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You should get over the fact that North Jersey = New York City Suburb and South Jersey = Philadelphia Suburb.

The Jersey Shore however, no one wants to claim.

Except MTV, but no one likes them anymore. :P

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My only problem with it is that the Jersey Tomato in the background looks more like an apple.

It isn't an apple?

Figured it was a play on 'big apple'.

He was playing the "Jersey Props!" card. The one which pretends Northern New Jersey isn't a New York suburb. That's what prompted joshuamings' comment.

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You should get over the fact that North Jersey = New York City Suburb and South Jersey = Philadelphia Suburb.

The Jersey Shore however, no one wants to claim.

My only problem with it is that the Jersey Tomato in the background looks more like an apple.

It isn't an apple?

Figured it was a play on 'big apple'.

He was playing the "Jersey Props!" card. The one which pretends Northern New Jersey isn't a New York suburb. That's what prompted joshuamings' comment.

You're assuming that I think that part of Northern NJ is not a suburb of NYC. I am well aware that it's a suburb as I have lived here all my life and I love NJ, just as must as I love NYC. That doesn't mean, however, that NJ has to surrender its identity to NYC. NJ is not NYC (for better or worse) just as LI and Westchester have identities that are very much their own. There are lots of symbols that would represent the NYC metro area while including the state in which the actual game would be played (the Statue of Liberty being the most obvious), but the apple is not one of those symbols. Besides, my original comment was more in jest than an actual complaint.

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