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Dallas Cowboys


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OK, before you scroll down and want to lynch me for messing with tradition, keep in mind this isn't a proposal of what Dallas should wear but rather just an alternate time period concept.

This concept is more subdued than my Jets 2055 concept but still a radical departure from their current look. I didn't change any colors - it's still the same old Cowboys blue and silver. But I did get rid of the silver helmet and changed it to blue. To fulfill requests for more white unis, I made white one of the main colors. I'm not really sure if this is home or road, sort of a combination of the two. The top half of the jersey is based on a star pattern extending out onto the sleeves. It's nothing too crazy but it gives them a trademark look and the numbers add a more futuristic feel.

A simple change to the Cowboys logo made it way more evil looking IMO. I just added a silver outline around the star to give it some depth but kept it as simple as possible. Then I used the top part of the updated star as the helmet stripe. And the font I used is Saved By Zero.

That's about it, tell me what you think. The only other 2055 concept I'm working on right now is the Falcons so if anyone has requests for an NFL team they'd like to see, let me know.


Jets 2055

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That star actually works in blue, but I don't think you could ever have it in white or silver because it wouldn't suddenly lose its ferocity and turn into a snowflake.

I was thinking the same thing - even with the white outline, it looks a little like a snowflake on the sleeves but I can't figure out how to fix it. I might just sharpen the edges of the sleeve logo a little so it's less "fluffy" looking

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I was thinking the same thing - even with the white outline, it looks a little like a snowflake on the sleeves but I can't figure out how to fix it. I might just sharpen the edges of the sleeve logo a little so it's less "fluffy" looking

Maybe just leave it as a good ol' 5 pointed star. As it stands now, it reminds me of one of those ninja throwing stars. I guess it could also be a spur, like on the back of a cowboy boot. Overall though, I think the whole concept is solid. I really like the choice of numbers you've been using on these jerseys.

Since you're taking requests...heehee...any chance of seeing a NY Giants of the future? I know you already touched upon a NY team with the Jets, but the Giants could definitely use some help with their current scheme.

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judging by their team history, i was hoping you'd have like 10 or 11 different shades of blue on this concept, and 5 or 6 silvers :)

hell, how about a gradient from deeeeep navy to powder blue? that should knock out every color combo of blue possible :)

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