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My Try At A 49ers Concept


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Alright so I think the new 49ers jerseys are just plain bad.

The striping is terrible, IMO. And I think many others are in agreeance.

So I took matters into my own hands. haha.

I made all the striping consistent, while incorporating gold into the jerseys, along with a very dark brown.

The only real reason I added brown, is so that the helmet isn't the only place where an extra color is used (which was black).

I used the current "SF" monogram, with a slightly different oval. Now it's just triple outlined on the helmet, gold-brown-white.

And I used the "SF" monogram as a secondary logo, and placed it above the numbers, kind of like what the Giants currently do.

Then I used the Vikings number set, with a drop shadow that imitates the "SF" monogram's drop shadow.

Hope you guys like it. Here it is;



C&C Please



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Huge upgrade. Everything looks good but Id either make the SF logo smaller or bring it to the back (similar to the Vikings) and add the 49ers script to the front instead. Love the striping that you used and its a huge upgrade over the plain set they have now.


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Not bad. I don't love it, but it is far from the worst Niners concept posted. The only thing that I believe needs changing is the white outline around the helmet logo. It is the only thing I would consider a downgrade.


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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See, this is the kinda stuff I wanna see for the 49ers. I already have to watch 'em twice a year, and I would like to see them look good. I really liked the 49ers previous uniforms, and I hate how they're trying to go back in time instead of forward. The stripes are excellent, and as for the white outline around the helmet logo, I'm indifferent. The helmet alone looks weird, but with the uniforms it looks good because of how well you've used the white everywhere else. The thing that's going to bug me the most this year are the grey facemasks, so I'm really glad you kept the red. Overall, very nice.

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Not bad, as someone else said it's far from the worst 9ers concept I've ever seen. I like that on your concept the stripes are "complete" unlike the new ones where I think they've over thought the issue and tried to make something that happens by accident (stripes getting cut off when pro jerseys are tailored for game day) deliberate, the new stripes might grow on me but right now I'm still undecided.

But I have to ask a question, what's with the sudden fascination for brown in 49ers concepts just now? This is like the 3rd or 4th I've seen to use brown! Now as a rule I have nothing per sé against brown, but when you stop to consider that when one of the 49ers colours is Gold and that when reproduced in print if metallic inks are unavailable the gold is reproduced as a light brown you effectively have two browns in your concept. Now I know you just designed the uniform here but I think for a design to be truly effective it has to work across all media so if you change up a colour scheme you have to ask how will this work in print or on tv?Plus personally I dont think brown gives a strong enough contrast with either the red or the gold to be a truly effective contrast colour.

And as als mentioned I'd second losing the white outline round the logo on the helmet, it's just distracting and it doesn't add anything.


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I like these a lot. The only thing I'm not sure about is the white patch at the bottom of the collar on the red jerseys. I'm pretty sure the spot is there in order to reserve room for the NFL Equipment logo, but I would make it red just so it doesn't stick out as much as it does now.

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Not bad, as someone else said it's far from the worst 9ers concept I've ever seen. I like that on your concept the stripes are "complete" unlike the new ones where I think they've over thought the issue and tried to make something that happens by accident (stripes getting cut off when pro jerseys are tailored for game day) deliberate, the new stripes might grow on me but right now I'm still undecided.

But I have to ask a question, what's with the sudden fascination for brown in 49ers concepts just now? This is like the 3rd or 4th I've seen to use brown! Now as a rule I have nothing per sé against brown, but when you stop to consider that when one of the 49ers colours is Gold and that when reproduced in print if metallic inks are unavailable the gold is reproduced as a light brown you effectively have two browns in your concept. Now I know you just designed the uniform here but I think for a design to be truly effective it has to work across all media so if you change up a colour scheme you have to ask how will this work in print or on tv?Plus personally I dont think brown gives a strong enough contrast with either the red or the gold to be a truly effective contrast colour.

And as als mentioned I'd second losing the white outline round the logo on the helmet, it's just distracting and it doesn't add anything.


I was using brown for the Niners in March/April of 2008. So to see a bunch of people using it now seems only appropriate. :D I personally love the idea of replacing black with a deep brown. As far as reproduction goes, a dark brown and a "light brown" will contrast each other enough. Is the "light brown" that you speak of is really brown, and not tan or beige? I think if you took a screen shot and made it greyscale, you would see that there really isn't an issue.

As for the rest of the concept, it's not bad. Nothing groundbreaking, but nothing glaringly awful either.

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I like these a lot. The only thing I'm not sure about is the white patch at the bottom of the collar on the red jerseys. I'm pretty sure the spot is there in order to reserve room for the NFL Equipment logo, but I would make it red just so it doesn't stick out as much as it does now.

That's basically why I didn't do antyhign with it being white; I knew the NFL Equipment logo would be there anyhow.

but I have to ask a question, what's with the sudden fascination for brown in 49ers concepts just now? This is like the 3rd or 4th I've seen to use brown! Now as a rule I have nothing per sé against brown, but when you stop to consider that when one of the 49ers colours is Gold and that when reproduced in print if metallic inks are unavailable the gold is reproduced as a light brown you effectively have two browns in your concept. Now I know you just designed the uniform here but I think for a design to be truly effective it has to work across all media so if you change up a colour scheme you have to ask how will this work in print or on tv?Plus personally I dont think brown gives a strong enough contrast with either the red or the gold to be a truly effective contrast colour.

I did Brown because people are tired of black. Brown's also my favorite color, so personally I couldn't go wrong, in my own mind. haha.

But I think it's a deep enough brown that you can easily distinguish all the colors apart from each other.

And as for the issue you brought up where the gold looks like light brown; there are a lot of teams in professional sports that use multiple different shades of the same or a similar color. Just look at the NBA, and you'll find plenty. I don't see anything wrong with those identities, when it comes to contrast anyway.

Thanks to all of you for the C&C.



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I like these a lot. The only thing I'm not sure about is the white patch at the bottom of the collar on the red jerseys. I'm pretty sure the spot is there in order to reserve room for the NFL Equipment logo, but I would make it red just so it doesn't stick out as much as it does now.

That's basically why I didn't do antyhign with it being white; I knew the NFL Equipment logo would be there anyhow.

but I have to ask a question, what's with the sudden fascination for brown in 49ers concepts just now? This is like the 3rd or 4th I've seen to use brown! Now as a rule I have nothing per sé against brown, but when you stop to consider that when one of the 49ers colours is Gold and that when reproduced in print if metallic inks are unavailable the gold is reproduced as a light brown you effectively have two browns in your concept. Now I know you just designed the uniform here but I think for a design to be truly effective it has to work across all media so if you change up a colour scheme you have to ask how will this work in print or on tv?Plus personally I dont think brown gives a strong enough contrast with either the red or the gold to be a truly effective contrast colour.

I did Brown because people are tired are black. It's also my favorite color, so personally I couldn't go wrong, in my own mind. haha.

But I think it's a deep enough brown that you can easily distinguish all the colors apart from each other.

And as for the issue you brought up where the gold looks like light brown; there are a lot of teams in professional sports that use multiple different shades of the same or a similar color. Just look at the NBA, and you'll find plenty. I don't see anything wrong with those identities, when it comes to contrast anyway.

Thanks to all of you for the C&C.

Not about to argue with you there. Black is the new boring! Throwing black at an existing colour scheme will not make it cool, will not increase marketability and most certainly won't make you "down with the kids" but still it happens every year! So from that perspective I'm in total agreement with you.

But with that said I dont feel there is enough difference between the red you have for the shirt and the brown of the drop shadows to make the uni's really pop. NOw normally I hate that term with a passion but I feel if you are going to have a drop shadow it really needs to be noticeable and when I see brown shadows on a red shirt my instant reaction is "someone has set the blacks to overprint". It looks to me like the red shirt has been printed then the black shadow added over top and the red is leaking through, now I know this wouldn't happen with a real jersey or even on screen but when your background is over 12 years in print design you tend to come at things from a different angle (sometimes it's a handicap other times it can be a benefit). As brown, especially the one used here, is a fairly warm colour when used on a red or burgandy to my eye they are just too similar to work, it looks like a printing mistake, minimal colour science mostly personal taste but there you have it, that's why I dont like the Red(Burgandy)/Brown colour combo, never have.

Like I said I like the idea bringing some consistency throughout the striping on the uniform, I think that's clever and something simple that a great many people have overlooked in favour of something radical when it comes to 9ers redesigns, but I'm not keen on the brown. IMO if you were to lose the brown altogether trim the numbers in a gold outline you'd be pretty close to spot on as far as I'm concerned, it'd be simple but classic.


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Not about to argue with you there. Black is the new boring! Throwing black at an existing colour scheme will not make it cool, will not increase marketability and most certainly won't make you "down with the kids" but still it happens every year! So from that perspective I'm in total agreement with you.

But with that said I dont feel there is enough difference between the red you have for the shirt and the brown of the drop shadows to make the uni's really pop. NOw normally I hate that term with a passion but I feel if you are going to have a drop shadow it really needs to be noticeable and when I see brown shadows on a red shirt my instant reaction is "someone has set the blacks to overprint". It looks to me like the red shirt has been printed then the black shadow added over top and the red is leaking through, now I know this wouldn't happen with a real jersey or even on screen but when your background is over 12 years in print design you tend to come at things from a different angle (sometimes it's a handicap other times it can be a benefit). As brown, especially the one used here, is a fairly warm colour when used on a red or burgandy to my eye they are just too similar to work, it looks like a printing mistake, minimal colour science mostly personal taste but there you have it, that's why I dont like the Red(Burgandy)/Brown colour combo, never have.

Like I said I like the idea bringing some consistency throughout the striping on the uniform, I think that's clever and something simple that a great many people have overlooked in favour of something radical when it comes to 9ers redesigns, but I'm not keen on the brown. IMO if you were to lose the brown altogether trim the numbers in a gold outline you'd be pretty close to spot on as far as I'm concerned, it'd be simple but classic.


Brown on red will look fine IMO. I think a subtle drop shadow is a better option than a shadow that is overbearing. But I guess that's just me.

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Everything is good, but I'm not a fan of the black outlining. In fact, not a fan of black at all on the 49ers uniforms. Also, I think the helmet numbers should be split and not on the same side.

It's dark brown actually.

I said that in the intro paragraph.



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