Welcome Orlando, FL to the AAFL!!   This gives us our 8 founding franchises and means that we hit what I consider the 3 biggies for any startup league, Florida, Texas, and California.  So now we start the voting process on Orlando's identity, and this one pushed me in some weird directions.  I wanted to avoid any space references because Houston went that direction, and since Orlando is not on the ocean or the gulf, I did not feel I could repurpose the San Diego Surf or the Sharks idea.  So, what is left?    Let's see.



With a gator as the main component of the logo, you knew this former New Orleans design had to be an option for a Florida team, and so it is.  With the potential for the league's first white helmet, and combining UF orange with green from "The U", this is a very "Florida man" look.  I opted to change the name from "Gators" to "Tropics" largely because UF would certainly sue if another team in the state tried to use the Gator name. 



It's a team the Florida Citrus Growers will love!  Not only does it focus on the citrus industry, but we went one layer deeper into creamsicle country with the first team in sports history to propose a dual-orange color scheme.  We hae seen double blue (Argonauts), double green (Bucks), even double red (AAF Commanders), so now we have double orange.  It certainly screams Florida, but is it too much "juice" for the fans to accept?




Another huge element of Florida's unique population is the vast number of northerners who escape the winter to spend the colder months in the Florida sun.  Whether just temporary "time share" residents or permanent retirees in "death's waiting room", the Snowbird should be the state bird.  In a sun-soaked gold and blue sky combo, the Snowbirds spread their wings in sunny Orlando. 



A second repurposed logo as the former DC Power now emerge as the Orlando Lightning.  This design recognizes the frequency and severity of lightning strikes in Central Florida, while also providing the team with a color scheme that aligns with its other major outdoor team, the MLS Orlando City club, with their recognizable purple kits.  The Lightning will sport purple, metallic gold, and black as their colors, with twin lightning bolts emerging from the facemask on the helmets. 



There we have them, four choices up for a vote.  Only 1 can be the identity of the league's final inaugural team.  Will it be a tongue in cheek reference to the state's big crop?  a nod to the prehistoric lizard so often found on golf courses and in swimming pools?  A tribute to the state's transient sunseekers? or will the team adopt purple once again?  


As we have established, the vote has a 2-day maximum, but once we reach 15 total votes, then any team with a 4-vote lead takes the W.  


Following this vote, i will lay out the premise of a first season, and discussion of expansion to 10 clubs in year two.   More votes to come, to be sure.  But, for now, let's get to picking the identity of Florida's team.  

  • LOL 1
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My vote’s for the Snowbirds but I have a suggestion for the Tropics name


The EverGlators?


Im an isles,rangers,devils,Sabres,Yankees,Mets,Braves,hawks,knicks,nets,bills,giants,falcons,and jets fan. So?

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