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"ICE BEERS" softball concept


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first concept in a very long time...

A friend of mine asked me to make a logo for his softball team. "Ice Beers" was the name..... I personally think it's a terrible name, but I did my best to come up with a fun logo.

I decided to make it a knock-off logo of the Toronto Blue Jays. Not the most original, but for a beer-swilling softball team, I thought it would be more fun to "borrow" some design elements.

Without further adieu, I present The Ice Beers:


For reference, here's the Blue Jays logo:


C&C would be much appreciated...


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I always enjoy this kind of work. You get to let loose with some things you wouldn't ordinarily do with a design. I like the beer mug guy. The copy seems a little stretched and skewed. If you clean that up a little, I think this would be fine.

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I really like to see some fun concepts on here once in a while. The beer mug looks great, the only problem I have with this is, like logoman said, the script is a little too stretched.


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Thanks for the replys guys!

As far as the script... I'm having a tough time with it in photoshop (I do my work in photoshop, not illustrator - haven't learned illustrator yet).

I'm using the "ARC" effect on the text.... but I can't seem to get it to "arc" the way the bluejays word mark is arced. The ARC effect in photoshop tends to stretch the text along the shape of an arc. But the Blue Jays text writes the text so the bottom of each letter forms an ARC, but each letter shifts orientation, rather than skewing the shape of the letter.

It's something I find very frustrating when trying to write in any circle or semi-circle. I'll try fiddling with it more, but if anyone know how to arc text nicely (especially in photoshop), please share. I'd be eternally grateful!

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Love the mustache!

Thanks! I originally had it without any mouth at all, then I added a mouth with a moustache and couldn't stop laughing - so it had to stay.

I LOVE this!

The only thing I noticed it the bottom under the leaf isn't strait like the Jays logo.

I made the leaf move over to the right a bit so it could be "interfaced" with the light blue of the foam, like the light blue in the jays logo. It was a trade off, but I think I'll stick with it.

I also made a version inside a circle...


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