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Who Let this Woman Talk About the Gators!?!?!


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Rep. Brown Gradulates Gator on BS Title

Monday, March 16, 2009

Posted By Spencer Hall 3:10 PM

United States Representative Corrine Brown, your magnificently garbled tribute to Florida's BS title is better than any illegal drug I may or may not have taken, since I have no idea where I am after a single listen, no longer can speak, and am indeed shaken for the future of both our nation and for humanity as a whole. Watch, and do not operate heavy machinery or fly a commercial airplane for at least two hours afterwards.

Where to begin: first there's the robe, some kind of Druidic orange and blue sacrificial cowl I've never seen in the Florida bookstore that she wore just for the occasion of stabbing the English language in the chest in just three minutes of speech. Then she "gradulates" the "Gator" on their national championship, especially "Curch Urban Meyers" and "Percy Harvey," who played "gustily." Everyone showed good "sportmanship," though, and then she ends with an incomprehensible Gator cheer I believe she improvised on the spot.

Ms. Brown, to paraphrase a man far more eloquent than me: what I just heard was one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything considered a rational thought. Everyone in that room is now dumber for hearing it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.

(Video via Friends of the Program)

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She's a member of Congress? :wacko:

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I work for a college and part of my job is to give presentations to H.S. classes on careers and how to choose a college. Lately, I've been working with a lot of English teachers that speak as bad as if not worse than that Congressman.


PotD May 11th, 2011
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Elected officials pretending to care about sports is nothing new. I'd be more worried about a congressman with an encyclopedic knowledge of the New York Islanders than a congressman who mispronounced Clark Gillies's name, for example.

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So this politician gets panned for not knowing :censored: about sports, but Prez Obama gets flak for doing some brackets. Not to go all Milo on that ass, but pick a lane, people! I'm picking panning for not knowing :censored: , for the record. :P

Regarding Kerry, if I'm paying for it, I can ask for whatever the :censored: I want on my cheesesteak. Doesn't mean I'll get it, but still...

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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The way I see it, if you're a politico, don't pretend. Be honest. If you're a sports fan like Obama, then by all means fill out your bracket just like you always have. If you don't know sports or don't like sports, admit it -- there's no shame in that, either. Just give the team a hearty congratulations for their accomplishment, and don't embellish.

Regardless of his politics, I always respected NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani for being an unabashed Yankees fan. He recognized, even during the Subway Series, that pretending to back both the Yankees and Mets would alienate more people than it would gain. If your a Yankees fan in New York, you hate the Mets, and vice versa. Fans of the other team won't like you, but they'll respect your loyalty.


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