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Bosox Concept


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Well, I know that the Boston Red Sox unis are one of those uniforms that have gone through time and been changed very little... But the one thing I didn't like about the Boston Red Sox was that they didn't use much red, and it seemed like the dark blue was the main color... So in this one, this takes away the dark blue & red, and replaces it with maroon & white

BoSox Concept EDIT

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Its about time someone decided to kick up the red for the Sox.

I think the jerseys you did are fine, nothing IMO that needs to really be altered.

I'm just not 100% behind the caps. To me, the caps looks like they're to be worn be a College/High-School baseball team. I think it's the maroon and the white... just sorta reminds me of the Bayside Tigers color scheme/style from Saved By The Bell.

The completely red cap with white "B" is alright, and I don't really mind the white cap (and I normally hate white caps, but in this case, it looks alright to me)... the only problem is the red cap w/ white brim. I wish I could give you some suggestions for the caps, but I'm drawing blanks. The only thing I can think of would be to scale down the "B" on the caps, they're a bit too big.

Otherwise, job well done my good man.

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I like this (which is amazing because my inner workings do not allow me to like anything related to the Red Sox).

Just a few little things...I'd think about putting "BOSTON" across the road jersey. And I like the B, but I agree with Starchild that it's too big. Also, I'm not crazy about having the logo on both sleeves.

But it's darned good, especially considering you're just getting started.

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It makes all the sence in the world for the RED sox to have more red.

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It would really help if we could see those images in higher quality. I like the red jerseys but they need a little of something else besides red.


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well, their socks have been red, so it never really bothered me much. the white sox, now that's a different story (they'd need alternate pants or stirrups)

the maroon, i'm not too high on. this is actually good for a newb, tho. stick around, pull up a chair, you'll like it here :D


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These aren't bad, I guess Boston could use more red but like someone else mentioned these are a little too high school/college looking for me. Also, speaking of socks, why the hell did Boston ever ditch their sweet-ass striped ones that they'd had since the days of Ted Williams? Now they have boring-ass solid red ones that look terrible. I just don't get it.

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They're alright, but they need a trim color. like everyone else said, they look like a college team. Just throw some navy blue arount the lettering and the stripes and you'll be aight.


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