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Thunderhawks Logo and Jersey


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Below is some sketches that my brother drew up for his Volleyball team that will be entering into a school wide tournament in late November.

He named his team the Thundercocks (whatever that is) and drew some sketches of the logo for his team. The final logo is the one on the right.

He also drew up some possible jerseys for the team.

Here they are:


Any feedback for my 'bro?


Here are his updates which in my opion look really really great.

Btw new name is the Thunderhawks.



UPDATE (November 11th)

Using Vector Magic:


Final One:




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The right rooster looks more like a rooster, but the left rooster looks like he's got some sort of Greek phalanx mask which is also cool. The tuft (or whatever the part on the top is called) is too detailed along with the bottom neck area. Simplify the outlines and it'll be on its way.

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

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Okay, I'll put in some serious C&C.

I like the top logo of the updates, these are pretty good for someone who just turned 15, I'm pretty young myself (I'll be 17 next month) so I know from experience that a good basis for logo drawing and concepts start when you are very young. I really like the name Thunderhawks, I think a lot can be done with this logo; it's good now, but I really think Taylor_27 has the ability to make these look great.

I would start by focusing more on the thunderbolt motif. I see that you've added a small thunderbolt to the beak, which, in my opinion could be exaggerated more (possibly making the entire beak more jagged and thunderbolt-like). Of course that's only a suggestion, I'm sure you could find many different ways to make it work.

The tuft on top of the birds head right now is a good start, it looks better than the second logo where the bird's head is just curved. I would suggest, however, that rotating the tuft to the right slightly and making it more jagged (sorta like you did with the original Thundercocks logo) may improve the overall look of the logo.

You have some great ideas, and you have executed them pretty well thus far. With some minor changes and improvements I feel as though you could make this a very nice concept.

Good luck!

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Okay, I'll put in some serious C&C.

I like the top logo of the updates, these are pretty good for someone who just turned 15, I'm pretty young myself (I'll be 17 next month) so I know from experience that a good basis for logo drawing and concepts start when you are very young. I really like the name Thunderhawks, I think a lot can be done with this logo; it's good now, but I really think Taylor_27 has the ability to make these look great.

I would start by focusing more on the thunderbolt motif. I see that you've added a small thunderbolt to the beak, which, in my opinion could be exaggerated more (possibly making the entire beak more jagged and thunderbolt-like). Of course that's only a suggestion, I'm sure you could find many different ways to make it work.

The tuft on top of the birds head right now is a good start, it looks better than the second logo where the bird's head is just curved. I would suggest, however, that rotating the tuft to the right slightly and making it more jagged (sorta like you did with the original Thundercocks logo) may improve the overall look of the logo.

You have some great ideas, and you have executed them pretty well thus far. With some minor changes and improvements I feel as though you could make this a very nice concept.

Good luck!

Thanks a lot for the C&C. Some of your suggestions I did use - such as exaggerating the thunderbolt, and angling back the feathers (tuft or whatever), on a concept I was working on today. I agree with the fact that a more thunder like theme is needed. However I am struggling with the hair feathers, and where else to put "thunder". I will post some of my work and hope you will respond with others to make this idea work out to the best it can be.




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FINALLY!! I got the logo right. The other ones seemed like they were missing something and I finally figured out what it was. I used some very helpful suggestions and my own ideas and came up with my best yet. I will post my work tonight (Nov.12) - just finishing up the final colouring.




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