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Fantasy Hockey Concept

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I made a concept for a hockey team I used to be in a fantasy hockey league.



Home Jersey


Road Jersey


Alternate Jersey


On the jerseys, the stripes are supposed to look like they're a metallic material but they got messed up while I was uploading em'. Oh well.

As always, comments ar appreciated.


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Pretty cool.

Very nice production, which i enjoy immensely.

Im not exactly feeling the head, the profile look is an interesting go at it, but im not sure, looks like a cool second, but lacks definition and strength for a primary.

Maybe try adding features, you may have been trying to go away from that, but i think it may be the best way to go.

But very nice artwork, and a cool, sharp striping pattern.

Great colors too

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not crazy about the alt. logo on the primaries. from what i can tell, they look like u just alterd the raptors "TR" logo. also, im not crazy about alt. jerseys are the same color as one of the dark primary. just swich teh 2 blues and ur be fine. other then that great job! really like the ram head.

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Love the colors.

Very much like the direction the logo is headed. I'd say further push the logo toward a skull or a living ram, I can't tell which it is leaning toward but me likey.

Nice production quality.

I like it.

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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I agree.. the fuzziness makes him look a little hairy, so i assume its suposed to be live. Maybe add some eyeballs, and it will pop.

Very nice work.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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It's pretty decent.


Utah Jazz Retired Number's

#1 - Frank Layden - #7 Pete Maravich - #12 John Stockton - #14 Jeff Hornacek - #35 Darrell Griffith - #53 Mark Eaton

Retired Number's To Come

#00 The Bear (Best Mascot In NBA) - #4 Adrian Dantley - #32 Karl "The Mailman" Malone

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I think for the main logo, the horns are a little awkward as well...they look like they're coming forward off the head, rather than looping back around it...it's all in that middle stripe...if you changed that stripe, moved the stripe higher onto the horns itself to create the illusion that it was looping over the top, it would probably give the desired effect...

If I had something besides paint on my office puter, I'd show you...f I need to clarify, let me know...

other than that, I like those jerseys...make me one :D

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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