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Teams that should go back their old logos


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The Canucks stick logo is very overrated

Amen to that. I have always thought that logo is one of the worst in sports.

I once had a car but I crashed it. I once had a guitar but I smashed it. I once, wait where am I going with this?

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The Canucks stick logo is very overrated

It's still better than the Orca and local fans identify with it. The Orca has nothing to do with the team and absolutely must go.

Given the choice I'd much rather see a johny Canuck logo though. Here's a slightly tweaked version I've kicked around for awhile:


jersey based on the current throwback done in 50's whl colours.


If the Canucks do go back to their stick fulltime (I'm aware that they are using it as a third fulltime next season) I'd be ok with it but they should tweak the jerseys a bit. Here's some tweaking courtesy of me.



simple is better


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The Canucks stick logo is very overrated

Amen to that. I have always thought that logo is one of the worst in sports.

You really don't know much about bad logo's then. Here's a fact for you, that vintage jersey of Vancouver's is one of the highest sellers in hockey, after the jets jersies.

The Vancouver Canucks realized that the jersey is a fan favourite by looking at the merchandise records and also a quick look into the stands would show anyone how popular these jersies are. Anyways the canucks media and marketing department saw that these were soo popular that they officially made the original jersey a 3rd jersey.


5x Stanley Cup Champions

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the tampa bay lightning's logo, such a plain and boring logo. I mean they put the freakin state in the logo, like the rest of the NHL doesn't know where it is right.

The one I usually see is just the lightning bolt in the circle. The other one is an alternate.

To go with the original topic, I've always liked the Mariners' trident but I realize it probably wouldn't work nowadays.

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You sir are a genius.

Add me to the list of people who think the stick logo is overrated. Just because people in Vancouver lap it up like milk at a cat show doesn't mean it's great, it just means it's terribly easy to delude large numbers of people in the Vancouver area... ^_^

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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The Canucks stick logo is very overrated

Amen to that. I have always thought that logo is one of the worst in sports.

You really don't know much about bad logo's then. Here's a fact for you, that vintage jersey of Vancouver's is one of the highest sellers in hockey, after the jets jersies.

The Vancouver Canucks realized that the jersey is a fan favourite by looking at the merchandise records and also a quick look into the stands would show anyone how popular these jersies are. Anyways the canucks media and marketing department saw that these were soo popular that they officially made the original jersey a 3rd jersey.

Sells have nothing to do with a design is good or not because for the most part people don't buy sports apparel based on the logo. They buy it because that is their favorite team.

As far as he Canucks Rink logo it sells probably based on the fact that the current stuff is viewed as a corporate logo. So they buy what is available of Canuck merchandise that isn't the ORCA logo. It's not because the Rink logo is a great logo that should be brought back. I'm sure if the Canucks wore the V jerseys as vintage jerseys and sold those instead of the rink logo they would sell just as many of those. I'm sure if the Canucks came out with a new logo that wasn't corporate sells of the rink jersey would drop off almost completely.

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jersey based on the current throwback done in 50's whl colours.


As a Canucks fan, I really love it. I do. I am a sucker for the vintage blue and green jerseys.

A lot of you are bashing those jerseys. The reasons why I love it are that the colours really represent the city and there is no current similar colour scheme, whereas our yellow/orange looked like the Flames (in our division) and the current scheme looks like the Avalanche (in our division. The simplicity of the stripes and logo is great. It doesn't mean anything, but it has a wonderful colour scheme and they look so sharp, especially on TV compared to others.

The thing I have against your concept, it's bordering on Oilers territory (in our division) the stripes are similar and also the central logo. But I love the logo and I wish the Canucks could somehow incorporate it. But I unfortunately can't see it happening.

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