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Colts green alt


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Been an idea I've had for a while, I finally get around to finishing it. Yes, not exactly the color that comes to mind when you think Colts, but it'll make sense when you think about it.


The underlying message of the uniform, I guess you could say "Colts: from start to finish"


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I like this as a one-off. It's a fun concept, and thought out. Not a fan of the shoulder stripes though. Maybe if f you were to leave the checkers for the pants and keep the current Colts stripe set on the Jersey (I mean green with blue and white stripes).

If nothing else, the NFL Shop would sell plenty for St. Pats...


Courtesy chapeeko

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Always nice to see a Discrim concept, and this one definitely doesn't disappoint. I never knew that the Colts originally wore green, nor about the racing flag, so in theory, this concept makes sense. Another outside-the-box idea, Discrim, and I love it!

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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The helmeted Colt has always been one of my fave sports logos. Wish they still used it. This is an interesting concept. One suggestion is to exchange the TV numbers and colt logo, placing the numbers on the shoulders and the colt on the sleeve. I'd also eliminate the pants logo and just go all checkered stripe. The logo looks odd and kind of lost wedged in there.


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As someone else said, this is a great one-offer. You can tell that you had a bit of fun with this look. I wish I could think outside of the box as consistently as you can, Discrimihater.

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heh, any lighter and this would nearly be lime green (I was aiming for kelly green here). And before I settled on this look, I'll describe what I almost released: blue/white checkered sleeves, shadow checkers on the torso, TV #s on the shoulders. That looked even less Colt-like than this does, so I didn't even bother to save it.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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i'm not a big fan of this. just doesn't look right. not sure about the stripes or the logo, and definitely not the green. It may look better in just white, gray and blue... but isn't working.



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