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New Era Pinstripe Bowl Logo

Silent Wind of Doom

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I'm just wondering why the logo for the newest bowl game hasn't been added to the site yet? It's been around for over a year now, I believe.

This is a simple question, though, so let's open it up a little bit so we don't get one question and the topic's over. Here's the logo:


What's your opinion of the logo?

While I like seeing the facade and the Yankees colors, I weep for the lack of the New York skyline, or a distinguishing mark that says "New York City" instead of "New York Yankees". This is the first time in a long time that a bowl game has been held in New York, and it would be nice to see the city celebrated.



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It's not suppose to represent New York City. It's all about the Yankees, period. The Yankees don't give a damn about NYC, they care about the Yankees and this is just another way of showing that. If this was about NYC, it would be in the Meadowlands and be called the Big Apple Bowl or the NYC Bowl. This is pure Yankee marketing, to get more money in their pockets.



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It's not suppose to represent New York City. It's all about the Yankees, period. The Yankees don't give a damn about NYC, they care about the Yankees and this is just another way of showing that. If this was about NYC, it would be in the Meadowlands and be called the Big Apple Bowl or the NYC Bowl. This is pure Yankee marketing, to get more money in their pockets.



My asinine tweets: https://twitter.com/Milla_Nilla

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i think its well designed and well built, though at that size the football looks a bit busy or even clip art like. it may have 1 too many strokes, but i like this logo overall. i wouldnt mind actually seeing some pinstripes though, either in the type or the blue background




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Simple logo and nice looking. It's better than a lot of bowl logos, but still something is missing. Maybe more "pin stripes" :therock:

Kansas-BB-banner.png My-son-Soldier-banner.png

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It's not suppose to represent New York City. It's all about the Yankees, period. The Yankees don't give a damn about NYC, they care about the Yankees and this is just another way of showing that. If this was about NYC, it would be in the Meadowlands and be called the Big Apple Bowl or the NYC Bowl. This is pure Yankee marketing, to get more money in their pockets.



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It's not suppose to represent New York City. It's all about the Yankees, period. The Yankees don't give a damn about NYC, they care about the Yankees and this is just another way of showing that. If this was about NYC, it would be in the Meadowlands and be called the Big Apple Bowl or the NYC Bowl. This is pure Yankee marketing, to get more money in their pockets.

The Yankees own the bowl game itself, so why shouldn't they accentuate their brand?

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Silent Wind of Doom? :blink: Anyone else notice that this latest crop of rookies is coming up with some strange (and wordy) screen names?

Actually, this is the same name I've been using since we first got AOL in 1998. It was a reference to my all-time favorite episode of the Angry Beavers, which I believe was still airing at the time.

Awesomely, I have finally found a video of the episode, which I've seen maybe twice in the last ten years.


Of course, if you want wordy, I could have gone with another reference from when I was younger: The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight!

I'll get to the other posts later.



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