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First off, artistically, they have a lot of merit. There is no doubt there.

There are some elements I am not keen on. The matador's positioning is too static and awkward for me, and the shark does not look quite right either. But overall the art is definitely solid.

What I disagree with are the names. They do not take into account at all the idea that these nations don't speak English. Even if they did decide to go with English names, you would expect some attempt to either go with cognates (words similar or exact in both languages) or words which connect with local culture. The NFLE did this to some degree, not perfectly, but they knew that there was a clear connection between Barcelona and dragons, Cologne and roman occupation, Amsterdam and sea trade, etc.

Paris Reign makes almost no sense. This is the one country in Europe that threw off their monarchy and revels in the "inventor" of the modern republic. For them to choose a word that screams "Royals" makes little sense. And a german team with a war motif is a bad idea. I realize jets don't equal WWII, but germany is irreversably linked to that war and anything militaristic is a dangerous move.

I don't want to harsh, but maybe some consideration for local culture is in order. I had a fantasy europe league with some friends based on NFL Europe and we came up with a few that we thought were pretty decent:

London Ravens (Ravens in Tower of London are famous)

London Spitfires

Birmingham Hoods (Sherwood is not far off)

Madrid Toros

Barcelona Angels (word works in both languages, English & Catalan)

Rome Gladiators

Milan Inferno (word works)

Paris Force (both languages)

Berlin Barons (ww1 reference)

Dublin Wolves

Marseilles Sabres

Stockholm Stags

If you want these cities to look authentic in owning a NBA Europe fanchise AND maintaining local culture, the city names have to be correct:

Rome = Roma

Milan = Milano

Munich = München

Sicily = Sicilia

etc, you get the point....one reason why NFL Europe didn't succeed, people from Köln aren't to fond of COLOGNE....

otherwise, nice work

73, 77, 81, 83, 90, 06

29, 30, 31, 36, 39, 44, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 96, 10

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They're fantastic. But they would never be used in Europe because they don't have 57,000 crapa** advertising logos on the ass, the sides, the shirtail, the neck trim and any other damn place they can stick a logo. Save your work for the USA while we still hold off on uniform advertising (for now, anyway!).

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my first post in like 6 months...definately was hoping for someone other than you to overreact. damn

I'll forgive you for putting his work down because you're from Erie, PA. The only reason Erie is not part of New York State is because Pennsyltucky wanted a direct access to Lake Erie. Look at a map- it makes more sense for the southern border of New York to continue west right to the Lake Erie shoreline.

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my first post in like 6 months...definately was hoping for someone other than you to overreact. damn

You want overreact? I'll give you overreact...now I'm going to have to hold you hostage and send your parents ransom notes.

Be a man and send 'em fingers with the notes. That'll expedite the payment process. Trust me.

Sigs are for sissies.

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I really like this series. I think it contains some of your best works. The Paris Reign is one of my favorites!

I think you should add a team in Berlin, Hamburg, Rome, Budapest, Barcelona, Athens, and Prague and if you are going into Russia; St. Petersberg and Moscow.


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Dude, you nailed every single one of those! I'm guessing the Glory are supposed to play in London (because of the L in the logo)?

I don't know if Munich would want to have a bomber plane as their logo, though, because I'm pretty sure the city was bombed very heavily during the air raids of World War II. That would be like making a team called the Nagasaki Blast or something.

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Dude, you nailed every single one of those! I'm guessing the Glory are supposed to play in London (because of the L in the logo)?

I don't know if Munich would want to have a bomber plane as their logo, though, because I'm pretty sure the city was bombed very heavily during the air raids of World War II. That would be like making a team called the Nagasaki Blast or something.

HAHA! I don't think that would go over well with the Japs :P


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Dude, you nailed every single one of those! I'm guessing the Glory are supposed to play in London (because of the L in the logo)?

I don't know if Munich would want to have a bomber plane as their logo, though, because I'm pretty sure the city was bombed very heavily during the air raids of World War II. That would be like making a team called the Nagasaki Blast or something.

HAHA! I don't think that would go over well with the Japs :P

I don't think that's much better.

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  • 3 weeks later...
my first post in like 6 months...definately was hoping for someone other than you to overreact. damn

I'll forgive you for putting his work down because you're from Erie, PA. The only reason Erie is not part of New York State is because Pennsyltucky wanted a direct access to Lake Erie. Look at a map- it makes more sense for the southern border of New York to continue west right to the Lake Erie shoreline.

Actually, you genius, Pennsylvania originally extended all the way up to the Niagara Peninsula until the late 1700s, when the colony/state borders started to form closer to what they are now. Originally, colonies such as Virginia claimed parts of land extending all the way to the Mississippi.


I don't care how old you are or how wise you're supposed to be. Please know what you're talking about before you post, thanks.


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I'll follow my last rant up with something that's topically pertinent.

Paris Reign:

-It's extremely well-rendered (everything is) and very clean, so obvious props on that. However, I think it's a little odd that you used the exact same basketball in all three logos. It looks a little forced. I like the Eiffel Tower logo, but again, the basketball looks forced.

-Like someone else said, not sure about Paris Reign as a team name. Just doesn't fit, in my opinion.

Munich Warhawks:

-First thing I think of when I see the uniforms are the 1980s Milwaukee Bucks, especially the away uniform. Not a plus or minus either way, just an observation.

-Again, logos are extremely well-rendered. I really like the patch logo. The wordmark is also extremely well done.

-Also, again, the name...probably not the greatest choice. Germany + military is still extremely touchy-feely. Let's not ignore the Holocaust, but I don't think we should go naming German basketball teams after bomber planes, either.

Madrid Matadors:

-I love the secondaries. But like someone else said, the matador looks static...doesn't look like he's moving. Sort of reminds me of Vanna White showcasing the newest-guessed letter. Good idea, just needs to look more lively.

-Again, that said...the "basketball with horns" is great. I'd rock a hat with that on it in a second.

London? Glory:

-One of the most solid, IMO. I love the subtle Union Jack shape of the logo, it's extremely well done. Only nitpick I have is that it needs the city name on the logo somewhere.

Sicily Sharks:

-My least favorite. First of all, I question the presence of a team in Sicily...I'd put one in Rome, Milan, or Naples first. The shark looks slightly awkward, and the secondary logo looks extremely forced. Basketball behind a shark fin? You can do better. I'd make another city the "Sharks" and either make this one more "Italian" or scrap it altogether.

Overall, though, very nice job. These logos look like they'd be perfect for a European NBA.


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