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SJ Sharks


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This is a concept I've been working on to slightly alter the Sharks current unis. I think that when the previous sharks jerseys still existed, most people like the black alt. style above the home/away style. Now that San Jose has tried to go classic, I tried to mix in some of the striping that they had on the previous alt., while still keeping with the traditional "feel".....





Constructive Criticism is appreciated.

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This looks very nice.

No, it doesn't. You have to look at the details here. Why is the striping on the sleeves different then the bottom hem? Why is there a triangle behind the logo on the white jersey, when it belongs on both (or just the dark)? Why is there no nameplate? This needs some work. Downgrade.

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Anyone at all? 77 views..... come on.

Please don't bump your own post after only a few hours. Please don't beg for responses.

As for the work... well, the first thing I see is that it's a bit on the sloppy/jagged side. That notwithstanding, there are a lot of things I don't understand about the design. I'll mostly look at the white jersey, though the same problems lie across both.

I'm not a fan of the weird triangle they're using with the full shark, but that's not your fault, that's the design team's.

The biggest problem is a complete lack of consistency throughout the design. Look at the black stripes you're using, for example--on the yoke they're very thin, a little thicker on the hem, and very thick on the sleeves. The white and orange are separated on the hem, much in the same way that it's done on the logo triangle, but not on the sleeves. And, while the team got it wrong in my eyes, leaving the orange out of the yoke striping, I think you had the chance to fix it and didn't.

The numbers on the back follow the hem stripe color order, which is good, but they look a bit small. You're also missing the sleeve numbers and the name, which is truly part of the uniform. (So are the pants and helmet, but I tend to cut some slack on those.)

The collar doesn't look right to me at all, with the colors all tapering down, though I haven't looked closely at the new collars to see how they work if they're multi-colored. Again, here's a spot where there's inconsistency in how the colors are separated--for the only time on the jersey white is directly next to teal.

Overall, I'd have to give it a thumbs down. The idea is interesting, but the execution doesn't really translate the idea well at all to the viewer.

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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It's way too simplistic for me I think. It needs some shoulder patches of some sort, arm numbers, a nameplate FOR SURE. Personally I just don't like the new logo which is no fault of yours, I just like the old sharks a lot better (particularly their original tealish jerseys). Many times logos are too cluttered, but this one could use some clutter to spice it up I think. I do like the home jersey though, the shark without the triangle looks pretty good actually and I wonder if it'd work at all on the white jersey.

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