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Field turf in pbs


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the Cincinnati Bengals will switch to field turf for next season. I got this off the tem website this morning. As a bengal fan I am thrilled with this move for one because the current field has cost them games, anyone remember corey dillon tripping and falling at the one to lose against the titans in 2002. second i am excited because the new field because they have gone to two super bowls and other playoff apperances on artificial turf. they have never made the playoffs on grass.



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They need to keep that ugly stadium full of grass. I hate this. Fieldturf should ONLY be used in domes and Giants Stadium. All outside facilities should have grass, no if, and's, or buts...

This really pisses me off....

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This is disappointing Field Turf is better then Astroturf, but its never better then grass. Grass is the way it was meant to be played and if it gets sloppy it only makes the game better and more fun. Im sick of people whinning about poor field conditions look at the old films they played on dirt and it was fanatastic.

Grass is always the way to go, unless you have a dome, and I wish all domes were gone too.



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Pro football should be played in exactly the same conditions we played in as kids.

We used to have pick-up games at our high school field, but during the winter they'd put up snow fences to control the drifting (and to keep us out). So we'd play in snow up to our thighs, with orange plastic fences in the way, and spots where the ground was so wet the snow never stuck and instead was a giant semi-fozen mud puddle.

You'd run so slow that you'd get gang-tackled on every play, and half the time you'd fumble, but the ball would get either buried in the snow or change possession 5 or 6 times before the play finally ended, because it's really freakin' hard to pick up a frozen ball with gloves on.

And someone always either sprained something or got a nosebleed.

Now THAT'S how every game should be.

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These guys complain about bad footing, or mud, or snow, or undeven, or bald patches.. IT's FOOTBALL!!!

The middle of the field is supposed to be a desert by the end of the season, mud is supposed to be up to your knees, ou're supposed to slosh around, or go sliding in the snow.. that's the whole point of playing the game...

When did everyone (save Linemen) in the NFL become such pansies......

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people hate astroturf, by season's end that field in cincinnati was more dangerous. The sand dirt mix was softer yes, but it caused more foot, ankle, knee injuries than i have ever seen. Grass is great i agree with that but that field wasn't normal grass. if you watch a game there you'd see players sliding all over the place recievers falling on routes. Guys would get into the clear and get tripped up the grass.The field was awaful on opening day and just got worse as the season went on. This new field will raise the quality of play and give fans a better game.



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this is modern day nfl not some back yard football game there is way too much money on the line to have the game come down to a plaey falling down. believe me I was upset when michigan put field turf in the big house, but I feel like this would be an improvement over there current field



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Man, I used to pray for rain any time we had a large football game among friends planned.  I wasn't too fond of snow, but getting rain, and having the opportunity to play in it was almost a blessing.

Hell, me and my friends used to play in my friends huge back yard, and before we'd play, we'd turn on the sprinklers for an hour or two just to have the muddy and rainy effect.  It makes for good football, funner football too.


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I know I'm in the EXTREME minority, but I love domes. I think they add flavour, it wouldn't be as fun having every field alike. Some with baseball diamonds, some indoor artificial, outdoor artificial (My favourite) and outdoor grass. It adds flavour, definatly.



Flavor? are you kidding me ?

It takes away flavor.

Flavor is wind, rain, snow, cold, and hot weather.

Domes are stale and lacking all that fun stuff, its like playing in a hospital rooms boring and sterile.

JQK is correct football fields dont have to be perfect its part of teh game clumps and slipping it makes it fun. I loved wathcing the grass die at Giants Stadium it adds alittle more excitement.



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Does Lou Holtz still pick up gras and chew o it like he did at Notre Dame, he cant do that with Field Turf so I dont think he will be wanting to change :D



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this is modern day nfl not some back yard football game there is way too much money on the line to have the game come down to a plaey falling down. believe me I was upset when michigan put field turf in the big house, but I feel like this would be an improvement over there current field

Modern day or not, what does it matter? It's a game, and if you slip on the play that would have won the game, oh well, that's part of the game!!!

Play on the surface God gave ya... If you're outside, have grass, bottom line.

If you're in a dome, shave that roof off and get some grass in there..... People wanting that "perfect" field don't realize there is not supposed to be a perfect field...

Jim Brown didn't seem to have a problem running on grass...

Crazy Legs Hirsch

Frank Gifford

Don Ameche

Don Hutson

Don Maynard

Matt Snell

Should i even continue?

If they could do it, todays crybabies can do it...

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Jim Brown didn't seem to have a problem running on grass...

Crazy Legs Hirsch

Frank Gifford

Don Ameche

Don Hutson

Don Maynard

Matt Snell

Should i even continue?

If they could do it, todays crybabies can do it...

And those guys didn't make MILLIONS of dollars to do it....they played for the same team for their entire careers...

But i digress, the game has changed now and the high priced prima donnas have to have the perfect stadium/grass/ball and pants with no pads that don't even come down to their knees...

if they are trying to justify this for the fans, I don't think so...I honestly believe fans want to see slop and mud...As an example...did you see how many fans showed up in New England when they had over 2 feet of snow...they shoveled out their own seats to watch the game...threw snow when the Pats scored...it was awesome...The Chiefs-Raiders game in week 17 of 2002 was great as well...like 5 inches of water covered the field...awesome game...sure the quality of play was down due the fumbles..etc...but it was awesome!

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But even most of thep eople who make millions of dollars don't mind bad field conditions... And you know the linemen LOVE mud and snow....

It's the 10 or so crybabies (Corey Dillon, Terrell Owens, Jamal Lewis, ect, ect...) That get listened to, and it's wrong.

I'll bet you the only reason Baltimore changed from grass to astroplay was because of Jamal Lewis... insane...

I guess us purisits will never see the days again of the great Mud Bowls, or the snow bowls (although there have been a few good ones lately). With Fieldturf, Heated fields, new sod constantly being brought in.... The great dusty, muddy bald patch fields have gone the way of yesteryear, and it's sad, football has become more steril, more clean, and the one thing football isn't supposed to be is clean...

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I feel bad for those of you too young to remember Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington, MN. You could always count on at least a couple of snowy, muddy Vikings games the last few weeks of the season, and occasionally the playoffs. Those were great games to watch.

Let me say this - field turf makes a football field look pristine and beautiful and is even more impressive to look at in person than on television. However, I don't go to the stadium or watch the game on TV to look at the field. I want to see hardnosed, old school football with mud when it rains and clumps of dirt flying around when the action gets heavy in the trenches. They replaced the natural grass surface at Faurot Field, the home of my beloved Mizzou Tigers this past summer. My seats are 6 rows off the field, and I have to tell you the field was gorgeous, however I'd prefer the grass surface just for the "authenticity of play" it offers. They said they replaced the surface because it was becoming too difficult to maintain the grass field. This is just astounding to me. For those who are unaware, the University of Missouri has one of the top 5 agricultural programs in the nation. How is it that with all these eggheads within a stone's throw of the stadium that they can't figure out how to get a 140 yard by 70 yard patch of grass to grow and remain cohesive for six days a year?

And I agree that domes should be banned.  We've got one here in St. Louis and whomever described the dome atmosphere as hospital-like hit the nail right on the head.  I wish I could find a can opener large enough to cut that roof right off the Ed.

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How is it that with all these eggheads within a stone's throw of the stadium that they can't figure out how to get a 140 yard by 70 yard patch of grass to grow and remain cohesive for six days a year?

I dunno, they haven't been able to get a team to grow and remain cohesive for six days a year in ages.  :D

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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