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Rebranding the MLB: Part 7


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The scripts and numbers look so much better with the sky blue and white inlines.

I would still like to see what sky blue numbers with a white inline would look like for the alts, but other than that and the blue alts this looks great.

Can't wait to see the Tribe.

Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

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I think this would work back in the 70's or 80's, but for '09 its not working. The powder blue road just looks really weird. I think you should stick with gray. Also, there is something about the colours that I really don't like. It's almost like they aren't tough or intimidating enough if that makes sense. I'm sorry but I really don't like this.

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So not liking the colors made you [really] not like the concept as a whole? Okay...

Read my first sentence.

The team for you avatar and sig currently have a weird all powder blue uniform...

Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

Check out my music!

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So not liking the colors made you [really] not like the concept as a whole? Okay...

Why is that so far-fetched? The Bengals' logo is really good, but if the colors were neon green, maroon, and pink you may not like it very much. The colors are just as much a part of the concept as anything else.

I am having a hard time selling myself on the blue road jersey, but other than that I think it's ridiculous. Easily your best so far. LOVE the mountains! (And also the flag logo while you had it. Just not the flag on the primary, that was a good cut)

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LOL kewp...

Listen josh I'm not trying to be defensive but I don't think just because it has light blue it means it is from the 70s. I'm trying to think outside the box with these colors. Plus I'm not so sure the logos would be so modern in the era you are talking about. One last point: you said this wasn't intimidating enough, but is the retro blue jays logo (to stay relevant) that we all know and love intimidating at all? OK, sorry for arguing, I'm just playing devils advocate here.

Edit: GBM although I see your point (even if you are being a little extreme haha) you still have to keep in mind, like you said yourself, what the logos look like, and not only look at the colors.

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I for one think light blue is going to make a comeback. Your particular shade could be dulled (or less aqua) a tiny bit, but the purple/light blue combo is definitely working. One main thing I would edit is making the inline a little thinner. As of right now, I think it overpowers the letters a little.

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^Yeah, I agree about too much inline, do you think it would be too bland if I dropped it altogether? Or just make it thinner?

I like the character of it, and I think it would be to bland without it. I'd say just thin it out, similar to the thickness the Blue Jays and Memphis Grizzlies were successful with.

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Listen josh I'm not trying to be defensive but I don't think just because it has light blue it means it is from the 70s. I'm trying to think outside the box with these colors. Plus I'm not so sure the logos would be so modern in the era you are talking about. One last point: you said this wasn't intimidating enough, but is the retro blue jays logo (to stay relevant) that we all know and love intimidating at all? OK, sorry for arguing, I'm just playing devils advocate here.

I'm not going to get into an argument with you because I usually do enjoy your concepts and I really respect you as a designer and as a memeber of this board. But you asked for C&C and I told exactly what I think. Also, when you talk about the Blue Jays powder blue, it is an alternate and it was originally brought in during the 70's. It's also completely different because the Blue Jays are solid blue and your's has purple pinstripes, which I also believe brings it down.

The logos I actually don't mind but like GBM said the colours can bring it down. I think if you darken the purple it might make it better. I just think that the colour scheme is bringing this concept down, when it has the potential to be great.

End rant.

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Ok man (believe me that isn't a rant).

The only reason I commented on your post in the first place was because I felt like you saw the colors, and it was automatically like "nope, don't like this" without giving the logos a fair chance.

But I respect your opinion and I apologize for calling you out.

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Ok man (believe me that isn't a rant).

The only reason I commented on your post in the first place was because I felt like you saw the colors, and it was automatically like "nope, don't like this" without giving the logos a fair chance.

But I respect your opinion and I apologize for calling you out.

No hard feelings?

And I think with a different colour scheme (I honestly have no idea as to which colours) this could be one of your best concepts.

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No hard feelings?

And I think with a different colour scheme (I honestly have no idea as to which colours) this could be one of your best concepts.

It seems like a lot of people use Dark Green and Tan for Rockies concepts. I think it could work here, but I'm in the camp that likes the Purple/Light Blue. I agree with others that the Blue could stand to be altered a little bit, and I think I was at least hinting at it before, but the inline really could look good if it were a lot thinner. I love the new update, and those are the only little problems I see.

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