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I like em overall, love that color scheme. With that said, I have a few critiques:

- I'd remove the red hemstripe at the bottom of the white jerseys. Since the jerseys are tucked in, it'd never be seen.

- The logo on the jersey seems stretched horizontally compared to the one you used at the top of the concept. I Might even try to make the basketball and flag/streaks/whatever a bit smaller, it's kind of dominating the uniform right now.

- The White bar across the road jersey is definitely interesting, can't decide if I like it

- Need a better solution for player name, either make it lower or more arched, right now most player names would not be able to fit

- I'd like to see some sort of trim on the wordmark, it seems almost too simple right now.

- Try putting a logo on the shorts. That star encircled by the smaller stars from the primary could look really cool down there.

Good concept overall though, especially for your first one! It's obvious you put some thought behind it and some effort into it (which can't be said for a lot of the posters on this board).

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The star inscribed in stars part of the logo is nice, but seems superfluous. Get rid of that and add some blue to the ball/swoosh balance out the red in the logo. The get rid of the bottom stripes on the white jersey. It won't be seen when tucked in, and it disrupts the flow to the shorts. With the red jersey, I think you should get rid of that white stripe across the chest. I'm assuming you did it so the red part of the logo is visible, but it seems to be pushing the front number lower and the player name higher than they normally would be. Instead simply put the logo on the red background and change the red part of the logo to white and it should look better.

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

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I missed that. I see your logic, but I think it's a poor decision design-wise (real designers on this board may disagree with me). If you want an American flag element, I think the ball/swoosh is your best bet. Make the ball blue to represent the canton and leave the swoosh to represent the stripes. Not only will there be a hidden flag referrence, but it will make the logo less red-heavy.

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

I tweet & tumble.

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The logo has alot of potential to be amazing if you update it. The lines could use some silver, maybe a border around the letters....

I'm not a fan of the road jersey. The middle stripe is too much and doesn't make the jersey nicer at all. Since you're going with a retro theme, you should base the road jersey on something they've already worn. That would help.

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I think you should keep the jersey templates the same on the home away, I personally like the red jersey because the stripe across the middle makes it sorta unique. If anything, get rid of the stripes on the bottom of the white jersey.

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This is a great idea, but needs a lot of work.

Scrap the jerseys for now. First off, you can't put 76ers on them. I'm not saying that they're bad, but you need to step back and focus on the logo first. You're really on to something, and you should refine it and perfect it. After that, the jerseys may end up designing themselves.

Try replacing the ball with the 13 stars. Maybe it won't work, but it might. Then move the start of the comet closer to the 7, like it is in the current logo.

One more thing to try - lowercase letters for the "ers." It may end up looking horrible, but it also may be the perfect tie-in from the classic logo to the modern one. Hey - you never know until you try.

Who says I can't give constructive feedback?

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It is better, but still needs work.

Make the whole comet thing a little bit smaller, and have the part that's near the 7 hit the 7 around mid-height, and maybe make it tighter to the wordmark.

Also, I really don't think you need the basketball seams inside the stars, but it's not really hurting anything.

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That is much better! I really like the basketball within the star circle. With the inner three stripes, have them fade away (and eventually stop) before they get to the point of the tail. The single pixel width lines at the end look awkward.

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

I tweet & tumble.

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That is much better! I really like the basketball within the star circle. With the inner three stripes, have them fade away (and eventually stop) before they get to the point of the tail. The single pixel width lines at the end look awkward.

Actually, I see it a little different. I think it is the outer edges of the comet that are the issue. They should probably fade away at the same rate as the inner 3, and not act as an outline.

Also, I just thought of a few more things: The bottom of the logo is very wide as compared to the top. If you tighten up the left side of the comet tail, that will help - but you may find that you need to have the tail terminate into the stars more underneath the S instead of to its right.

This may also force the whole tail / stars thing to be slightly narrower, but that wouldn't be a bad thing, even if you have to lose one of the inner stripes.

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Not trying to hijack, but since you encouraged it, I thought I'd post my idea of what you should do with this logo. Feel free to use elements of this in your concept.


Looks too much like a sherrif star. I also think that the red comet needs to loop around the 7.

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