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TO on Class and Integrity


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Has any player in the history of pro sports ever been his own worst enemy more than this selfish, ignorant scumbag?

He's going to cost himself millions of dollars at some point, whether it's through loss of endorsements or endorsements never offered or simply lower contracts due to lack of a bidding war for his "services". That's pretty much how he ended up with his current contract that he's so terribly unhappy with, which would feed, clothe and house my entire family and their next couple of generations quite comfortably.

It's people like this that are ruining sports for me.

I really find it annoying that while my local paper puts in two small paragraphs on page 12 about this idiot, ESPN chooses to lead with him every chance they get, give him all that airtime, inverview "experts" and make him out to be soooooo much more than he will ever deserve to be.


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?You don?t like to see 20 kids punching 20 other kids. But it?s not a disgrace, It?s hockey.? - Michael Farber

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Rumor has it that Hugh Douglas did just that this past Wednesday.

HA! I'm all for slapping the taste out of T.O.'s mouth, but Hugh Douglas? Didn't they cut his ass? What the hell is he doing in the NovaCare facility anyway? When former employees come back to their old workplace, they usually are packing heat and shoot 34 people.

Hugh is actually still an Eagles employee, just in a non-playing capacity, as some sort of "ambassador" for the organization.

He was apparently at the Eagles facilities in that capacity, decided to give Owens a piece of his mind, and next thing you know, indefinite suspension ...

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Rumor has it that Hugh Douglas did just that this past Wednesday.

HA! I'm all for slapping the taste out of T.O.'s mouth, but Hugh Douglas? Didn't they cut his ass? What the hell is he doing in the NovaCare facility anyway? When former employees come back to their old workplace, they usually are packing heat and shoot 34 people.

Hugh is actually still an Eagles employee, just in a non-playing capacity, as some sort of "ambassador" for the organization.

He was apparently at the Eagles facilities in that capacity, decided to give Owens a piece of his mind, and next thing you know, indefinite suspension ...

In NO way am I taking T.O.'s side on this, but those that aren't players or managment shouldn't be in the locker room and damn sure shouldn't be giving the players a piece of their minds...

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Westbrook signs 6-yr deal  :D

Think Philly management sped up that negociation any?

Don't read anything into that. The deadline to count it against this year's salary cap was today (or tomorrow) so that had much to do with it.

They don't call them the "Cap Champs" for nothing.

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The way i heard it, Hugh swung a couple of times and missed, while T.O. connected several times....

The way it's been told, no punches were landed by either side. But TO apparently stopped to throw on sneakers for "better traction"... but didn't throw on anything else after getting out of the hot tub. If I were Hugh Douglas, I wouldn't want to land any punches on a slippery, naked TO. :puke:

They don't call them the "Cap Champs" for nothing.

P.S. The Cap Champs locked up kicker David Akers through the 2010 season.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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