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CFL uniforms


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Moving on now to the CFL, this thread is where I just let my creativity flow. Unlike my NFL thread, since the CFL is currently only eight teams, I'll be able to do the whole league. I'll do these alphabetically, which means here are your:


My favorite feature of the uniforms are the socks. As for the whole uniforms themselves, I didn't want to make them too crazy, because I know that there has to be room for the sponsorship patches that CFL players wear on the uniforms. Other than that, what say y'all, Canadians and others? flagcanada.gif

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Some good ideas here, but consistency must be key. You've got two different helmets and two different sets of stripes on the jersey; pick one and go with it.

I also notice that, as with your NFL 2060 concepts, you've got TV numbers running over stripes on one of the sets. Either have stripes on the sleeve and numbers on the shoulder, or vice versa; numbers running over stripes are nigh on impossible to read.

As well, the number font is too thin and spindly, again making it very hard to read from a distance. Pick something bolder and thicker. I'm not saying you have to use a standard varsity block all the time, but I don't think something like this will work very well.

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Since these next two teams are from the same province, I thought I would present them together, so here are your:


...and here are your:


The "horseshoe" on the away helmet for the Stamps is really just the letter "C" turned on its side. If you tilt your head 90 degrees to the left, you'll see what I mean.


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I think that you should do the away version of the home jersey, so that the set remains consistent. The hemlmet seems out there, I think a may traditional helmet would be more of the way to go.

The alternate is cool, I would recommend getting rid of the current logo under the collar tho. WOuldn't make sense having that on a retro jersey ... unless you weren't going for retro :$



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I think that you should do the away version of the home jersey, so that the set remains consistent. The hemlmet seems out there, I think a may traditional helmet would be more of the way to go.

The alternate is cool, I would recommend getting rid of the current logo under the collar tho. WOuldn't make sense having that on a retro jersey ... unless you weren't going for retro :$

I don't see an alternate on there, just the home and away uni sets. And no...I wasn't going for retro.

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I think that Korbyn is assuming that there would be a white jersey (which there probably should be, by the way), and therefore the yellow jersey would be relegated to an alternate.

Personally, I can't stand the number font on this one. It's almost illegible. In general, these are fairly simple jerseys, and I think a basic block font would look nice. Also, the home helmet is a little too busy. I'd eliminate the TIGER CATS wordmark, and maybe have a black facemask.


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You need to rethink all of your number fonts. Hamiltons is just terrible and illegible. Then you have impact and altered copperplate, copperplate rarely looks good in the first place, and when you consider how overused it is, it just doesn't work here. The BC font is also too stretched out and the gaps would make it hard to read. Finally, all your pants look the same, dont be afraid to not use a three stripe pant and go for something modern to match the shoulder inserts, like on Hamilton, especially.

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You need to rethink all of your number fonts. Hamiltons is just terrible and illegible. Then you have impact and altered copperplate, copperplate rarely looks good in the first place, and when you consider how overused it is, it just doesn't work here. The BC font is also too stretched out and the gaps would make it hard to read. Finally, all your pants look the same, dont be afraid to not use a three stripe pant and go for something modern to match the shoulder inserts, like on Hamilton, especially.

I guess I'm unwilling to satisfy y'all tastes, because this thread is where I let my creativity flow, and doesn't necessarily mean that these designs are the end-all be-all for these teams. See, one of the first words in describing my design philosophy is "experimental". This thread (and most of my future threads, if there's any more in the future) is all about whatever I'm feeling from day-to-day, and in general, may come off as garish when it should be traditional, and vice versa. Speaking of traditional, I, in general, dislike the word (because I think of "boring" when I hear it), but that doesn't mean that I don't know a good design when I see it (The Montreal Alouettes' throwback helmet is my favorite). It's just that I don't do traditional designs, because they bore me. I say that if you want to see a completely traditional look, don't look at one of my threads. Avoid them if you have to.

The point I'm trying to make here is that these are concepts, plain and simple, and aren't necessarily meant to be worn on gameday. That doesn't mean, however, that I don't take what y'all say into consideration (I love what someone has to say about the concepts I create) for my next thread, because once again, this thread is about scratching my creative itch until it's Calgary red. :D

For the record, the font you, elliott, call "Impact" is actually called Haettenschweiler. Also, the pants look the same because I'm going for a collection of looks, so there has to be some consistency from look-to-look.

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I have been amazed at what people think is so great about your NFL 2060 concepts and the CFL designs for a while so I thought I'd comment. Personally, theses jerseys do nothing for me. Most of them have the same striping pattern on the shoulders or a variation of it. The fonts you are using are pretty pathetic-looking as well. I understand that you mentioned having a collection of looks so that's why certain features are the same. To that I say look at the UFl. There is nothing good about those uniforms because they not only use awful colors but have the EXACT same design. The purpose of designing is to give a unique identity to something, which you absolutely have not done with this thread. Hattenschweiler is pretty much the same as Impact, so you really don't have much of an argument there.

That said, you have potential to do a really good job with these. I think it would serve you well to really take a creative license with these designs to make them more unique.

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I have been amazed at what people think is so great about your NFL 2060 concepts and the CFL designs for a while so I thought I'd comment. Personally, theses jerseys do nothing for me. Most of them have the same striping pattern on the shoulders or a variation of it. The fonts you are using are pretty pathetic-looking as well. I understand that you mentioned having a collection of looks so that's why certain features are the same. To that I say look at the UFl. There is nothing good about those uniforms because they not only use awful colors but have the EXACT same design. The purpose of designing is to give a unique identity to something, which you absolutely have not done with this thread. Hattenschweiler is pretty much the same as Impact, so you really don't have much of an argument there.

That said, you have potential to do a really good job with these. I think it would serve you well to really take a creative license with these designs to make them more unique.

Thank you for the encouragement, sergei. :grin:

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Honestly, I've seen four unis so far in this thread and not one has a decent number font (the closest being the Eskimos with the Impact font, and that's still stretching it).

Some of the ideas are good; I happen to love the BC wrap-around helmet. However, I'd definitely re-think the numbers... Or at least make them shorter.


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I have been amazed at what people think is so great about your NFL 2060 concepts and the CFL designs for a while so I thought I'd comment. Personally, theses jerseys do nothing for me. Most of them have the same striping pattern on the shoulders or a variation of it. The fonts you are using are pretty pathetic-looking as well. I understand that you mentioned having a collection of looks so that's why certain features are the same. To that I say look at the UFl. There is nothing good about those uniforms because they not only use awful colors but have the EXACT same design. The purpose of designing is to give a unique identity to something, which you absolutely have not done with this thread. Hattenschweiler is pretty much the same as Impact, so you really don't have much of an argument there.

That said, you have potential to do a really good job with these. I think it would serve you well to really take a creative license with these designs to make them more unique.

Thank you for the encouragement, sergei. :grin:

No problem. May I direct you to eriqjafffe's Font Resource. That has most of the current NFL, NHL, MLB, etc. number and letter sets. I would use that as inspiration (ie: don't be afraid to modify or create new numbers) and also look for the Varsity Block letters that are in that package somewhere

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Here's a little Grey Cup treat for y'all, because here are your:


For these unis, I wanted to go a bit more traditional than what I've been doing for past teams. For the home look, I decided to go half-traditional, half-modern, with a silver(helmet)-red(jersey)-silver(pants)-red(socks) color palette, with touches of blue thrown in for good measure. The away look is all-white, with red lettering on the front, and the same white lettering on the shoulders as the home jersey to tie the two unis together. The helmet stripes also tie these looks together.

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Montreal definately needs a rebrand since they currently wear 5 different jerseys but the 2 color shoulder thing they have now is what makes them recognizable in dare I say the whole football world and you just can't take it out of their look.

I'm not hating the design you've made, it just doesn't say Alouettes, I do like Saskatchewan's home jersey though, looks a bit like the Atlanta Thrashers which works for them with the whole wheat theme they have going on !

My 2 cents ;)

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Speaking of traditional, I, in general, dislike the word (because I think of "boring" when I hear it), but that doesn't mean that I don't know a good design when I see it (The Montreal Alouettes' throwback helmet is my favorite). It's just that I don't do traditional designs, because they bore me.

So you find traditional designs boring, but your favourite CFL helmet is the traditionally styled Als throwbacks? :therock:

Anyway that aside, I do understand where you're coming from, with your concepts acting as a creative medium. That being said, you really need to work on your number fonts. Not every number set has to be standard block, but something that's both different and legible would do wonders. I don't mean to sound overly critical, but very few of these number fonts work, even on a creative level.

Also, outright dismissing ideas because you claim your concepts are "just me being creative" isn't the best attitude to take. If you do that you'll box yourself in and never improve yourself. You don't have to bend over backward to please everyone, but don't shut out ALL c&c either.

Anyway, your concepts at hand. They all seem to rotate among two-three different templates. You have Texans style, Packers style, and Colts style. Granted, this is more realistic, this being the CFL and all ( <_< ). Still, try coming up with some new templates.

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