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Too Cliparty?


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If you want to fix the clip-arty look, you have to:

1) Eliminate all the little pieces: You have too much going on here. Simplify

2) Make the design flow together better. There are too many quirks and ridges. Simple curves and shapes.

3) Increase the size of the lower jaw.

4) Use consistent black outlines all the way around. There are places you have a thick outline (top of head) and then places where there is no outline at all...

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I made this picture of a tiger but I get the feeling that he's too clip arty...any ideas on how to fix this?



I'm gonna agree with GFB, there are to many individual parts right now, that's not to say you dont need them all but if you could find ways to connect some of them it would help simplify the piece. Easy example might be three lines you have on the left side to indicate where the whiskers are, rather than being individual shapes they could be points that grow from the outline of the head. I'm not saying eliminate all the individual shapes you have but see if you can find ways to combine some of them and create stronger shapes. I'd look at making the fur around the lower jaw slightly more regular as well.

I'd also take a look at the perspective between the upper and lower jaw, I dont think the two match at the moment, it's not off by much but it does appear slightly off.

I think you're less clip art than you might think, it's a great start and with a bit of polishing I think you'll be fine. Look forward to seeing this progress.


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I reiterate what others said about the gradients and removing elements and simplifying the overall piece. Also, concentrate on line weight. Right now, you've got a lot of variation. it would probably help greatly if you made most of the strokes consistent.


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4) Use consistent black outlines all the way around. There are places you have a thick outline (top of head) and then places where there is no outline at all...

I don't know about this one. I think having certain areas defined by only an implied outline can add some energy and dynamism. I don't think every logo needs to be completely contained by that thick black outline we all love.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

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4) Use consistent black outlines all the way around. There are places you have a thick outline (top of head) and then places where there is no outline at all...

I don't know about this one. I think having certain areas defined by only an implied outline can add some energy and dynamism. I don't think every logo needs to be completely contained by that thick black outline we all love.

Yeah, I agree with that. But there needs to be a rhyme or reason to it, not completely random as it is now...

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sorry but outlines dont help logos.

theyre just a distraction. it was better before. GFB is right, simplify some of the stripes, keep your line widths consistent and thick, id stick a line down the tongue to give it some detail and perhaps just darken up the eyes a little and youll have a great logo.

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Ok heres the rundown...

1) Line in tongue added

2) Lower Right hand side fur line changed

3) Simplification of the largest stripe

4) Thickness added to some of the thinner lines

5) Removed Outlines


For those who would like to see it with an outline...


Thanks a million to you guys for helping me develop this!



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The tongue os the one thing that bothers me the most... It looks like he's swallowing it.

It should "sit" in the lower part of the mouth / jaw.

What is the thin long white shape beside the tongue?

And maybe you should share the source of inspiration you're basing it on: photo, drawing, clipart?

It may help people give you directions on where to add and where to cut...

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The tongue os the one thing that bothers me the most... It looks like he's swallowing it.

It should "sit" in the lower part of the mouth / jaw.

What is the thin long white shape beside the tongue?

And maybe you should share the source of inspiration you're basing it on: photo, drawing, clipart?

It may help people give you directions on where to add and where to cut...

This is my original picture...I actually found in on here in some other thread one time, someone was using it as an example of what a tiger looked like.




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Ok heres the rundown...

1) Line in tongue added

2) Lower Right hand side fur line changed

3) Simplification of the largest stripe

4) Thickness added to some of the thinner lines

5) Removed Outlines


Thanks a million to you guys for helping me develop this!

Biggest issue I can see right now is the top teeth, the left hand side (it's right) is far to high. The gumline for want of a better word should curve and the peak of the curve should be somewhere around the centre of the mouth, where the cheeks meet at the nose. But your teeth just keep on rising til the hit the far side of the mouth and it's throwing off the perspective of the top and bottom parts of the head.

If I've not explained it clearly enough sit your logo over top of the photo and then lower the opacity and you should be able to see what I mean.

Good job with all the changes you've made though they are really starting to pay off, still some more to do but it's coming on strong!


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Ok heres the rundown...

1) Line in tongue added

2) Lower Right hand side fur line changed

3) Simplification of the largest stripe

4) Thickness added to some of the thinner lines

5) Removed Outlines


Thanks a million to you guys for helping me develop this!

Biggest issue I can see right now is the top teeth, the left hand side (it's right) is far to high. The gumline for want of a better word should curve and the peak of the curve should be somewhere around the centre of the mouth, where the cheeks meet at the nose. But your teeth just keep on rising til the hit the far side of the mouth and it's throwing off the perspective of the top and bottom parts of the head.

If I've not explained it clearly enough sit your logo over top of the photo and then lower the opacity and you should be able to see what I mean.

Good job with all the changes you've made though they are really starting to pay off, still some more to do but it's coming on strong!


I noticed that too actually I forgot to change it...How's this?


And Frenchie or anyone for that matter, any ideas on how to change the tongue?



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Your latest update is getting there. As far as the tongue goes, I agree with others that it needs to be reduced in size and receded into the back of the mouth a bit. It's great that you've used a photo as a starting point, but don't be afraid to deviate from that drastically if the logo needs it--for instance, I'd say push the tongue back into the mouth; show much less of it (more black, less orange in the mouth); and let the left edge (his right) of the mouth be one smooth curve.

Other than that, I still think you could stand to simplify a tad more and lose a few more shapes/elements, but this has come along very nicely.


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