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NFC Title Game Thread


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It was an awesome game.

I don't know how anyone thinks that first half fumble wasn't a fumble. It was coming out as he was going down. Once it game lose he never regained possesion. How isn't that a fumble?

It doesn't matter...bears are going to the super bowl!!! I almost giggle everytime I say that...its so hard to believe.

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Agreed to what pcgd said.

Good game and I am happy to say that I was the only one of my friends (about a group of 15) that said the Saints would lose.

(I hope this doesn't start crap) The only thing that is pissing me off about this is the 5 references so far I have heard at how Lovie Smith is the first black head coach to go to the Super Bowl. Don't get me wrong, its great for him...but so what? They make it sound like being black is some kind of disability. Lets really get rid of racism and stop mentioning it every time a black person does something good or bad.


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I think it's cool that this proves that it doesn't matter what your skin color is, but I agree, we needn't dwell on it.

The worst thing was on the post game up here...they were interviewing some fans. The reporter went to one fan and started saying something about Lovie being the first black coach...then he clearly realized he didn't have a question to go along with the statement. So his question...

"Are you down with the black man?"

He repeated this about 3 times....

I wish I was making this up.

oh and btw...

*Once it came loose


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Goddamn, are white people THAT :censored:ing uncomfortable with race? It's not racism to say, hey, Lovie Smith is the first black coach in the Super Bowl. It's a milestone. It's not like anyone's dwelling on it, but you guys make it seem like it's a crime to mention stuff like this anymore.

No wonder race relations are so :censored:ed up.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Race shouldn't matter. I don't care if he is white, black, Chinese, Latin, or freaking Dutch. He has done a great coaching job. Period.

I have no problem with it being said...But to make it your first question in the post game interview with him, to repeat it 4 times within 30 minutes and to (as pcgd saw) mention it to a fan without have a question and then ask if they are down with the black man? 3 times? That I find ridiculous and that is the kind of stuff that keeps racism going. As long as we continuously make a point to point out someones race, it will always be an issue.

*Just a little side note here after reading pcgd's post...Is it really that big of a deal to Smith? I noticed when he was asked about it he completely avoided it and simply said how hard everyone had worked and how happy he was.


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Yet everybody seems to forget that Tom Flores was the first hispanic coach to win a Super Bowl back when he led the Raiders over the Redskins in Super Bowl XVIII.

Which is why Im of course here to remind everyone....

EDIT: yeah Tank you're right, he was the coach back in XV when they beat Philly.

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I dedicate this to the Bears and all Bears fans


If they even think about pulling that crap and "re-doing" it BEFORE the super bowl I'll go insane.

If they even think about pulling that crap and "re-doing" it AFTER the super bowl I'll go insane.

This bears team needs to distance themselves from the 85 squad and form their own identity.

Now...if Kanye does a remix...I wouldn't be that upset :D

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I read this entire thread this morning just 'cause I knew the Saint-haters would be loving it. And they are!

Bottom line, you can't turn the ball over 4 times and win in a game like this. It wasn't the weather, either; they did the same exact thing vs. the Ravens in the Superdome and got their a**es handed to them in that game too. The Bears deserved to win. Too bad to see Fred Thomas' career end like that, he's been a solid player and for a CB to last 11 years in the NFL is remarkable.

In the "can't believe you Saint-haters haven't had a field day with THIS" department: Reggie just had to save his one stupid college hot-dog moment of the season for the biggest game. Taunting Urlacher! :cursing: Thanks for firing up the Bears' D, that really helped the cause. Hell of a run though. :P

It was a disappointing end to a terrific season, but the foundation is in place for future success. And for you guys who think too much was made of the team's role in the renaissance of New Orleans, you should check out the details of trauma recovery, like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and so on. It helps people to have something positive to focus on. Football doesn't rebuild houses, but it can inspire and sustain people who have lost everything else.

As for the Super Bowl...go Colts! Should be a good game.


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I think Sean Payton's critical error was insisting to practice indoors. They played like the Greatest Show On Turf...on the mud....in the winter. We heard for days about how Deuce&Bush were just gonna run it up the gut and exploit Tommie Harris's absence, but they're just airing it out! Over and over! Bear Weather is a myth, but it sure helps to be ready for adverse weather. 16 rushes, 46 rushes. Who won?

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I guess the Bears are who we thought they were all along. We can go ahead and crown their ass.

Oh... and I'm down with black folk.

Hey, *I'm* the one that's supposed to quote Deadspin here, not you! <_<:P

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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In the "can't believe you Saint-haters haven't had a field day with THIS" department: Reggie just had to save his one stupid college hot-dog moment of the season for the biggest game. Taunting Urlacher! :cursing: Thanks for firing up the Bears' D, that really helped the cause. Hell of a run though. :P

It was a disappointing end to a terrific season, but the foundation is in place for future success. And for you guys who think too much was made of the team's role in the renaissance of New Orleans, you should check out the details of trauma recovery, like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and so on. It helps people to have something positive to focus on. Football doesn't rebuild houses, but it can inspire and sustain people who have lost everything else.

That was the turning point. IIRC, the posession after the Bears punted was when they got the safety and that's when the asswhupping commenced. So yeah, if I had to blame anyone to fire up and wake up the sleeping juggernaut that was the Bears D, it has to be Reggie Bush and him doing a Reggie Bush Flip© and trying to Walk It Out.

But still, the team did a great job helping around the city, and they certainly did their parts by boosting the morale and charitable work like you mentioned. All-n-all, one of the best seasons y'all've had, and it was also a very positive one on and off the field. I would say I'm proud if I wasn't such a damn homer. :grin:



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I guess the Bears are who we thought they were all along. We can go ahead and crown their ass.

Oh... and I'm down with black folk.

Hey, *I'm* the one that's supposed to quote Deadspin here, not you! <_<:P

How's that old saying go? "Corrupt and damaged minds think alike."

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