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Blue Jays Cap Logo Concept


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A discussion elsewhere prompted me to finally put mouse to screen and draw up a draft of an idea I've had floating around for a while: A Blue Jays logo based on the distinctive tail feather of an actual blue jay. Really just a cap logo concept at this point; for a uniform, imagine the scripts of the '99 Blue Jays (home, road), but with blue letters and black center lines.

Update: Due to excellent early feedback, I've made some changes. New images below. Original designs here and here.



Oh, and the blue button on the cap is a deliberate breaking of my personal cap-must-match-the-bill rule. I'm valuing the representation of a blue jay's black bill, blue head over normal cap symmetry in this case.

The new, simpler feather is much more dominant within the logo, and is also more sensibly separable for things like giant fan foam feathers and whatnot.

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Love the concept, not the execution.

By making it into a T, it isn't immediately obvious that it is even a feather. I wouldn't attempt to force it into a letter form.

I'm not exactly sure what would make it better, but here's a thought:

Instead of only one feather, maybe use a few (like a big V with an I in the middle) and then at the base where they all meet, work a T into that. It would work because the top of the T is wider than the bottom, so it would fit pretty well into that shape. The T may be smaller than your traditional cap monogram, but hey - it's different.

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when i first saw it i thought "Bee" obviously not clearly a bee, and if you look you see the feather, but as a quick reaction you see the classic stripes of a bee and what looks like a stinger... And the "T" just helps it by looking like wings. You got yourself a cool retro looking bee logo!


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I think you might be on to something. But try to use the whole tale section 3 feathers I think, with the T in the front. I always thought that a single feather would look good in the middle of a cursive I for the Indians. I tried but I don't have the skills to make it look right.


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I liked the original better. This new one just doesn't flow together e. There's a feather, and then there's the top of the T. Doesn't mesh well. Also, the feather kind of looks like a striped tongue. i would make it less round.

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Like many other commenters, I think this is an interesting idea but poorly executed. The feather isn't integrated with the top cross of the T. The dis-jointedness detracts from the whole thing. If you keep a single feather as the stem of the T, I think you should rotate it 180 degrees. The stem of the feather is a natural attachment point would lend itself to mesh with the inner stripe of the letter style the Blue Jays use. The logo should look like a T first and the feather should be the secondary element. Regarding the "bee stinger look" I think that is easily remidied by thinning out the black stripes that go across. Looking at some blue jay pictures, the stripes on their tail feathers aren't nearly as bold as you make have them here.

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