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Detroit Redwings Concept


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Let me preface this by saying that I was expecting to be blown away by this after such a long hiatus from seeing your work. It's evident that you've always had a certain potential breathing inside you trying to manifest itself into some great artistic talent, but it just never was all coming together at the same time, on the same piece of paper. With that said, this piece is probably a little bit the victim of it's own high expectations, but it's still far from 'wow.'

While it shows a degree of progress, I feel it lacks a certain finished quality; a certain level of refinement that I think needs to be present in a professional logo. The colors are interesting together, but they lok more like preliminary picks rather than a finished, well-thought out color scheme that's working with the form to communicate effectively with the viewer. There's not enough contrast for the scheme to function well and it makes the graphics look a little too cartoony. A lighter gold and a darker red, or even black, would defintely be better here. Possibly even just fire engine red, gold and white.

The mark seems disjointed from the logotype both because the logotype is very strong, rigid and angular while the mark is directional, flowing, and graceful, to a certain degree. I'd like to see some sort of interaction between the mark and the type here. I think the style of your rendering welcomes it, and I think only certain rendering styles can achieve it. Trying to interact the mark and type in Mark Verlander's designs (Texans, Seahawks, Falcons, Cardinals) for example, would be murder because his pieces are so simple and iconic, including the text, that they are meant to stand alone and they would simply not work as well if integrated with one another. They're very regal and noble; self-sustaining, if you will. Your style is very conducive to integrating the two, with the flowing lines, the outlines, some overlap, anything. It's a more illustrative style and less of an abstract visual translation of a certain 'idea.' It's a perspective drawing, more or less. Maybe it would work better as an updated profile icon. Maybe not. It's worth a try if not just for the learning experience. Do something you're not comfortable doing.

Someone mentioned how the RW is like the FedEx arrow in that it's not noticeable unless it's pointed out. I couldn't disagree more. While the FedEx logo includes the negative image of an arrow, it is so subdued that it really is hardly noticeable unless you are specifically looking for images within the negative space. It's a hidden 'discovery' we make after we've already gotten the logo's message loud and unmistakably clear. It's the hallmark, the archetype, the epitome of a great secondary design element. GFB mentioned the colors and a little bit of the issue regarding the RW, as well. I think it's simply trying too hard to subdue itself and look clever sitting there on the wings like a feather pattern or something.

To top it off, I'm also having a little trouble reading the type efficiently. Keep going wth it. You get better right now, after you present your work, step back, and go revisit everything. It's the best tool for learning, in my experience. I've learned a lot more through failure than success.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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Guest darkpiranha

Nice start to the logo (although it's a reworking of your Wheelers concept), but I have to commend Tempest's review/advice even more. As a budding designer, I come to this forum to experience the progress of logo design, and it's so nice to see a well thought out critique like this. Even though he's not talking about MY logo, I'm getting tons of benefit from it. It's not enough for someone to say "that sucks", or "I'm not feeling it" or whatever. When someone spends the time to not only point out flaws, but to provide valuable suggestions, that's what separates the pros from the wannabes.

And AAO, I checked out your portfolio and really like your overall style. Great stuff in there.

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I think it's pretty cool.

We all know that the wings wouldn't change their logo that much, but that's why it's a concept, right?

GTA United(USA) 2015 + 2016 USA Champions/Toronto Maroons (ULL)2014, 2015 + 2022 Gait Cup Champions/Toronto Northmen (TNFF)

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Well, obviously it wouldn't fly with Detroit, but this is excellent. One suggestion. Perhaps rotate it 30-45 or so degrees to the right so it's a little wider than taller. It looks great now, but on a jersey I think it might look a little awkward.

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i like it, but it just doesnt have a detroit feel to it. its too modern and crazy. now dont get me wrong i think it looks sweet i just dont think it would ever be excepted by the fans in detroit.


-The Few, The Proud, The Paint Users.-

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