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A designer's story


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I have heard some of you post on the board that you are young or you dont have the software needed to become a professional designer, or you dont have the educational background.....

let me share my own personal experience with you people and maybe you will then understand. If you don't oh well.

I did NOT go to school for graphic design, in fact I went to school for Fashion Marketing.

I did NOT have all the software needed to learn graphic design.

Being a successfull profesional designer, isnt about how good of a designer you are. It is about how much you are willing to learn, how much you want to learn, and how open you are to taking direction, criticism and opinion.

If you want to create a artistic masterpiece to hang on the wall of a museum, than a professional graphic designer is not something you should consider.

When i first started out, I actually taught myself how to RAW CODE HTML on a WebTv Unit.... It was something I was interested in, so I learned everything there was to know about Web Design and programming.

Then I managed to get my hands on a bootleg version of Photoshop. (Where as I do not promote piracy, I do promote doing what you have to, to get what you need to learn). I taught myself everything, not just one area but everything.

I joined online forumns and communities similar to this. I learned vector, 3-D, animations. This does not mean I am better than anyone, it just means that I wanted to learn as much as I could so I would be as marketable as possible. If you want to do this for a living you have to bring more to the table than the next guy.

Companies arent going to hire someone whose only value is that he is an excellent Masking artist. Now a days companies want more.

Though many years of learning and criticism, and self education I learned everything I could, and was fortunate enough to land a solid job with a reputable company here in NY.

Some of you may know that I have done several design work for the Seattle Seahawks. As a kid growing up in NY, i was a huge fan of the Seahawks and never would have imagined that I would ever have an oppotrtunity to design stuff for them.

But through persistence, dedication and the willingness to learn and ADAPT, my skills have become such that I got noticed, all the way over here in NY.

yes, I am blatant!

Yes I am direct and blunt.....

I am this way, because I get annoyed when I see many of you whine and complain that because of your age, lack of education or lack of software ability, you can never get a job doing work for legit companies.

That isnt about talent, that is about motivation.

If people always gave up, because they made excuses, people would to this day think the world was flat!

Take what you want from my post. Call me rude or what not, I really dont give much credence to it.

but if you take any bit of value from it, then I wish you the best of luck!

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Good stuff.  Interesting stuff.  It's always nice when someone shares the secret to their success.  Hopefully some of the young and aspiring designers out here will get some value out of it.
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What's lost on you is that not everybody here wants to be a graphic designer. We do it because we have an interest in uniforms/logos and we have fun trying.

Learning isn't my main priority, having fun designing uniforms and being satisfied with MY work, despite what others say, is my main objective.

Do I plan on making this a professional career? No. And if I did, I would make my best effort towards getting better and getting the software I needed to make myself better.

Quit being redundant and saying how we just design the Canucks jersey or the Islanders jersey 189 times because if we're having fun doing it, what the hell does it matter to you what we do?

If I want to redesign the Islanders logo, is it because I want the Islanders to wear it everynight? No. I do it because I had fun doing it.

Another word that's lost on you... F-U-N. That's why most of us design when we design. And just like in any area... there's a difference between criticism and constructive criticism. If you want us all to go out and go to college for Graphic design, then don't say we're stupid for designing something, no matter how many times we've done it because that's how you discourage people.

If you don't like what this board is about, leave. It's simple.


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Nothing is lost on me.

DOnt try and intepret what I say, and tell me what I do or dont understand.

I am referring SPECIFICALLY to the people who use the examples I said as an EXCUSE!

I thought I CLEARLY stated that in the beginning.....

I guess that was lost on YOU! Or maybe youw ere so busy trying to stand on your political soap box that you tried to make a entirely different issue out of it?

PS. 49ers Suck!

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So mature.  

But Nothing was lost on me.

on a sidenote... I love how some fans (example: some Seahawks fans) suddenly think they can talk crap when their teams finally good despite their many seasons of mediocrity.  Win 5 Superbowls, and then talk...


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Please dont fight(NewYawkSeahawk/InTheEnd88)...I don't like confrontations...my momma said. my momma said that. my momma said that happiness comes from rays of sunshine that come down when you're feeling blue. Please go find some rays of happy and then you can stop your bickering. P.S. I'm a Titans fan...
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The Niners and Seahawks both suck. The Rams have beat the Niners, and will beat them again today. The Rams should have beat the Hawks, but the inability to throw deep passes by Bulger, the inability to call plays that go with the QBs ability (he called deep passes with a guy who can't do em playing and the king of them on the bench in crunch time), and a crap offensive holding call in crunch time that was passed over the rest of the game all contributed to an unfortunate loss. Rams will in the end take the division easily.
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NewYawkSeahawk, you make good points, but some of these guys are kids, not aspiring designers. I think despite your protests, some of the purpose of this board is lost on you.

For the life of me, I can't understand how a simple site about logos and uniforms elicits such emotional responses from people. Seriously, how can this stuff make you mad?! So an Islanders fan wants to make 100 different concepts for his team. So be it.

I also don't understand where talking trash about teams comes into play here... especially from someone looking to focus and streamline the board. There's 100 other forums here for just that purpose. This from a Cowboys fan who was proudly wearing their colors in 1989 (1-15) and is admittedly shocked by their success this year.

The board is what it is. The community determines its direction, not one voice. I choose to deal with it. I'm not into hockey too much, but I know most people are here. I come here more for early info on new uniforms and logos not yet announced, not fantasy stuff, but I understand why it's here.

Just remember this is not an exclusive designers club. Some are aspiring designers, some are kids, some are pros like yourself and some are just having fun. Yes, even those that say 'I don't have Illustrator.' Try some tolerance and patience.

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Bravo CubsFan!!! I wanted to post a rant this weekend but felt like that would just be feeding this guy's ego and it's just not what this board is about. I am a professional designer and have had many successes. Even though I am not interested in the uniform threads on this board, I don't berate the 100+ uniform designs. I just choose to not comment on them. I'm not a hockey fan either, so I just don't read those threads. I come here for the exchange of ideas, to help inspire personal projects, and to just see what is out there because I'm a sports fan on top of being a designer.

I was fortunate to go to school for design, but I still had to learn all of the software on my own because it was just being introduced at the time. These kids here that get to play with whatever software they can get their hands on are already ahead of the curve and should be proud of what they can accomplish.

I commend people for having the drive to succeed, reaching for their dreams or for learning what they can any way they can but this is no way to inspire them.

Great post CubsFan, couldn't have said it better myself.

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