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Reebok F**** up Devils Green Jersey

Bobby 21

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I think the whole "Team X has Christmas colours" argument never made sense to me. Do people accuse the Bengals and Flyers of wearing Halloween colours? No. So why are red and green teams tied to Christmas? Seems like a weak connection to make.

Really? :blink:

Lets all be a little more serious here and stop trying to ignore the obvious connection that red and green have to Christmas.

Its not like those two colors have been used together prominently in pro sports. Take Red, white and blue for example. Should we label people nim-wits for trying to make the American Flag connection??? But when you are talking about two colors, that are not used very commonly together in uniform design but are overused during the biggest holiday in the year then I don't think the connection is that far off. I find it impossible to believe that the average American who sees the colors red and green won't initially think of Christmas. Think of how many times the average person sees the colors red and green? Other than a traffic light, I would imagine that the Christmas season would be up there. Designers and artists who work with colors everyday may have a different take on those colors, but not the average person IMO.

In regards to the McDonald's colors...again, the bright red and yellow are most commonly seen and associated with the fast food giant. They aren't very commonly used together in pro sports. I agree that although associating those colors to McDonalds may involve a bit of overly simplistic thinking, its not unusual given the annoying marketing onslaught that the American public is victim to on a daily basis.

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Again though, I come back to orange and black. Those colours are as much associated with Halloween as red and green are associated with Christmas (in fact I would argue that orange and black are more closely tied to their holiday then red and black are). Yet no one brings Halloween up when discussing the Orioles, Giants, or Flyers' looks. So why the go-to Christmas reaction whenever a team uses red and green?

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Again though, I come back to orange and black. Those colours are as much associated with Halloween as red and green are associated with Christmas (in fact I would argue that orange and black are more closely tied to their holiday then red and black are). Yet no one brings Halloween up when discussing the Orioles, Giants, or Flyers' looks. So why the go-to Christmas reaction whenever a team uses red and green?

Well in all honesty I would argue that unless you have orange used prominently with black as a secondary color (like the Bengal's orange jerseys) then the Halloween reference might not be as obvious.

Again, comparing Halloween to Christmas might be apples to oranges in this case. One lasts a day and mostly serves to remind you that even though you dress them in funny costumes, kids are generally still f-ing annoying. The other brings families and friends together from all corners of the country to gather together to share a special dinner and exchange crappy gifts so you can be reminded that no matter how much you drink or eat people are generally f-ing annoying.

Hmmm....not sure where I'm going with this but at least I've been able to reconfirm my cynicism about holidays :P

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We all know that Christmas is a time when people of all religions get together to worship jesus christ.

However a hockey game in March doesn't evoke thoughts of Christmas. It's all about context. There's no burgers on the Houston Rockets' court, so I never thought of McDonalds when they wore red and yellow. Also, when I was a kid, I never once thought of Christmas when I watched the Devils play. Context.

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We all know that Christmas is a time when people of all religions get together to worship jesus christ.

However a hockey game in March doesn't evoke thoughts of Christmas. It's all about context. There's no burgers on the Houston Rockets' court, so I never thought of McDonalds when they wore red and yellow. Also, when I was a kid, I never once thought of Christmas when I watched the Devils play. Context.

LOL! "all religions" Hilarious!

That being said...

I think you are missing the point here.

Regardless of "context" (in this case hockey) colors can still evoke a reference to something other. If I drive by a house in June that is garishly painted bright red and green will I first think of the old New Jersey Devils or Christmas? Again, everyone is different and its impossible to determine what every person in the world would think. But in this case I really think that making that generalization is not that far off. The fact that so many hockey fans refer to the old Devils jerseys as the "Christmas Colors Jerseys" further reinforces the reference to Christmas is not rare. You may not have thought of Xmas while watching the Devils, but I would argue that most people did at some point.

Its pretty safe to say that if you are going to choose the colors red and green for your team you will no doubt be facing the possibility that people will link the colors to Xmas in some way at some point.

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I haven't heard the new Bucks uniforms referred to as Christmas unis. Nor the Wild (though their red isn't a true red, at least I don't think it is.)

Slightly off topic - it sucks that the Bucks are in Milwaukee and nobody really sees or cares about them, because those uniforms really need more exposure. They're fantastic.

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I haven't heard the new Bucks uniforms referred to as Christmas unis. Nor the Wild (though their red isn't a true red, at least I don't think it is.)

Slightly off topic - it sucks that the Bucks are in Milwaukee and nobody really sees or cares about them, because those uniforms really need more exposure. They're fantastic.

I agree. I hated their old green and red unis, but somehow they made these work. Don't get me wrong...I don't hate red and green, I actually love the color combo. I just think teams are not really good at using them in their identity. The original Minnesota Wild unis are quite possibly the best use of red and green ever. Its a total crime and shame that they got rid of the green jerseys in place of the red primary.

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I think the whole "Team X has Christmas colours" argument never made sense to me. Do people accuse the Bengals and Flyers of wearing Halloween colours? No. So why are red and green teams tied to Christmas? Seems like a weak connection to make.

Really? :blink:

Lets all be a little more serious here and stop trying to ignore the obvious connection that red and green have to Christmas.

Its not like those two colors have been used together prominently in pro sports. Take Red, white and blue for example. Should we label people nim-wits for trying to make the American Flag connection??? But when you are talking about two colors, that are not used very commonly together in uniform design but are overused during the biggest holiday in the year then I don't think the connection is that far off. I find it impossible to believe that the average American who sees the colors red and green won't initially think of Christmas. Think of how many times the average person sees the colors red and green? Other than a traffic light, I would imagine that the Christmas season would be up there. Designers and artists who work with colors everyday may have a different take on those colors, but not the average person IMO.

In regards to the McDonald's colors...again, the bright red and yellow are most commonly seen and associated with the fast food giant. They aren't very commonly used together in pro sports. I agree that although associating those colors to McDonalds may involve a bit of overly simplistic thinking, its not unusual given the annoying marketing onslaught that the American public is victim to on a daily basis.

You, too, are trying to speak for others. If you see it one way, it does not mean others feel the same.

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I think the whole "Team X has Christmas colours" argument never made sense to me. Do people accuse the Bengals and Flyers of wearing Halloween colours? No. So why are red and green teams tied to Christmas? Seems like a weak connection to make.

Really? :blink:

Lets all be a little more serious here and stop trying to ignore the obvious connection that red and green have to Christmas.

Its not like those two colors have been used together prominently in pro sports. Take Red, white and blue for example. Should we label people nim-wits for trying to make the American Flag connection??? But when you are talking about two colors, that are not used very commonly together in uniform design but are overused during the biggest holiday in the year then I don't think the connection is that far off. I find it impossible to believe that the average American who sees the colors red and green won't initially think of Christmas. Think of how many times the average person sees the colors red and green? Other than a traffic light, I would imagine that the Christmas season would be up there. Designers and artists who work with colors everyday may have a different take on those colors, but not the average person IMO.

In regards to the McDonald's colors...again, the bright red and yellow are most commonly seen and associated with the fast food giant. They aren't very commonly used together in pro sports. I agree that although associating those colors to McDonalds may involve a bit of overly simplistic thinking, its not unusual given the annoying marketing onslaught that the American public is victim to on a daily basis.

You, too, are trying to speak for others. If you see it one way, it does not mean others feel the same.

I think you are speaking the obvious here. Of course "it does not mean others feel the same" I never said that they all do. But to label people nit wits for making that connection is pretty off base in this case. Thats what I was commenting on.

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That picture would be 1000x cooler if you had a mustache.

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Totally a dude relaxing in a lawn chair. File this one in the "hidden meanings in logos" thread.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Man I wish they'd never changed.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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