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Sabres Slug Concept


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Alright i've been hearing the Sabres management that we should wait for the entire package before critizing the slug. This got me thinking. They obviously knew the fans wanted a modernization of the crossed swords logo so what if they made the swords the stripes on the jersey and that brought me to creating this. The stripes for the cross swords in the front and wrap around like normal stripes in the back. The swords come to apoint on the sleeves like the current sabres jersey. The slug overlaps the "swords" but that is because the slug needs to be a visible size. Also note the B logo would go on the shoulders but I don't have a good pic of the new one. Beware this one is out there.


Thoughts, comments, and CC welcomed.

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Alright i've been hearing the Sabres management that we should wait for the entire package before critizing the slug. This got me thinking. They obviously knew the fans wanted a modernization of the crossed swords logo so what if they made the swords the stripes on the jersey and that brought me to creating this. The stripes for the cross swords in the front and wrap around like normal stripes in the back. The swords come to apoint on the sleeves like the current sabres jersey. The slug overlaps the "swords" but that is because the slug needs to be a visible size. Also note the B logo would go on the shoulders but I don't have a good pic of the new one. Beware this one is out there.


Thoughts, comments, and CC welcomed.

ummmm....I'm sorry man. I'm not feeling it. The crossing sabres just make this look a little awkward. Plus, no numbers or shoulder logos kinda give it a flaw.


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I think working the crossing sabres in is a good idea, but I think this particular rendition looks much better as a concept than it actually would on the ice. When players are wearing this and moving, I think the continuity of the swords would get lost in their armpits, and the jersey would just look like some kind of unfortunate advertisement for the XHL.

One way I think it would work is to have a jersey with smaller sabres crossing just on the chest, then put the buffaslug on the shoulders similar to the original "flying Elvis" Patriots jerseys (except maybe smaller and less obnoxious).


oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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While I like the idea of the jersey itself being part of the branded "logo", I agree the swords are too big. Unless the team skates with their arms outstretched, the sabre motif will be lost.

If you change your template to a more natural "arms down" version, you'll see what I mean.

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That's not a bad design, but Buffaslug looks a bit like it's trying to dodge the crossed sabres and avoid being sliced to pieces. The sabre striping would also look floppy when a player wearing the jersey has their arms down.

To make this look better, I suggest making the front striping the same as it is at the back. To incoporate the sabres better, maybe you could use a recoloured version of the 2001 alt logo on the shoulders (adding a letter 'B' inside) or you could put the crossed sabres behind the jersey crest, and maybe make them smaller so that they don't use up too much space on the jersey. You may also want to change the colour of the home jersey neck to gold, white, or both.

EDIT: Also as Wildwinger88 said, the numbers on the arms are missing.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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