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Cowboys blue jersey


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Amen JQK! the Cowboys are one of the (if not the most) traditional teams in the NFL in terms of uniforms, and they haven't touched their home uni since their inception with the exception of those couple seasons where they had the "Cowboys" wordmark under the collar. I don't think all the exacting little things like shades of silver or blue really matter at all, I can't tell the difference between "metallic silver green" and "metallic silver blue", so who cares? And to help answer the original question, I think everyone is right, they choose not to wear the blue I believe mostly because of the Texas heat, and also because over the years they never play well in the navy jerseys when they wear them against Washington and Philadelphia. I also love the doublestars as many of you do, and I don't understand why they don't wear the white ones on Thanksgiving instead of the navy ones, which I remember them playing terribly in in '95 against Washington and Philly (I think their only 2 losses that year in fact). On a side note, I really hate how Reebok makes these; the navy they use is just the same color as their current dark jerseys, as opposed to the original color, which was a lighter, more silvery navy. I know because I still have my authentic navy doublestar Aikman jersey (just dusted it off, I'm on the Parcells wagon now) :D Also they make the shoulder stars way too small; whereas the old ones covered the whole shoulder and served to connect the blue and white, the new ones just look silly and float in between the two colors.
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Btw if anyone has pics of either of the original double star jerseys of '94-95 in action I'd just love to see em, it seems like any pics of them are more rare than a Bears win. Also if anyone can clear sopmething up for me, I was always confused as to the wearing of the 75th anniversary patch in the 94-95 season, it seems like when Dallas wore the double star jerseys they only wore the 75th patch some of the time. Of course, the pictures I saw may have been doctored. Also I remember that in some pics I saw the little Cowboys logo under the color was on the right instead. Just wondering.
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It's funny, but I think a lot of it has to do with technology. Back in the day, you probably couldn't be as precise with colors as you can today, so teams like the Cowboys end up with tradition that's a bit off. Now people want to 'fix' it just because you can. I see their point, but I don't know if it's absolutely necessary.

I don't mind the Cowboys' look, since they're my favorite  team, but I must admit I had a lot of mismatched caps and jackets growing up because of the different shades of blue. (Now I'm having the same problem with this new wave of navy Cubs stuff -- now THAT needs to stop before it gets out of hand.)

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I think the reason that the cowboys wear white ar home is because Tom Landry wanted his team to look the same every time they played, so that he could instill consistency in his players. He chose to wear white at home because they wear white on the road. I think there have been seasons where they don't where the blues all year.That was until their divisional rivals started wearing white at home against dallas so that they would have to wear the blues. At least that's what I heard. I don't know why the blues are different.



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No really... what I said above is true. The former owner (Tex Schramm) didn't want blue vs. white every game and wanted the fans to see all the other colors of the other teams. That's it.

Which is smart reasoning. One reason why what the NHL did sucks. Also the NHL thing as well as the normal football tradition of color at home, because white USUALLY contrasts better with the rest of the jersey. Especially hockey.

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