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Georgia State University Logo Concept

Brave-Bird 08

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Well, this concept is an extension of two things. One, it's kind of a follow up from my recent Kennesaw State redesign. Someone mentioned on another thread that I should try a redo for Georgia State. I'm going to try to find that post.

Also, GAState is one of the next three teams I'm doing for my CFB uniform overhaul, which is started furuther down the concepts board. I tried redesigned logos last year (ex: Idaho), but I'm going to take that more seriously this time around.

GAState recently went through a...well...not too good rebranding. Their "official" school colors are blue and white, but black and red always gets mixed in. I figured I would use that to my advantage, and give them a more stunning logo...one that would look good on the spicy uniforms I'm going to do in the series :grin:

So here it is. Nice and big. This is draft 1, and if you followed my KSU concept you know tons of updates are to come...but I'm going to keep this on a shorter timetable b/c it's part of a bigger series.


I'm going to get a script to go with it rendered tomorrow. Drop in some comments, here and on my college football uniform overhaul thread!

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The black around his left eye really looks odd. It's not like there's a shadow happening, so it just looks like he's got a black patch of fur around his eye. Same with the area around the left side of the nose. It appears that you may have tried too hard to make it not totally symmetrical, when symmetry isn't always a bad thing. I'd either add some kind of "light source" and re-do the shading / shadowing on the whole face, or elimate it all and just play it straight with this one.

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Better, but there's still no rhyme or reason for the black on his left. Also, his right (viewer's left) ear looks to be bigger than the left.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Pretty solid concept, but something about it still doesn't look like a panther to me (or a cat for that matter). It might be the eyes and how the way they are positioned around the nose, so I would just scrap them all together,; the eyes are usually rounder and angled downward. Panthers generally have much bigger cheeks, and the bridge of their nose is usually wider (it will also catch most of the light in between the eyes, too. The shadow, if any, would most likely be beside the nose.) Here's a pic for reference:


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Brave Bird, I was the one who suggested it and I really like this a lot...

I'm still working on teaching myself inkscape and getting up the nerve to work out some concepts...until then, I will enjoy looking at stuff like this.

Trying to think who else is in the bottom 10...Maine, Ga St., etc.

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