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Tampa Bay Rays -UPDATED!-


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A few days ago, I started back up on a Tampa Bay Rays concept I had kinda gotten started a while back. After seeing what was leaked for the new look, I realized, any concept from here on out would have to be considered an improvement. (yes, even you Patsox ^_^ )

I've been going back and forth on some things the last couple nights, and yesterday kinda went away from what I had originally, to this. Mostly Lt. Blue and Yellow at home and Navy and Yellow on the road. On the aways I couldn't decide between simply the 'TB' or "Tampa Bay" spelled out. I used the 'TB' as my primary concept, but added the "Tampa Bay" ones in there so they could be seen, in case anybody would rather see those as the aways. On the alts, I did two different ones for each home and away. I thought about going opposites, with the 'TB' on the home alt. when it's on the away jerseys, and with 'Rays' on the away alt. when it's on the home jerseys. I also did it reverse with 'Rays' on the home and 'TB' on the aways. On the logo set, I don't necessarily have a primary logo yet. I intended to use the updated, navy with yellow and lt. blue highlights, that was leaked, but didn't have a .eps version of it, so it's implied that it would be on the logo set, as well as a sleeve patch on the left sleeve of each jersey. The gray for the aways actually has a slight light blue hue to it, though I'm not quite sure how noticeable it is... Anyway, enough mindless drabel. Here it goes.



Home Alt. (one or the other. not both)


Away Alt. (again, one or the other. not both)


Logo Set


And Away and Away Alt. with 'Tampa Bay'


Alright. Let it fly.

Also, after posting this, I realize I'm not too crazy about the numerals. So I might eventually change them and re-post.

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lovin most of this. I love the powder/baby blue and yellow. Id say that it would be best to lose the navy alltogether, and yeah, change the numerals to something closer to a basic block. Love the Rays script, although it DOES have a little similarities to the Brewers script.id almost just use "RAYS" for all each set of the jerseys, and maybe just use the "TB" for a BP set and the caps.

Nice work, but more importantly, good taste...


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This looks like a combination of all the Brewers' jerseys from time. You've got the blue and yellow from the ball-and-glove era, the script and navy from the current uniforms and the interlocking letters like the Motre Bame logo. It's not a bad thing, its just something I noticed.

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I was worried so much about them looking like the Brewers, that I hadn't even noticed the Padres similarity. I'm currently working on a revisal. I'm trying to alter the script so it doesn't resemble the Padres so much. I don't have many different script fonts to work with though, so I'll have to do the best I can. I'll post the updates when I get a chance. I'll be in St. Louis until Sunday, so it may be then or Monday before I get them up here.

Thanks for all the critiques. It should help with the final product.

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Better than the real thing.

The road uniforms and cap logo are kind of "meh" to my eyes. Solid but unremarkable. "Not bad," in the Minnesotan-English sense of the phrase.

But the home script is terrific. This is what the script would have needed to look like to make the name "Stingrays" work. I just can't express strongly enough how terrific a job I think you've done with the home script. Nailed it in one.

My biggest "complaint" is that for some reason the light blue piping under light blue script on the home isn't working for me at all. Not sure the best way to fix it -- the couple of things I can think of strike me as making the problem worse -- but there it is. Maybe a triple-stripe pattern that echoes the script more directly, with a thick stripe of light blue inside a pair of thin stripes of white and yellow. I dunno. But the piping right now makes the jersey a bit too calm for my taste.

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Okay, I took into account some of the suggestions. Namely, I altered the script to look less like the Padres (I hope). Second, I changed up the 'TB' logo a bit with a slightly different font, which also appears on the updated 'Tampa Bay' script. The most noticeable thing is the color changes. For this one, I decided to use the colors they actually are using, mainly to illustrate how easy it would've been for them to still come up with something much less boring than what they're gonna have. That's why a lot of the things in the concept may look kinda similar to the new sets (though I created all the components, except the manta ray, without copying the actual new set). I changed the piping to triple-piping off the suggestion by Ballwonk. I love triple-piping and think it works wonderfully here. The main reason, though, that I was apprehensive about using it is because they currently use it and did not want to make it look so similar to what they currently have (even though 100 times better than the new look. I also added the Light Blue alt. just to show what it could look like. It could be a 2nd alt. It could replace the navy. It could even just have the 'TB' like the navy, only on light blue. I also put both hats to show how it could go with eiter one. The light blue hat could be the only hat worn with the jersey, home or away, or switch or whatever. Also since the piping on the light blue jersey is Navy-White-Navy, it matches the pants and wouldn't need a second pair. They could simply have a light blue belt and set of socks to wear with the jersey. I left the away pants with the navy belt and socks to show how they would still go with it if worn with the navy hat.

Well, I just said a lot so on with the work. I've also done this in the Light Blue-Yellow-Navy color pallet as in the previous concept, if anybody would suggest I do it that way. I'll post those if enough people want to see it. I also included, in the main logo set, the difference between the away uniform gray I used and the usual gray uniforms. I did it on a laptop and now am on my computer at work, so the monitors may make it appear different from what I actually did and to what I'm posting. But you get the idea.




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I like everything about this except the fact that the Home font reminds me of the Padres' font way too much. I'd go back and work on that.

I'm glad you decided to use one of your rare posts to point this out, because only three people before you mentioned the same thing. If you'd been your usual lurking self, he might never have known.

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I like the light blue set better for the home. Your revision looks too much like their actual set for next year, which is boring and looks like the Mariners. Have you tried light blue with yellow and dark blue outlines? I know it's an overly trendy color combination, but at least nobody in MLB has it yet.

Also, the interlocking TB -- the B part is hard to distinguish, it looks from afar to be an R because of the bottom part being covered up.

Very clean looking and nice, and better than what they are going to look like. I bet in 2 years they will be using the road script that you drew.

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I like everything about this except the fact that the Home font reminds me of the Padres' font way too much. I'd go back and work on that.

I'm glad you decided to use one of your rare posts to point this out, because only three people before you mentioned the same thing. If you'd been your usual lurking self, he might never have known.

Plus the fact that I posted, nearly 24 hours before his, that I was aware of said similarities and would be revising them.


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I like your revised concept alot, alot, alot , alot better. The colors are just about perfect together and I think the script looks alot better. My only concern (and it's very small) is that thier colors may link too much to some teams in thier division. What I mean by that is, Look at the Yankees (predominantly navy blue)and the Blue Jays (use alot of sky blue). Thats why a team like the White Sox could never go back to blue and red, because the tigers use predominant navy and the Indians and Twins both use Navy and Red. I wouldnt worry too much about it though. I still give it an A++!

Jimmy Eat World



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