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Player on your fav team that you hate


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Red Sox: Julio Lugo & Josh Beckett

Patriots: Ellis Hobbs, hands down. I hate this man more than anyone in sports. The dude couldn't cover Stephen Hawking and the coaching staff fails to realize this (the Pats staff anyway, other teams eat him for dinner). Just keep him on special teams returning kicks where he belongs. And he celebrates like a jerkoff after every play! Settle down pal the dude just dragged you for 8 yards before you finally took him down after letting him get wide open.. zero need for a dance. You've already shown your ineptitude during the play, no need for an encore.

Bruins: Very likable team, can't say I have any dislike for anyone. Maybe Claude Julien but that's just because I'm still dreaming of the day the B's pluck Mike Milbury from NESN and give him the coaching job again. I don't care if it's a disaster, this needs to happen.

Celtics: Brian Scalabrine, living the dream riding the pine simply because he's the token Irish guy on the C's. I'm convinced that's all they keep him for. He's so awful at shooting I remember a game I was at when he actually made a 3 in garbage time and the place erupted. So the douche gets so excited he goes down the court and hoists another 3, completely missing everything, backboard, net, rim... those 2 minutes summed up everything you need to know about Brian Scalabrine.

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Kevin Millar: I still think he is more loyal to Boston than the O's and he just sucks.

Nah, I'm sure he's converted. Do you hear what he did on Opening Day? He comes out on to the field doing the Ray Lewis pregame pump-up dance. Place went nuts. He may actually be my favorite Oriole right now.

Yea, I heard about that but I can't stand him at all. He is really the only Oriole I have any hate for.

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I can't really think of many current players that I strongly dislike that are currently on my favorite teams, but damn there have been a TON in the past.


Michael Clayton - I swear he's dropping a pass somewhere right now as I type this

(Only current that I can think of that I really HATE, most I just severely dislike) Jerramy Stevens - He's a prick and a rapist who has no business on the field after the way he behaved. He has no idea just how lucky he is to be playing in the NFL.

Kenyatta Walker - THE most overrated, overpaid, under talented, former Floriduh Gay-Tor, to ever walk this planet. Biggest POS the Bucs ever drafted.

Trent Dilfer - I hated seeing that classless prick win the Super Bowl with the Ravens as it was, but it got even worse after I met the guy. I've never met a guy who bought into his own hype more than him, it was sickening.

Juron Boldin - I Googled his name to see if I spelled it right and the first thing that popped up was an old article from a Bucs message board asking something to the likes of "Why do we keep this garbage ass player around?"

Bo Jackson - Yeah, he was only there for about 30 seconds, but I swear that hip injury was karma.


Bobby Crosby - He may not be a forceful rapist like Stevens, but the dude cruised Bay Area high schools trying to pick up on girls before he got married. Thats almost as pathetic as his play (Yes, his play is THAT pathetic).

Jose Canseco - Nuff said, really.


Jeff Kent - Ass to his fans and team mates alike. He suits the Dodgers personality profile to a T.

Freddy lewis - Overrated player who folds like a law nchair under pressure and who is a worse fielder than I was in Little League.

Tyler Walker - The Giants have about a 90% chance of losing their ball games as it is, put this man in, it's a lock.

Felix Rodriguez - I flat out hate this man. I probably hate Felix Rodriguez more than any player on teams I can't stand. He is by far my most hated athlete to ever walk this planet. In fact, I hate him so much that pretty much anyone who dealt with him, put him into games, hell, even sat next to him was/is in my range of hate. He is the only player in any sport that if I was to see him walking down a busy street I would happily push him in front of a speeding bus and feel absolutely no remorse........ Well, thats not true. I'd feel a little remorse. But not much.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Trent Dilfer - I hated seeing that classless prick win the Super Bowl with the Ravens as it was, but it got even worse after I met the guy. I've never met a guy who bought into his own hype more than him, it was sickening.

Trent Dilfer has hype to buy into?


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Bengals- First and foremost, owner and GM extraordinaire Mike Brown. If I had a bag full of untraceable bullets, he'd be the first guy I'd plug. Secondly, I'm gonna have to go with Chris Henry. The guy just can't seem to keep his head out of his ass. Finally, I'm going to go with Chris Perry. No single player has more to do with the Bengals' collapse this season than 'Mr. Butterfingers'.

....That's about all the hatred I can muster at this moment...

Sigs are for sissies.

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Phillies - Adam "6.00 Era" Eaton. I like to get the Roster shirts for Championships and I flat out refuse to buy a Championship shirt this year just because this waste of space is on the shirt.

Cowboys - The Safety Roy Williams. And practically anyone in the Dallas secondary cept' T Newman. The teams weakness for what seems like forever. If they bulked him up 50 lbs and put him at LB I might actually consider changing my mind.

My other teams i really cant think of anyone else. I dont follow the Flyers enough to think of one.

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Trent Dilfer - I hated seeing that classless prick win the Super Bowl with the Ravens as it was, but it got even worse after I met the guy. I've never met a guy who bought into his own hype more than him, it was sickening.

Trent Dilfer has hype to buy into?

My feelings exactly.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Packers-Koren Robinson's gone, thus I can't think of anybody

Bears-again, the main object of my ire (one Benson, Cedric) is elsewhere.

Cubs-Felix Pie...how this guy is even past single A, I have no idea. HE. CANNOT. HIT.

Avalanche-can't think of anybody

Bucks-most of the bench, and if you asked me last year, Mo Williams

Notre Dame-well, it varies by the week. if you asked me back in 2000, I would have said Davie, I always felt most of ND's victories back then were in spite of him

Wisconsin-The current secondary...if there's a lead to maintain, you can bet they'll try to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Trent Dilfer - I hated seeing that classless prick win the Super Bowl with the Ravens as it was, but it got even worse after I met the guy. I've never met a guy who bought into his own hype more than him, it was sickening.

Trent Dilfer has hype to buy into?

My feelings exactly.

For your Giants thing, could you happen to mean Armando Benitez?


2013/14 Tanks Picks Champion

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