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Rehashing Some Old Concepts


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It's been more than two years since I last posted a full concept - sigs not counting - so I figured I'd bring back some of my older concepts to show off to the newer members, as there's been many, many new members in the two years since I last posted one. I'm working on a new series of templates for each sport and so it's still going to be a while before I'm able to post brand-new concepts, but I have high hopes that when I am finally able to get around to doing something new that it will be the best stuff I've ever done in the way of sports uniform concepts. All of these that I post are going to show colors lighter than I intended, since at that time I had the brightness on my monitor turned way down and they appeared to be the correct colors while I was making them.

The first one I'm posting is a Texas Raners re-do, since those are kinda popular right now. This was originally done in February of '05 for AAO's "Hometown Haulover - MLB" contest. I wasn't able to finish this concept at the time and so it never made it into the contest, which stunk because I got some good feedback on it. I changed the Rangers jersey script to...well...as script, and tried to incorporate the state of Texas into the uniform since they are the TEXAS Rangers. I went back to the Red-dominant home look, but kept the blue as an alternate, since I like how it looks but the Rangers most sucsessful era by far was the 1994-99 look, so I colored these with that in mind. Also the details are small and the image is kinda big, so to see the full scope of the unis it's be best to click on the image to make it bigger. So with that being said, here are Texas Rangers. Enjoy!!






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I dont like the gray in the hat logo.....other than that, I really like it.

That's actually supposed to be silver, but it always translates to light gray in concepts.


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I don't really like the script font you've used, doesn't look like a sports font. Also, that number font looks way too similar to the Houston Texans' font (might be the same). I think their state flag sleeve patch is much better than this one as well.

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I actually really like these. One thing though; on the blue road alternate uni's, I'd make the (long) sleeves a different color. The blue on blue isn't really working for me. Other than that, I really like these, and I lvoe the logos.

Also, where can I find the template of the uniforms you used? They look really nice.



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Next up is a Cincinnati Reds concept I did when there was a big flury of Reds concepts being posted on the boards. I orginally did something that went over like new Coke: I changed the classic "C" and did something new with it, until the backlash called for me to repost a similar concept with the classic "C". The Reds have never used a cursive script on their road unis, so I decided to experiment with one and this was the result. Also, there seemed to be a lot of unfavor of the addition of black to the Reds' unis, which I happened to like. Unlike teams who just added black because it seemed trendy (Lions/Royals/A's), the Reds really did have a history with black as part of their uniforms, so for the home jerseys I just made an updated version of the 1961-66 homes, albeit with the classic "C", as those homes used a more rounded "C" that I originally proposed for these unis. I went modern on the BP jersey with piping, and made it black because I saw a Pepsi commerical in 2000 with Griffey,JR wearing a black Reds jersey, but never saw it in use anywhere so I thought bringing it in as a BP would be as good a time as any. I also made different variations of the Mr. Red logo to go with each uniform. Enjoy!!

2005 Reds Concept


Mr. Red Variations



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I like the Reds ideas... however, I've never understood why they went with the black (same with the Mets as a matter of fact, and Oakland too) they are the Cincinnati Reds. No black... ever.

Black is overused in sports design in my humble opinion...

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Once upon a time we had a really cool contest here known as "The Ironchef Crossover", where the guidelines were of course that you had to take a team from one sport and present them as if they played in another. Man...I really miss that series of contests. Anyways, this particular contest was Baltimore Ravens basketball, and since there's no pro team in Baltimore, I went with a Washington Wizards style look, complete with a throwback alternate homage to the old Baltimore Bullets. This finished in the top 5 in the final voting.




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Those Reds uniforms look odd with all the sublimated C's in the background. I kind of see where you're going with that, but on the fabric, I think it would just look like a bunch of pink spots are on their uniforms. Like maybe they washed the white clothes with the red ones.

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Those Reds uniforms look odd with all the sublimated C's in the background. I kind of see where you're going with that, but on the fabric, I think it would just look like a bunch of pink spots are on their uniforms. Like maybe they washed the white clothes with the red ones.

Umm...that's called a "watermark", and it used to be pretty commonplace around here when myself and a lot of the other guys who aren't posting anymore were putting out concepts. It's purpose is to keep someone from coming to this board and stealing your design.


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Actually "Spelt" is a legitimate variant, preferred in most English speaking countries. There are several, in fact, of these older, "strong" forms of past participles

Dealt (Dealed)

Knelt (kneeled)

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Love the Rangers concept. The fonts works, both number and script. It reminds me of the Blue Jays uniforms from the early 2000s, especially the home alt.

The logo is good too.

I'm not feeling the Reds one though. This original concept may have been done before the new Reds jerseys were released, and that's why I'm not a fan of them, because I love the new jerseys. These just seem like a step back. A lot of it has to do with the vests, I just don't like vests.

The logos, however, I do like. The variations of Mr. Red are nice.

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