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Good Bye New Haven Colisuem


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Well no wonder it was imploded thats an eye sore

Dutyfree, excellent brutal reference

NJTank, growing up with that as the local arena, I thought that's what all arenas looked like. Keep in mind, the Hartford Civic Center was connected to The Mall at the time, the Garden you really only saw entrance photos and video of, and the Nassau Colisuem, they never showed the outside on television.

Most of what you see in that photo is the parking garage. You didn't need to pop pills before a show - driving up the ramp got you loopy enough!

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You can see video of the implosion on Fox 61's website.

And don't forget:



I wish I got my lazy azz out of bed to watch it yesterday. Not every day we got to see a piece of minor league history crumble.

Then again, the video is everywhere!

For those non-locals, the Coliseum wasn't replaced by another venue. Technically.

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Well, the building was never actually completed according to the original plans. There was supposed to be a convention center as well as street-level retail shops that were never built that would have integrated it much further into the neighborhood. I do agree, though, that putting the parking garage on top was an odd move, but a stragegic structural one since the loads per square foot on a parking garage is actually less than that of a normal building floor or roof (~20 lb/sq ft vs ~40 lb/sq ft).

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Well, the building was never actually completed according to the original plans. There was supposed to be a convention center as well as street-level retail shops that were never built that would have integrated it much further into the neighborhood. I do agree, though, that putting the parking garage on top was an odd move, but a stragegic structural one since the loads per square foot on a parking garage is actually less than that of a normal building floor or roof (~20 lb/sq ft vs ~40 lb/sq ft).

Never knew it was incomplete till I read your post and saw the Wiki. But that explains the tiny parking lot across Orange Street from the arena. Definitely enough space for a small convention center and some storefronts.

I covered the New Haven Ninjas for out of town newspapers (freelance work) and for ArenaFan in that magical year of 2002, and made the mistake of going from the garage to the arena via that huge-azz escalator. Scary stuff, no idea if anyone ever fell from it. The worst was you'd still have to go down 2 flights of stairs to reach the press entrance!

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